130. She cannot get what she wants now
Because of her age, as stated to her
Custodian before her death. However, she could still
131. Explore the option of outsider and
Through that the money shall be released
She thanked the man and started surfing the
132. Internet and got about four email addresses
She writes them, three replied and out of
The three that replied her, two were
133. Not straightforward because they
Supplied different data on different
Occasions. Her mind apart from
134. What she noticed told her that
She should not deal with those
People, though they be people from advanced
135. Countries. She sticks to the one
Her mind tells her to stay with and
Presented the details to him. She presented
136. His details to the bank officers before
Contacting him, they asked that
She sees them in the bank.
137. For counseling. She saw them
And they counseled her against using
The man because people from developing
138. Countries are bad, and she should
Look for someone else. But she replied
He was the person she wants
139. After their counsels and her
Insistence they contacted the
Person, but at the final lapse of the deal
140. They asked for money from the
Person who stands for the girl. The duo,
Girl and guy could not raise the
141. Money and this makes the lass
To return to the bank to talk with
Those in charge of the transaction
142. Telling them to deduct the
Remaining money from the amount
They want to send to her through the man
143. For they have ran from pillars to posts
They have done everything
Within their power to get the
144. Money but they could not
Raise the money she started
Saying maybe her elder ones
145. Have contacted the bankers and
They are supporting them, that, that
Must be the reason why they do not
146. Want to deduct the money from
The transaction, after all it is in their
Care. She also said maybe they
147. Can lend her the money and she
Will pay back the money immediately
The money is wired into the person’s account
148. With higher interests if they like
But the bankers turned down this option
Saying she should to other lending houses
149. To lend the money that the bank would
And must not have anything to do with
The transaction however meagre for
150. That’s the law and above all for security
Reasons so that in case her dream becomes
Truncated, she would not hold the bank liable
151. Neither would the court of law
Hold the bank liable for they will see
That they have done a professional job and
152. Had done well for the dead and had
Given her correct counsels in accordance with their
Work. When she discovers that there is
153. Nothing that she could do about it
She left the banking hall furiously
She has been talking with the woman she
154. Living with that she needs money
The woman asks her what she needs the
Money for and she told her that she
155. Wants to send the money to her
Boyfriend on the internet that he
Secures admission and they have plans
156. Of settling down together. The woman
Having heard about how people get
Acquainted with each other on internet
157. Asks her if she is sure that
The guy would not disappoint her
Because what works for person A may
158. Not work for person B, that she
Should and think about that for three days and
After she has thought it over she
159. Should come with her reply. She
Also thought about this all over again as
The woman has said, asking the man if
160. He won’t disappoint her. The guy
Promised her that he will not
Disappoint her. On the third day she
161. Returned to the woman with her
Response and told her that it is either him
Or nobody. Then the woman asks her
162. That how much is the money she was
Looking for and said it is $2,500:00 she replied
That the money is huge amount, but she
163. Shall stand in the place of her
Custodian who was her friend to
Help her raise the money. She
164. Hands the money to her after
Another four days and the lady paid
The money. Having few currencies on
165. Her. Twenty-one days after this
The guy receives the alert. Fourteen days after
This she received the alert and paid the woman
166. Back. A month after she traveled
To meet the guy and they come to her
Island together to meet with her people
167. Pay her bride price and they got
Married. They formed chains of businesses
Established the woman who stood for her
168. Late custodian, as she also gets hooked
To a person from the country of her husband
Getting married at the age of 41 years
169. Gave birth to two children: a male
And a female. She was happy and was blessed
In return for the good she has done for her
170. She was going to nineteen years old
When she got married to the man
And they established a foundation in the name
171. Of her late parents sponsoring people
And helping indigent people. They traveled
To advanced country where she possessed
172. University degrees. She gave birth to
Four children one female and three males
She later became the richest woman
173. In their continent while her
Hubby becomes a successful pastor
In the land….