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A Pondering Heart

A) In The Room

Oil lamp stand

1. As I opened my

Eyes to the world

Behold I have woken up,

2. Still lying on my

Mat my mind troubled

Me what is happening?

3. The reasons for this

Heaviness of heart in

Me Is yet unclear.

4. I rolled to the

Right and to the

Left at this position

5. After a while, sat

I at the edge of

my palm-frond made mat


6. I Tried to figure

Out what it was

The matter could be

7. It was horrifying to

Discover that I was

Unable to figure out anything

8. What can be happening?

No one in particular

Is being talked to

9. Me and me alone

In particular is being

Addressed at this position

10. Stood I to my feet,

Walked to the corner

Of the small room

11. Where I used to

Put a clay lamp

To illuminate the room

12. This clay is made

Like a kettle with

Oil poured in it

13. At the outlet is cotton,

With part of the

Cotton dipped into oil

14. The cotton through attraction

Would carry the oil

Molecules to the tip

15. When the tip is

Being lighted it will

Illuminate the entire area

Clay Pots

16. The oil must have

Ran out as the

Light is now out

17. Tried to peep outside

But nothing could be

Seen everywhere still dark

18. Luckily the stones

For lighting is still

Where I kept them

19. Dipped my hand into

The open end of

The kettle-like clay

20. Wow! No oil in

There again searched for

Oil jar with my hand

21. Got it removed the

Covering lid poured oil

Into the kettle-like clay


22. Draw out the cotton

Hit the two stones together

At the side of the cotton

23. After a while it lighted

Started glowing bit by bit

Just drawing out the oil

24. Palm frond leaves are

Used as ropes being

Tied edge to edge

25. This rope is tied

From an edge of the room

To the other edge

26. On this rope like

Structure do I hang

All my cloths

27. I can see where

My clothes are

Hanging across the room

28. Brushed aside the

Overlying ones to see

The cloth I want to take

29. I put it on

Took a clay pot,

Set out for the streams,

Lake (Alpine)

B) Going to The Stream

30. As I trekked on,

My mind kept on racing

I keep thinking,

31. My mind flashes back,

To the past events

Positive and negative pasts

32. Soon enough I was

By the stream bank,

To fetch water

33. I went to the area

Where we used to

Fetch water from

C) At The Stream

34. Bend down dip my

Calabash into the stream

Started scooping the water

35. With my calabash into

The clay pot until

The pot is filled up


36. After filling the clay

Pot with water stood

I still by the river,

37. Watching the water as

It gently moves on

Then remembered I my love,

D) Remembered My Love

38. Her love for me is

Like a gentle flowing

Water in this stream

39. A flowing stream is

Pure, clean and clear

Un-like stagnant river,

40. Its nay like lake,

Which is not flowing

Divers things fall into it

41. Those things which fell,

Into the lake remain there

Become decayed in there

42. The components released by

Those decaying materials

Mix with the water components

43. Soon compounds would be

Formed which would change

Lake’s chemical composition


44. The toxic and injurious

Substances released would

Affect everything in the lake

45. And which soon becomes

stinking, horrendous and nauseating

Are the smell from the lake

46. But my love is un-like that,

She is purely-clear,

She is clear like crystal,

47. She is whiter as snow,

She demonstrates God's

Uniqueness purity per excellence

48. She is a joy not

Only to me but

Unto many like stream,

49. My love's source never

Runs dry because my love

Allows no intruder into it,

50. My love's source

Keeps springing out

Water contents for her

51. My love is linked with

Her origin she is

Linked up with the sea

52. As it is possible

To see the floor bed

Of stream at some corners

53. So is the depth

Of my love's love

For me revealed

54. As the breeze from

Stream brings me comfort,

So is my love’s breeze

55. As many people become

Blessed by the stream,

Many are blessed by my love

56. The expression of our

Love to each other

Stimulates others love

57. At these knowledge,

The burden of my

Heart flee away.

58. Oh! My Jewel,

Oh! My Love

Oh! My Stream

59. Oh! The flowing love

My Pearl has for me,

Is beyond description

60. Oh! The comforting love

Of my bird for me

Is beyond cold water

61. Oh! The blessed love

Of my one and only bird,

Is heav’nly sent

62. Oh! How soothing my

Apple's arms around me,

Surpasses the best analgesic

63. As the early morning

Waters from the streams.

So is my apple

64. My darling's lips

Are full of love,

Yea, unfeigned love

65. Her lips are coated

With honey, Uhmn better

Than the honey comb

66. My Jewel's lips

Are very good

Extremely good in kissing

67. ‘Can’t do without

Her kisses for it

Keeps me alive

68. With her mouth

She on daily

Basis feeds me,

69. On her knees

She will be to

Welcome me to her

70. My darling...My crown...

My Diadem...My Love...

My Bird...My Heart...

71. My Water...My Blessings...

My Star...My Glory...

My Angel...My comfort


72. God gave me you....

God gave you me...

Forever bonded ‘gether

73. Together fulfilling the

Desires of the Lord for

"Us" in all ramifications

74. In blessings, glories,

Promotions, awards,

Fulfillment and comforts

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