A Hymn: God’s Hand
Mar 1:41 “And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.”
Composer’s Foreword: I do not know how to put my composed words into tonic solfa format, but having learnt however remotely how to compose songs using local Yoruba format, I decide to come with a work around on how to make my songs internationally acceptable, therefore, I have been mimicking some hymns which I believe anyone who knows how to sing such hymn globally would be able to sing along with me my composed song using the tune that I have used beneath.
Having said this, I sincerely invite you to join me in singing this newly composed song, because I know music yea songs is one of the things that makes heart merry lifting hearts out of the cauldron of darkness that the enemies may have subjected people to and draws heart closer to God and his blessings.
Praying, hoping and trusting that you will be blessed with the song as you sing along with me and if you do not know the tune, I sincerely trust that God will bless your hearts, homes and all that is yours as you read the wordings of the newly composed song.
The Tune of Hymn to Use
“Hear Thou our prayer oh Lord
For the children giv’n to us
Allot them in Thy blessin
And joy of heav’n give to them”
The Composed Song
1. The hand of the Holy God
Parted red sea an’ riv’r Jordan
Making God’s people to pass
On a dry land to other side
2. The hand of the Holy One
Was against the enemies of his Own
Smiting them with emerods
Destroying the gods they have
3. The hand of the Almighty
Was upon wife of his servant
The king an’ servants b’come impotent
Preserving dignity of his servant’s wife
4. The hand of Jehovah Elohim
Provideth for birds and lilies of the field
This hand ‘ll surely provide for
Those who are named after the Lord
5. The hand of Jehovah Rapha
Touched the land of Jericho
Healed the land of all curses
Liberating his own chosen nation
6. The hand of Jesus Son of God
When on earth touched many sick folks
Healing and restoring their health
Making everything very perfect
7. Touch me now, touch me my dear Lord
I have come to Thee for a touch
Touch me now and I shall be whole
Giving praises ever to thy name