(“The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” (Exo 14:14))
Composer’s Foreword: I do not know how to put my composed words into tonic solfa format, but having learnt however remotely how to compose songs using local Yoruba format, I decide to come with a work around on how to make my songs internationally acceptable, therefore, I have been mimicking some hymns which I believe anyone who knows how to sing such hymn globally would be able to sing along with me my composed song using the tune that I have used beneath.
Having said this, I sincerely invite you to join me in singing this newly composed song, because I know music yea songs is one of the things that makes heart merry lifting hearts out of the cauldron of darkness that the enemies may have subjected people to and draws heart closer to God and his blessings.
The Tune of Hymn to Use
“Be ready to plead Thy cause
Jesus wants to hear Thy prayer,
He has said that you should pray,
For that reason, He will hear.”
The Composed Song
1. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
Your enemies I ‘ll put to shame
For I am the defender
Of the defenseless people
2. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
I ‘ll scatter thine enemies
Those who gather’d against thee
They shall fall ‘ven for thine sake
3. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
I ‘ll put your ‘nemies to flight
They ‘ll flee when none pursues
For am Mighty man of battle
4. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
Thine enemies like brass ‘ll sink
Yea in the multitudes of water
They ‘ll sink not to rise again
5. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
I ‘ll trouble those who trouble thee
Becomin’ enemy to thine ‘nemies
Curseth those who curseth thee
6. I ‘ll fight for you oh my child
Thou therefore shall hold your peace
And see me even at work
Destroying thine enemies base.