Because You Ask 3
1. How many times will Jesus come to the earth and to do what?
1. Once, for the "Honey Moon", with the saints who have been raptured (or taken up) with him to the firmament.
Revelation 20, Isaiah 65-66 etc.
This honey Moon is what is called the millennium reign which will last 1000 years because a millennium is 1000 in English dictionary.
The place we shall be gathered at with the Lord is called Zion some say the place is Jerusalem, but whatever we are not too sure about to avoid heresy just remain silent on it as the writers of the bible has remained silent on it.
So, at a designated place by God, a place he has chosen, that is where the honey Moon shall take place.
It is though sure that it will be in this world, for the world would not have been consumed or annihilated by then.
This is why we used to tell people to please accept Jesus Christ now, because the world (that is the pleasures of the world) everyone is pursuing that makes many not to want to give their lives to Jesus Christ, they shall still come back to the world with Jesus to reign on the planet called earth... So, it is mostly advisable that we give our lives to Jesus Christ now.
Question 2: According to 1 Tess. 4:17 How many years will the saints with God in cloud use?
First Thessalonians did not say the number of years that would be spent with Christ in the firmament. Note the place is firmament not heaven neither Paradise for sometimes we misplace the word too saying it is Paradise... No, it is the firmament, 1st Thessalonians is clear on that, that we shall be with him in the firmament.
However, what he says was we shall be there with him forever, and this may be the reason why people call it Paradise or heaven, but other bible documents and theologians did not support this.
Sometimes the apostles write jumping some points with the believe that those they were originally directing the letters to understand what they mean. And that is why we, good bible teachers often dig into the root words in Hebrew (old testament is written in Hebrew) and Greek (new testament is written in Greek) so that we know the root word and infer from what the root word is saying....
So, marrying other bible verses from the book of Daniel 9 to Revelation 5-19 (it is not straightforward in the chapters of the book of revelation stated above, but that is where it covered) and other books of the Bible we know that we shall be in the firmament with him for seven years.
During these 7 years the saints would be rewarded in the firmament as well as ate the Lord's Supper with him as he says in Matthew 26 vs 28 upwards to the disciples when he was preparing to leave the world... So, these are what we shall do there.
On Lord’s Supper
That is why it is NOT GOOD for a believer not to eat the Lord's supper with the brethren when on earth.
I told a friend what Charles Finney (an American Lawyer turned great Evangelist said about 200 years ago that he said that "even if it is Satan that is sharing the Lord's supper I will eat (or take) it". Why did he say that? He said that because of the followings:
1. Lord’s supper is called after the name of Jesus, not church neither any founder,
2. Jesus asks us to do this one thing to show that our minds are with him that our minds follow him. Just like a husband who was about to die tell his wife and children that when you eat this food you will always remember me or according to Yoruba ancient mythologies about gods, they will pour oil on stones, prepare ekuru and other foods, kill dogs etc. to be remembering that god and invoke his power, that is how the eating of Lord's supper is, that is why Evangelist Finney said that even if it is devil, Satan himself that is sharing the Lord's supper, I will sit at the table with the devil and eat the Lord's supper to show the devil that I appreciate the work of Jesus for me on the cross and I cannot and wouldn't be intimidated by his presence at the table because the food has been sanctified by God for me.
Anywhere I go to and they say there is Lord supper I sit down to take it.
Another reason why some don't take the Lord's supper is that some will say it is not well prepared they will be thinking about the preparation that it is sobo they use, it is this they use, it is that they use, this is not wine.
That is not the basis of the Lord's supper, the basis of the Lord's supper is that we do it in Jesus remembrance (1 Corinthians 11:24)
“And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.” (1 Cor. 11:24)
When you love someone, you will always put him before you, you will be thinking about him day and night you will always put in place what will make you remember him.
Why do you think some lovers put their spouse photos as their screen saver on laptops or Androids? Why do you think some people will conspicuously display the photos of their spouse in their offices? It is because they always want to remember the person. In the time past I used to think it is a show off, or to tell people that this lady or this guy is married. No, I have come to realize that, that is not the only reason for doing that. One of the chief reasons for doing that is that they always want to be remembering their spouses... That is why it is easy for a man or woman to wait for years for his or her partner who has travelled out to come back to him or her without having extramarital affairs with another woman or man, because the person puts the spouse before him or her always.
So what I am saying is, the bottom line for eating Lord's supper is to always remember Jesus work for us, God's love for us, now it does not matter what is used as the Lord supper, in fact some pastors in the villages will put water down as the wine while they use something like yam as the bread (flesh)... And they will take it by faith, believing that they are drinking the blood of Christ and eating Jesus flesh because wine (or water) is blood and yam (or bread) is Jesus body.
Since they have prayed on it and those things are non-alcoholic, they are acceptable before God, the message has been passed.
Now, let me add that some refuse to take the Lord supper because of the time saying it should be in the evening or night as Jesus ate with the disciples in the night and that it called “supper” not dinner or any other.
I was one of those who follow such teaching before but having seen what is in 1st Corinthian that it is for his remembrance I saw my error and folly and changed disposition.
Because when can you not remember your spouse? When can you not remember what is close to your heart? You remember it or the person always. So, whether night or morning or afternoon or evening the point is always remembering him or her doing something that will always bring him to your heart and now that he has specified what we should do, the time of the day matters but a little.
I hope you get something here.
Anywhere I get to, I take the Lord's supper because I am always prepared, I am always doing my best according to what I know in the bible, why won't I take it?
Question 3: Which prophet(s) is (or are) coming back to the world, when and for what?
Two prophets will be coming back to the world and they are those prophets who did not die natural deaths so to say. Since the Jews believed that those prophets did not die naturally and they were chiefs out of the respected prophets in the land of Israel, Yahweh decides to send them back to the world for a special assignment for his chosen nation, his people, Israel.
What is the assignment? To preach to them and bring back Israel hearts to God, Yahweh, Jesus.
When will this happen? This will happen after the rapture. During this Time, the saints will be in the firmament with the Lord, that is during the 7 years.
This therefore shows that God concentrated on Israel at the beginning and he will be doing the same at the close of the world.
When they were discharging their duties, they would have raised 144,000 people, (sons of prophets so to say) from each of the tribes of Israel perhaps because of God's covenant with Abraham before they will be killed.
The names of those prophets coming back to the world are not clearly stated by John the beloved in the book of Revelation chapter 11, but he gave their characteristics, it is by their characteristics that theologians and bible scholars believe that they will be Prophet Moses and Prophet Elijah.
A school of theorem of the teachers of the bible (I think well propounded by Prophet William Marrion Branham) is that they will be sent back to the world primarily to come and taste death.
Elijah did not taste death, he was translated and since the body or corpse of prophet Moses was not found when the Israelis went to the mountain to search for him, they believed he was also translated. And according to Hebrews 9:27 after death there is judgement, some scholars believed that they are the ones who will be sent back by God to come and taste death.
After tasting the death, they would be in the street or city of Jerusalem for 3 days after which they will be raptured with eyes seeing them as they leave the world.
Now, you must know that Bible is precepts upon precepts (Isaiah 28:10) what precept upon precept mean is that bible verse cannot be treated in isolation, you get the answer to another thing you read in Genesis in Malachi or even the book of Revelation that is what precepts upon precepts mean.
So, going back to the book of Romans 11:26 that all of them would be saved.
The teaching is that those 2 great Prophets (Elijah and Moses) would be sent to the Israelites to tell them that the Messiah prophesied about was Jesus Christ whom they killed and as they proclaim this message to them, they will also have followers which were 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. If you multiply 12x12,000=144,000.
Those 144,000 people will be like "sons of the prophets" (I use the language so that you will understand) or say they will be their disciples and would also be telling them about Jesus Christ and that is when the word would be fulfilled that "all the Israelites even if they are like the sand by the sea chores would be saved".
Little Addition
May I add this as I close answering these questions? When the saints return to the world with the Lord Jesus as shown in Revelation 20 and Isaiah 65-66, the people in the world would still be transacting businesses, all other things will continue as they were except:
1. Satan apprehended
2. Because Jesus Christ and his saints have returned to the world as Kings and princes what do you remember the ancient kings doing in the bible and even in Africa mythologies? They judge, so Jesus would be the chief judge while we shall be the lower judges so to say with the 12 disciples judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28)
And now, people will come to where we are every month with rewards (what is called royalty) to Jesus every month and that is when what you read in Revelation 22 from verse one be fulfilled that the leaves of the city will be healing the people.
So, those assigned to bring royalties to God from each nation of the world and who are being sick in their bodies would pluck out of the leaves of the city and eat, apply to their sores that have been there for years etc. and they will receive instant healing to their infirmities. Herein can we still see God showing his likeness for mankind, showing that he detests to the heavens sicknesses and infirmities in our bodies showing that sickness is NEVER from him and he would never allow that.
He shows his mercy again to them who though have been sentenced to perdition, but he cannot allow infirmities because sickness cannot be where he is.
People misconstrue this last chapter of Revelation too, that who are those the leaves would be healing. That is why I incorporate it here now so that you won't be confused.
I hope you understand these?
Thanks for getting out to me.