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Consequences of His Slap


(I got hold of a jotter written front and back when it was about to be burnt as I love reading so much I pulled it out of the papers to be burnt and decided to go through what has been inscribed on the pages of the small jotter. Having digested what was on the jotter, I have added some flesh to the skeleton to make a story)

Childhood and Teenage Phase Mr Danol and I grew up in the same environment many years ago. We were very fond of each other. We were like 1 and 2 in the environment we studied together. Although our school is different, because we were science students in our respective schools we used to study together. As change is a common thing we soon discover that we have grown up and we need to get married because our mates too are getting married. As fate will have it, the relationships which both of us entered did not work out well and we had to part with our partners. When we work together one day we looked at each other intently and the look speaks volumes to me. The kind of eye with which we looked at each other that day had another meaning. It had a deeper meaning in my heart and I know immediately that my friend has been subsumed in love. I have also grown to have deeper feelings for him in recent times especially when the person I was romantically involved with did not do well. Nothing could stop the fire of love that has been ignited in our hearts that day. Having been together for years we decided that we should take our relationship to another level. Since we are not siblings we said that nothing stops us from being romantically involved with each other. This is the beginning of our romantic involvement.

I Loved Him Greatly We did not date for long before we solemnized everything and we started living together as husband and wife. With all my heart I loved Mr Danol who is my husband. I know he also loved me because of his many actions. As it is said that actions speak louder than voice his actions also revealed a deeply seated love in his heart for me. We continued to enjoy happiness in our home. People nearby keep on looking at our romantic involvement and some people are envious of our home.

Prior Our Marriage My parents Mr Yemola and Mrs Yeyeni Elube. My father works with a company while my mother is a primary school teacher. I, Kelin, grew up in the atmosphere of love where my parents showered uncommon love on us children. Before my father's demise he used to say that I am a powerful child. I asked him one day to explain what this means. In explaining what he meant he cited several examples to corroborate what he meant. One day when a young man beats my elder sister and my sister get home reporting the incident to us, your parents said the man will also be visited by a stronger force than he, not long from that hour. We were thinking that it was because of how the incident touched your heart that makes you said that as we continue to appeal to your sister to stop crying. It couldn't be more than 10 minutes after you had said this that words reached us that the man who beat your sister had an accident and it was fatal. We did not attach much importance to this incident however the following incidents cautioned us and we begin to pause after you have said anything. There was also the case of one of your uncles who talked to your mother anyhow, you did not hide your feeling of how your mother was being addressed that day. After the dust or their discussions were settled and he left for his house, the following day words came to us that that uncle had taken ill. There was a day that I came home with a troubled heart because of what the director of the company which I worked in said to me in the office that day you said I should not worry because the management will also see why they shouldn't address you like that. Intriguingly before Daybreak thieves broke into our company and carried away many things from the company. Words have also reached us from your school one day of how your class teacher who is a woman supported a student against you and you did not like what she did. The following day news reached the School that the woman and her spouse fought at home and the cause of their fighting no one could say. It was also said that for about 15 years that they have been married they have never argued for once let alone fighting and everyone was surprised by what happened to the family that day. These are four out of the many instances of when something beyond ordinary happens to anyone who grieved your mind.

Advise to Always Love After my father concluded by citing instances to me which made them believe that I am a powerful teacher he strongly told me that I should always love people because anyone that I hate or dislike for whatever reasons, terrible things used to happen to such people. He emphasized the need for me to ensure that I love my husband implicitly saying that if he wrongs me, I should always forgive him immediately lest evil betide evil in my home. Since that day I have been striving not to be easily angry with anyone whatsoever. This I have been doing since I got married to my husband. Unforeseen Incident Happened We have got married for 6 years before this incident happened. For 6 years we have been living together happily, although during these years I am yet to give birth to a baby. We went to the hospital to check ourselves and doctors reports from all tests carried out on us showed that there is nothing wrong with us both. Because my husband is the only son of his parents, although he had three elder siblings who are ladies, all of them are anxious about me giving their family a child, heir that will bear the name of the parents. One day we visited his eldest sister while he was in the car. His eldest sister was discussing with me and what she was saying centered around me not being able to give my husband a child for about 7 years. I was trying to explain to her that God will answer our prayers soon but the woman was not happy with my response and she started uttering other things in this mood were we in when my husband got to us and instead of him to hear us out very well, he didn't what he said was why are you talking to my sister like that? Before I could say anything he slapped me. What have I done? I asked but instead of him replying me he ordered me to go into the car and wait for him there. I couldn't imagine what happened that day I kept on thinking that it will be a terrible dream that I will wake up from but lo and behold it happened in real life. It pains me greatly that while in the car I started crying. For the first time in my entire life I hated my husband and I wished him dead rather than being alive for what you did to me that day.

Consequences of the Slap About 30 minutes after this incident he returned to me in the vehicle profusely begging me that he did not know what came over him that made him act like that. He said that his sister had severely rebuked him for what he had done to me. I accepted his apology but the tears that have gotten out of my eyes cannot be gathered back again. I remembered my father's counsel that whatever my spouse does unto me in the future I must learn to forgive him instantly. This was done for I forgave him instantly in my heart. About three weeks after this incident something terrible happened to my spouse in his working place. He was one of those people shortlisted by the management of the bank he was working with for compulsory retirement. Management says the bank is undergoing recession therefore they need to lay off some of their staff. The money which they promised to give him he couldn't receive immediately and when he was being paid he was paid bit by bit such that he could not invest the money on anything substantial. While in this position we started selling some of our properties to make ends meet and to establish a business. All the businesses that we invested in we made no gain out of them all. As if that was not enough, what I was doing too I was not making progress there; it was the retrogression for me in my career. This was how we started running from pillar to post with nothing to show for it we became a byword among the people.

The Revelation We have been groping in this darkness and position of ignominy for about fifteen years when one day I dreamt a dream. In my dream a man who put on white apparel appeared on to me and said to me that what caused my infertility was the incident that happened years back. As if I was watching a video player brought back the incident unto me in the dream my husband slapped me and I was in the car weeping he said it was that incident that caused all that happened to me and to my husband in his working place and every other things that we have laid our hands upon subsequently afterwards. He added that the year that that incident happened was the year I ought to be pregnant because it happened very early January that year. He said by February I would have taken in, become pregnant and give birth before the year runs out. But since he has ignored or has taken you to be an ordinary person that was why both of you had to suffer together. I replied to him in my dream that we have suffered long and he should have mercy upon us because I have long forgiven my husband. He replied that things are not done like that in the spiritual realm. Things must follow procedure in the spiritual realm and it is the procedure that they are following in dealing with us spiritually because we have neglected for too long what we have. Why saying all of this to me since there is no remedy for my situation? I asked He replied that he has been sent to bring me word so that I will know the cause of what happened to me and my husband. The good news however is that you will be in this position for another 10 years. At the end of 10 years you will take in and give birth to a baby boy. He has therefore been sent to warn me not to allow a repeat of what happened about 15 years ago for if that happened again it means I will never have a child after saying this, the man disappeared and I woke up. It was this revelation that made me know that I am a special child. I am a powerful child as my father has said before his death. Guarding Myself Having known who I am now, I started protecting myself so that there wouldn't be a repeat of the incident that happened about 16 years ago. Thirty years after my wedding I became pregnant according to the dream I dreamt and I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and named him Moliah.

Moliah's Comment I have found this in the room of my mother and I have come to know that some people are created to be special being my mother is late now and I am alive I am using this medium to pass this message across to the world that we are born differently and when you see a different person in character, in power, in mode, in talking, and so on we should learn to respect such a person. And for you who have undermined those things the Divine has put in you,I want to say that you should stop undermining those things Divinity has placed in you lest you suffer like my parents. (The End)

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