It is great I waste myself on whom I am sure of
Than on a lady I am not sure of
It is great I waste myself on a lady
I can look eye-to-eye,
Than trying to impress a damsel
Who will prefer to look at someone else’s face
Than looking directly at my face

When they discovered I have not changed
My disposition towards you,
They have like Samballat and Tobia
Designed another means to pull my heart off you
They have coined out another thing to weigh my heart down
Therefore, they have shown you some of my failures,
Thinking by showing you my failures you will neither
Be interested in me again
Nor wish to be romantically involved with me
As they were doing this for you
They equally have staged another thing
And have implored powerful people
To hypnotize us against each other
They have said of your affairs with another guy
Thinking by so doing I will not be interested in you
I will call it quit with Us,
They have worked on the mentalities
Of people close to us
Talking to their consciences of the
Need for us not to
Continue this romantic involvement
Having failed in their earlier attempts
At pulling us apart,
They have used people to pull us apart
Yet they have not succeeded
In this bid of theirs at seeing
That we do not continue
In this wonderful and blissful journey
We have been ordained to
Since the foundation of the world
Then came those who have
Said my demand is too much
They started saying you have
Snatched their spouses from them
Acting as if they have had
Legal standing with me before
But they were in the oblivion that
All have been exposed to you,
As you have shared your mind with me
Told me about all your pasts till the day we meet
In the same vein have I shared all my pasts
With you without hiding anything
In this bid too,
Those maidens have gallantly failed
In their sponsored attempts at pulling
Our magnet-iron filling apart
I would not be there for you
They have been saying
Because I have been begging
Some of them for financial assistances in the past
Therefore, they have said
You are in a wrong romantic relationship
You are in a romantic relationship where you
Will suffer hell on earth
You are in a romantic relationship which
You will regret ever being in a romantic relationship
All because I had in the past been relying on them
All because I had in the past been asking them
For financial assistances
Yet, you have not allowed
What they have stated to pull your
Iron filling of love out of my
Magnetic force of love for you
Remembering what you said,
After your meeting with them
That you have replied them that
You prefer it like that
You are ready to suffer whatsoever with me
For the sake of love
You have damned them,
You have damned the consequences,
You have called it a bluff
Their words of trying to discourage you
Of our intimacy,
Of our genuine love