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Internet Joy, Fake Joy

1. It has been a while

That she checks her email

Last thus primarily is because

She cannot afford the cost of daily browsing


2. Secondarily because she has neither

Android phone nor laptop like

Others thus, what she does

Is ensuring that she checks her email monthly

3. Where she lives to where

Cybercafe where she regularly goes

To, to check her email

Is located is about 20 kilometers

4. That cybercafe is the most

Recognized in her state it

Is a place where decent

People go to because they don’t allow

5. Internet fraudsters, anyone suspected to

Belong to the cabal of

Internet fraudsters is usually stopped

From coming to the cybercafe

6. Decent people, people whose consciences

Have not been seared with

Hot iron are those who

Throng the venue to browse

7. They come to check emails

Send messages because they are

Sure of what and whom

They are dealing with

8. The cybercafe is rapidly growing

Other outlets have been opened

By the management to cater

For the increasing customers

9. The first place has been

Filled up and she was

Directed to the second outlet

When she got to there, she finds a free system

10. She logged in and on

Opening her email, she discovers

That she has many messages

But out of the messages

11. One was strange, it was

A congratulatory message from a

Person she did not know

On opening she discovers that

12. The message was a winning

Message according to the sender

Her email address was randomly

Selected out of millions of emails globally

13. And she has won for

Herself $250, 000:00; she could not

Believe her eyes, the message

Was dated three days ago

14. And she was requested to

Contact another email address within

Seven days from the day

The message was sent

15. If she couldn’t reach them

By then she would forfeit

The winning slot. This is

The third day, she said to herself

16. As she decided to reply

The lottery firm through the

Email that has been stated

That she should contact

17. She acknowledged the receipt of

The winning. The secretary of

The lottery group must have

Been online when her message was delivered

18. For she replies her immediately

For she receives the message

Of the secretary 15 minutes after

While still on the system browsing

19. The photos of people who

Have been beneficiaries of the

Lottery group were shared with

Her, with their cheques and cash

20. This was perhaps sent to

Show her that they are

Not fraudsters that they could

Be relied upon they of course

21. Would have known that people

Are not falling for such

Winning notifications again like before

Because of many people who have become

22. Victims of fraudsters, thus people

Are becoming extra careful when

They are browsing now, but

Those photos were sent to build her confidence

23. In the lottery group as they

Also shared their logo and

Other needful things. But someone

Again says, that does not matter

24. For some dubious people could

Also go to that extent

And send messages like that

To win people’s confidence before bolting off

25. She was asked to get across

To the management her means of

Identification, her detailed names and

How she would want to

26. To receive the among she has

Won she did not get

Those means of identification with

Her thus, she left for her place.

27. Got those things required and

Return to the cybercafe the

Following day to scan those

Documents and send to the management

28. Of the lottery group to claim

What she has won. She

Sent her detailed address and

Names as it is on her means of identification

29. She asks that the money be

Transferred into her account because

We are in the age of internet

Transfers and after all what she

30. Won was through the internet

Transferring the money should be

Easy for the management coupled

With the fact that she was not

31. Residing in that country neither

Continent. She was not expecting

Any other thing outside those

Things she has done.

32. As from that moment she

Has been dreaming of the

Money how she would spend

The money.

33. She wants to get android

And laptop at first to

Be able to access internet

Often than before

34. Then she thinks about her

Academics, her parents, siblings, her

Friends. She has started to count

Her chicks before they are hatched.

35. However, when next she would

Open her email, what she

Finds there was the photo

Of ATM card for her

36. The ATM would be sent

To her through courier and

She should send the address

That the management would send it to

37. Some days after the courier

People contacted her that she

Needs to send money for

The transportation of the card

38. Her initial joy was lost

Because the money expected her

To send she cannot even

Raise it in 6 months

39. If she started saving from

That moment. As she was

Thinking about this, she met

One of her friends

40. She narrated what she has

Seen to her. Her friend asks

If she was just receiving

That kind of message

41. When she told her that, that

Was her first time of receiving

Such notifications. She told her

That she has been receiving something

42. Like that for long. And

She has tagged it “internet joy,

Fake joy”. It is like what

Prophet Isiah said in chapter 29 of his book

43. That it is like a person

Who sleeps and dreams and

Finds himself eating in the dream

But when he wakes up behold, he is hungry

44. Such is that kind of

Notifications they are never

Real, thus, do not bother

Thine head about that she said to her.

45. When she left her friend

She started thinking about what she

Said, it is “Indeed Internet Joy,

A world class fake Joy” she said to herself smiling.

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