1. He was being pursued by
Unknown people, then rushes
Into a compound, met with
A maiden told her being pursued
2. First thing that crossed her
Mind was changing his cloth
Before the pursuers’ got to where
He entered. Cloth has been changed
3. Asked and searched but could
Not find him, unknown to ‘em
That he’s the one with the lass
Cloth has been kept in waste basket
4. They left them started pursuing
He waited a while and
Return to his abode promising
To return the cloth after profuse appreciation
5. Contrary to expectations he did
Not return the cloth as
He makes it his regular wear
While he gets the lass another cloth
6. The cloth is old and
Should be thrown away, indeed
I have put it there
To be burnt she said
7. Just as I would have
Been consumed by enemies if
Not for obsolete cloth, he replied
I will not destroy this cloth now he said
8. It is a cloth that
Should be kept for a memorial
Apart from that those still seeking
My life have not backed off
9. Let me keep using it
For a while he said
As she leaves him alone
He keeps using the cloth
10. His pursuers had been labeled
Wanted by security agents one
Of them fell into an agent’s hand
But unknown to him
11. The agent alerted others as
They started trailing him. Through him
Others were located and apprehended
They were sentenced accordingly
12. ‘T was after the sentencing that
He removes the cloth on him
Started living a normal life
Like as it was before time
13. Covid-19 should not only be
On he watchlist of health
Providers and pharmaceutical agents, it
Should be on everyone’s watchlist
14. Immediately anything substantial is
Gotten about the RNA virus
The signal should be sent
Across for through concerted effort
15. It is sure that humans
Shall put out the fire of
Destruction and fear that this
Virus has started amongst us.