87. She said without completing it as
She completes it for her, “who can
Be against us”. Yea! She said
88. Pushed her head to a side
To look at her eyes and
She said, they cannot be against
89. Us, they cannot prevail over
Me, all their plans on you and I
Would fail. Do not let us entertain
90. Fear in our hearts, for if we
Entertain fear in our hearts it
Means we are already defeated
91. Even before going to the battle
Front. I understand you ma. This impressing
On my heart is not leaving my heart
92. The impression is not good and that is why I am
Saying this. I know all you are doing is for
My welfare, progress, after all
93. it is my name that is written on
The certificate and I am still alive
If I do not claim it now
94. I can claim it later and we shall
All be alive to enjoy the labor
Of our hands. She cuts it short
95. In her mouth, using a finger
To touch her lips, do not say that
Again, that is what I am saying
96. We shall not die any death, but we
Shall live to declare God’s works
When she saw that the custodian
97. Has made up her mind on going
To her relative’s place she devised
Another thing, asking her to do something
98. For her before she goes, the
Custodian did that and after
Doing that, she left the house, she
99. Saw her off looking at her
Until she disappears from her sight.
Then she started praying in her
100. Mind for the journey that
God would protect her movements.
But the prayer was not answered
101. As the custodian died before
Getting to her relative’s place
They sent the message to her relative who
102. Alongside others identified her
Corpse at the morgue. The news got
To her and she was devastated. After
103. The burial, her siblings thought she
Would return to her father’s house but
She did not as she fled the place
104. To another remote place
To be living with one of the friends of the
Custodian whom she had knew
105. When the custodian was alive
Because she used to visit them and on two
Occasions, custodian has taken her
106. To the place. Where the woman lives
Road does not reach the place, one
Can only get to the place through canoe
107. For it is river that separates the place
From other parts of the island. The road
That leads to the place is full of hills and people
108. Hardly take the route. At that
Place there is no mobile network there to
Make phone calls neither the ones to use
109. To access the internet. They will climb
The mountains to get network. When she gets
To the woman, she was the one who told her
110. About the demise of her friend
It pained her for they had became
Friends when they were in the
111. Elementary school. When there was no
Financial muscle to continue their education
That was when they started fending for
112. Themselves. They both moved to the
Island until her father employed her as
Her custodian while she stayed back working
113. There. Now that her friend has died
She welcome her and provided her
Shelter. However, the box was hidden in
114. Her bag and she did not tell the
Woman about the content of the box
For that was the instruction of her custodian
115. Before she died, saying, “we must
Keep this to ourselves as best as we can
Until we secure what’s inside.
116. She initially thought may be her
Custodian has told her before her
Demise but she discovered that she
117. Did not thence she kept mute
And was undergoing another training
Under her. The woman respects
118. Her for she believes what she
Was passing through will soon fade off
And she will inherit one of her father’s
119. Possessions and be restored to her
Rightful place, and above all someone who
Will become a good leader and someone in life
120. Need to pass through something like this
To build and modify her character she said to herself
For if she did not pass through something like this
121. Things will not augur well for her in the future she
Reasoned. She gives her some degrees of privacy. She
Was with the woman for four years and one day the woman
122. And her friend were discussing of the opportunities
That technologies have brought into the world and then they
Started taking about meeting strange people from other lands
123. How some people have gotten married through the internet
Connections, how some have been rescued and how some have
Fallen into wrong hands and have been duped the discussion had a
124. Strong impression on her heart that it is possible she
Finds someone to assist her possess her possessions, through
The internet. That would be better she said to herself as
125. She traveled to a nearby island to get a good
Android phone that she will be using to
Surf the internet. All she needs do is climb the mountain
126. Like others living in the island to
Surf the net. She could get this, because
One of his father’s company that
127 Is yet existing do send money
To the accounts of all the children
Monthly. Through that money she
128. Feeds herself and but some necessary
Things. After getting the phone she
Finds the email of the bank and
129. Contacted the chief executive officer
Of the bank who told her that
They were aware of the savings but