There is a proverb among the south western people that says that, “yin-ni-yinni, ki ẹni o tun se omiran” (translation is when someone is being appreciated and praised especially by the higher subjects, the person will be moved to do more)
I said this because from the statistics of the reports of the utterances of world leaders, many of them do not think Africa and Africans as a whole and Nigeria and Nigerians especially would not by now have been turned to cemetery.
They all said this because of how we are being governed, the spate of un-employments around us, which greater percentage of inhabitants depending on daily wages. Which means failure to go to work a day means they would not “eat” that day.
Based on this belief and assertions, greater percentage of people globally not exempting some Nigerians within and without (diaspora) do not see how the nation wouldn’t be badly hit by the coronavirus.
However, by the unfolding developments in afterwards they are seeing something different in Nigerians and Africans.
In Kwara State which this writer lives (and who essentially is one of those who except goes out cannot boast of something to eat that day) has not opened his business enterprise for the past two months, not even partial opening like others are doing, it has been total shut down for weeks. And since then we have been managing with others who lived with him.
The same applies to many like this writer in Nigeria, not that we do not want to partially open our shops but we don’t want occasions where opportunists will take advantage of the opening and would be asked to pay for our release at police stations what we have not been able to realize in a month or more would be compelled to be coughed out once at the police station. Thus, we consider it better to stay off our businesses, “offering the needful sacrifice” at this period.
For many like this writer all over the country and continent, who have acted wisely, “staying safe by staying home”, I want to say kudos to you. We have performed brilliantly, trusting that our leaderships would continue to lead us aright in this critical period.
It is essential that we bear the followings in mind for our continued safety in the land.
As we continue to show the world that we are not all beasts by silently staying safe until lasting solutions be found to the novel disease, I want us to remember that the causes of this disease is mainly through contacts with people of things that are carrying the virus.
We can contact and contract the disease through money, from the use of ATM cards of infected people whom we have assisted or want to assist to withdraw money; at the crowded ATM spots; in vehicles during transportations; visitations; through set-ups by infected people (like some HIV/AIDS patients used to do), through infected health workers etc.
Thus, we have to be at alert on all instances, cooperating with our leaders to overcome this disease.
The symptoms of the disease are increase fever, body aches, cough, sneezing, breathing difficulties, loss of sense of taste, loss of sense of smell.
Wrong Perception, Death Sentence: Many people’s perception of this disease is that it is a death sentence passed on anyone who has contracted the disease. But nothing could be farther from the truth than this.
Not Death Sentence: Contrary to many people’s perception among us, this infection like many other infections does not mean that the person who have been infected have been automatically sentenced to death.
Reason for Isolation: People who are infected are being isolated because the accurate treatment for the disease has not been detected globally. What majority of health personnel are still doing is called trial and error methods. Trial and error methods are not definitive means of treatment of a disease. And on another note, people are being isolated because the person who has contracted the disease would not know that he or she is carrying the virus in his systems for days, thus, making it easy to lovingly transfer it to others without knowing. However, if the drugs or vaccines have been detected, then we shall know that this shall indubitably change.
Approved Treatment: The approved treatment is yet based on precautionary methods which essentially includes maintaining social distancing, using of face masks, use of tissues while coughing and sneezing and then discarding it immediately, use of hand sanitizers or washing hands with soaps and water for about 20 seconds regularly, and taking good food and fruits to boost our immunities, switching off air conditioners, putting on heaters at homes, drinking hot water (tea) and “pap” regularly and taking good care of our health.
Striking Trial and Error Methods
However, un-official notices show that a Mexican woman living in America dissolved 500 mg of Aspirin in lemon juice and mixed honey with it boiled all and drank the mixture while hot. This woman was said to have fully recovered the following day.
An African country, Madagascar has also documented a method which they tried, and it worked for some people which include the mixture of Neme leaves, with Pawpaw leaves, garlic and lime (lemon) juice. They boiled the mixture for about 30 minutes and then took it hot, while inhaling part of the vapor coming out of the mixture hot and it has been circulated that the combination has been effective in healing some of the infected people there.
Suggestions: These assertions and others at large need to be looked into by the scientists and researchers as they continue to explore the effective means of treating this virus, because either we like it or not as the virulent strain of this virus has managed to get to man last year, 2019, it is certain that we shall continue to witness it among us just like other infections have managed to come into the world. Humanity may however, be lucky to strike it out among us with time as it happened to small pox and as they are trying to do for Polio, but pending the time that such is achieved, other options and trials shouldn’t be totally ignored by the health governing bodies globally.
We need to continue to be our brothers keeper by sending foods and money to those who are daily earners and others that we know are less privileged in our midst to maintain themselves. Indeed, someone who we think do not need our support at this time may actually be in need of it. For this reason, we have been begotten, for this reason we are not created as brutes and beasts.
Once again, Africans and especially Nigerians, kudos to you all at this critical moment.