It gets to the market
Of the community
But none priced it
For it was presented raw
To the people, in its raw nature
It is not beautiful to behold
All who sees it passed by it
Some hissed and shake their heads
Whole beholding it
It becomes the talk of the town
Yet its appearance pushed people
Off it, it couldn't be readily accepted
The owner was called aside
By a friend who discussed at
Length with him
And one of the resolutions
Is ensure that this material
Passes through some forms
Of refining
So that it becomes beautiful
And would be attractive to nay
Fewer people on the society
If the appearance is well worked
Upon and it looks more comely
To all passers by
Whether in the market
Or at the most hidden part
Of the community
Not only those who have eyes
Will buy it, even those without
Sights will buy it
Because those with eyes
Will proclaim its beauty to
Those without sights which
Will make them look for it
To be purchased
After reasoning together
The owner went an extra length
To get the material
Refined and redefined
The refining and the redefining
Gulped extra money and took
A while to complete
Some parts of the originality
Were lost during the process
Leaving about 35% of the
Originality in place
While the remaining 65% were
Fake and substances were added
To make it attractive to people
But as the counselor has advised
People love it in this new nature
Than when it was 100% pure
Soon enough it becomes the
Talk of the town and it will
Soon be spread to other
Parts of the globe
They purchased it all
Even at exorbitant price
Though low in quality and
Those without sights
Weren't left out
This new material did not last
Long but the raw One, which
Contains 100% of the original
Substance, not beautiful and
Cheaper prices last longer.
People were after the trend not
After the originality nor the truth.
(The End)