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A Song: God of Comforters

(“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.” (2 Cor 1:3))

Composer’s Foreword: I do not know how to put my composed words into tonic solfa format but having learnt however remotely how to compose songs using local Yoruba format, I decide to come with a work around on how to make my songs internationally acceptable.

But I am not mimicking any hymn in this composition, I have recorded the Tune received on Video, posted to YouTube, and would share here, trusting that some good musicians would modify the tune and perhaps the wordings of the song for the benefit of Humanity and the proclamation of the gospel.

Having said this, I sincerely invite you to join me in singing this newly composed song, because I know music yea songs is one of the things that makes heart merry lifting hearts out of the cauldron of darkness that the enemies may have subjected people to and draws heart closer to God and his blessings.

Praying, hoping and trusting that you will be blessed with the song as you sing along with me and if you do not know the tune, I sincerely trust that God will bless your hearts, homes and all that is yours as you read the wordings of the newly composed song.

The Tune of Hymn to Use

“It is being recorded and the link from the YouTube is shared here for easy grasps and needful modifications.”

The Composed Song


Oh God the God of Comforter

I love you, (Dear Lord) I love you


“I” can be changed to “We”


Oh God the God of Comforter

We love you, (Dear Lord) we love you

1. Blessed be the Lord

Father of all grace

Who alone is worthy

The God of all comforts


2. When I am in distress

And when am in pain

You are right there by me

Sayin’ all will be well


3. When devil’s arrows

Have entered my body

And my health is failing me

Your words comfort me


4. My grace yea my grace

Is sufficient for you

That’s what you told me

My comforter and Lord


5. When harmed by sun

Even by the day

And the moon by night

Your promise still stand sure


6. Yea I will continue

To put my trust ‘ven in you

And my hope ‘ll forever

Be hinged on your grace


7. The great and mighty One

The beginning and End

My sure foundation

The Everlasting Rock

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