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His Love Was Not Well Reciprocated

1. Immediately he heard about

Her, he fell in love

With her and was doing

Everything within his reach

2. To be with her. She

Was rich and influential in

The society. There are

Retinue of people, young and

Old who are attending to him

3. Of late there has been

Some issues with her

Which have given all her

Members of staff concern

4. They have been seeking

For diagnosing what could

It be that has come

Over their mistress

5. Because she was not like

That, her behavior recently

Is a far cry from what

The people, her servants

6. Have known her for,

7. Thus they all set out

To decipher and arrive

At logical diagnosis of

What has come over her

8. The stargazers gotten to

Within the island have

Told them that the

Spirits are angry with her

9. They are angry with her

Not because she has grieved

Them, but because of what

Some members of her

10. Family has done in the

Past to some people in

The land. Her family has

Been popular and influential

11. In the land. This

They have been maintaining

Over the centuries if not

Millennia. Because one of

12. Her family members would

Certainly, be lifted by Creator

To an enviable position in

The island, such that such

13. A one lifted would be

Controlling retinue of people

And would be second to

The King of the land

14. Sometimes by the power

And authority that such wields

Among the people of the

Land, some people elevate

15. Them above the King of

The island. People have

Been trying to find out

What is behind their success

16. Why is it so, that among

All the families in the island

Their families have continued

To maintain leadership position

17. Like this? They have continued

To dominate in the island

All that they tried to

Isolate, they could not isolate

18. And what they conclusively

Said was that, Creator’s

Mercy could not be

Questioned, whatever

19. Whatever he feels he

Does among the living

He raises up anyone and

Sets low people who are proud

20. This position of a member

Of her family that would

Be exalted to enviable position

Is she occupying now

21. Though she has been fair

On all and sundry, but

The iniquities of his ancestors

Are being asked from her

22. They have now discovered

That her problem is psychologically

Related. Pending the time

That they would find lasting

23. Solution to her problem

They now seek for palliative

Solution from the people

The palliative solution is getting

24. Her someone who really loves

Her, the one who really loves

Her would be able to do

Things for her that would

25. Help in her healing. She

Has not told them of

Anyone she is romantically

Involved with, but rumors

26. Being peddled around suggested

That there is a young

Man who had fallen in love

With her. Order was issued

27. To find the one out.

After locating him, he was

Told of her condition and

Was being called because

28. He from thenceforth would

Be living where she lives

And would be attending to

Her, when he is doing this

29. The oracles have stated

That her problem would be

Subsiding gradually until those

Problems fizzle off

30. He started living with her

For that has been his

Dream all this while,

The dream has come

31. True now without him

Going through some hurdles

It may be because of me

That such even betide her

32. He thinks. However, while

Living with her and

Doing those needful things

She was not loving him

33. She was hostile to him

And many a time have

Attempted to kill him

He has been thinking

34. It was because of her

Condition and that she

Would soon get over that

But she was mistaken because

35. The situation grows from bad

To worse because she arranged

For people to kill him.

When this was revealed to him

36. He had to flee for his

Dear life. For it is someone

Who is alive who can manage

Her, he needs to at first

37. Manage himself, if he can

Be a success in managing himself

He would be able to manage

Her later when things are resolved.

38. Order were issued to

Get him wherever he was

But none could get unto

Him as he had fled the island

39. For another, to protect

Himself, his life from the

Powerful one. Others were

Brought to her, to be a palliative

40. Measures to bring health to

Her, but none could come

Near what he has done for

Her in attending to her while with her.

41. She later regretted her

Actions, saying to some

Of his people when her body

Was calmed down that

42. She thought he was out

To hibernate on what he

Has not sown, that

Was why she wanted

43. Him dead at all cost

Asks people to seek for

Him, but all their efforts were

In vain for he was no where to be found.

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