1. Water is a liquid
Which takes up the
Shape of the container
In which it’s poured
2. As long as it
Is in a container
It has shape, but,
Immediately it is out
Of container, no shape
3. When blood is yet
Flowing through our veins
And arteries humans yet
Have forms of shapes
4. But like water when
Poured on the ground
That neither has shape
Nor could be gathered ‘gain
5. So are humans when
Their blood stop’d flowing
Life would be gone
And couldn’t be gath’r’d ‘gain
6. As water that is
Poured on the ground
Be drank of the soil
So a body without life
7. Goes to the depth
Of the soil and
Cannot be brought up
‘Gain, so human life.
8. As it has gone,
To the world of
The unknown and wouldn’t
Be seen not anymore