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A Hymn: Jesus The Great Physician

A Hymn: Jesus The Great Physician

(“And besought him greatly, saying, my little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.” (Mar 5:23))

Composer’s Foreword: I do not know how to put my composed words into tonic solfa format, but having learnt however remotely how to compose songs using local Yoruba format, I decide to come with a work around on how to make my songs internationally acceptable, therefore, I have been mimicking some hymns which I believe anyone who knows how to sing such hymn globally would be able to sing along with me my composed song using the tune that I have used beneath.

Having said this, I sincerely invite you to join me in singing this newly composed song, because I know music yea songs is one of the things that makes heart merry lifting hearts out of the cauldron of darkness that the enemies may have subjected people to and draws heart closer to God and his blessings.

Praying, hoping and trusting that you will be blessed with the song as you sing along with me and if you do not know the tune, I sincerely trust that God will bless your hearts, homes and all that is yours as you read the wordings of the newly composed song.

The Tune of Hymn to Use

“Our great Captain and our Savior

These children we give to Thee

Pray, make them fit for thy service

Heirs off life these children are.”

Composed Song

1. Jesus thou the Great physician

Unto thee I have come to

Even with all my ‘nfirmities

Yea pleading for thy mercy

2. Jesus thou the Great physician

You have said all who comes to you

Thou ‘ll in no wise cast away

But you ‘ll have compassion on ‘em

3. Jesus thou the Great physician

A’thority in heaven an’ on earth is yours

A’thority to heal and to set free

Yea and to make whole again

4. Jesus thou the Great physician

Pour thy fresh oil even on me

That all yokes on me be broken

And I be freed yea indeed

5. Jesus thou the Great physician

I ‘ve come to touch hem of thy garment

That virtue of healin’ may enter my body

And I be truly healed indeed

6. Jesus thou the Great physician

Speak a word even into my life

And source of ‘nfirmities on me

Instantly shall be dried up

Jesus thou the Great physician

Am pleading tht thou heal me

For if thou be willing to heal me

I shall be truly healed indeed

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