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Dine Together, Suffer Together

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

After migrating to the country

Illegally, they met and form

Partnership. Soon got their papers

In the country

Will not allow you to

Leave me for a second

She told him, therefore if

You have it in mind

To leave me in future

Go now she reiterated

Let me make my solemn

Promise to you now

I will never leave

You not for a second

Where you die, I will

Die. He assured her.

A man of my word

Am I. your mouth has

Stated this clearly, you ain’t

Forced to say this

Neither are thee under some

Forms of drugs nor intoxicating

Always recall this when thee

Want to do something

When you want to do

Something that could bring about

Our separation in this land

She told him clearly.

After the straightening of their

Papers she won lottery and

They were living together

Happily wining and dining

They were enjoying themselves.

In their new country

Being integrated into the

Systems and culture of the country

To win more jackpot, they

They lost all they have

Gotten and started suffering

Sold their properties to offset debts

Because their ways of life

Have been on the high side

The little they have left

Was not enough for ‘em

Then he got acquainted with

A citizen of the country

And wanted to move to

Her apartment living with her

She was not happy with

This development, considered it

A slap on her face,

Breech of trust ‘n’ ‘greement

With this, decided on what

To do but did not know

Got hold of their papers

Burnt them all ‘fore his arrival

Called the police. When they

Arrived to their apartment, searched

The place discovered no paper

And they were repatriated

We have dine and wine

Together, we shall suffer together

I cannot allow you to enjoy

While I continue to suffer

This she told him when

They got back to their

Country when the man was

Seeking for means of returning

You can never get back

To that place you have

Blown up your chances

She emphatically stated to him

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