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Lover's Story: Brother Samson And Sister Debbie 7

Lovers Story: Brother Samson and Sister Debbie 7


“And you surely know that you will be convicted”, the first lady’s voice is heard replying Pery as she draws apart the golden curtain that has been used as partitioning to open the way for them to leave their corner, and when she wants to enter the second corner, she used her right hand to draw apart the blue curtain they used to enter into their corner.

Pointing her index finger to them with her other fingers folded she says, “these are Misses Gumt and Guhwat, they are 200 Level Food Technology students”, then she puts her hand on Bulimah’s shoulder with her left hand pointing to him and she says, “this is brother Bulimah, my course mate”, Bulimah walks to them shaking their hands and saying these are our seniors except for that seniority is neither allowed in the university nor accepted in the University community.”

“That is it oh, if seniority is being used here, as you have entered our room today, do you know what I would have asked you to do?” Gumt said

“No, I do not”

“Do you wish to know it?”

“I absolutely do, because, maybe without seniority I would have gladly done that”

“I would have asked you to fill the three kegs of 25 Liters at the balcony with water for us today before you have access to the person you have come to visit” Gumt replied him while others laughed.

“Thanks to God that such is not allowed here”

“That is it, and do you know what?”

“What is that?”

“It is severely painful that such is not allowed in the citadel of learning”

“What makes it so severe if I may ask?”

“It is because there are some in the institution that needs orientation…”

“Heh, heh”

“Yes, and those orientation cannot come without some disciplines associated with it” She said.

“Uhm mm. Well everyone in the institution of higher learning is considered to have grown up, matured, that is why such could not be allowed”, he replied.

“I have been thinking about this for a while, and I thought of going to the authorities to tell them to include something like that.”

“You cannot change the international standard of things in the university and other higher institutions sector except if you do not want people from other countries to be students in this university” Bulimah teasingly replied her

“As you have raised the issue of foreign students now, maybe I can start by at first writing to the vice chancellor to expel all the foreign students in our university and after doing that, I would then present to him the second agenda, which is introducing seniority in the University.”

“That means you have touched the snake at its dangerous place, and it would fiercely attack you”

“How do you mean?”

“That may mean you are inviting xenophobia. It means the world University governing body would place sanctions on this institution, not to talk about the probability of many countries of the world arising to wage war against the indigenes of our country, working and or schooling at other parts of the world”, he thoughtfully replied her.

“Uhm mm, that is very thoughtful of you”, Gumt replied

“I tell you senior, we shall be the worst hit for this”.

“I do not think you would want to inflict troubles and pains on others by wielding your power because of Master Perine”, Guhwat in between giggling replied her bunkmate.

“I do not think that is necessary really, because it is the beginning of a thing that one knows, one cannot say what other troubles would be married with it” he added

“That is it” Guhwat said

“In anyway, it is nice knowing you and I hope we shall know each other more”, Gumt said as Perine and Bulimah returned to Perine’s corner.

Perine took out plates and served him rice with friend plantain, she also served herself and they started eating silently. It is said that it is not good to talk while eating. After they finished eating, she packed the plates to where she used to keep unwashed plates. Then she opened her wardrobe, took out from her bag her photo albums for him to see. When they were on this, her bunk mate, Kosmet who erstwhile has been lying gently on her bed slept off.

She started telling him of the persons he sees in the picture, her siblings, her parents, her aunt. By the time they were through with this, she dressed up took her notes and they left the room.

The Cloud is Cleared

She waited for him at the entrance to his hostel so that he would go and get his books and they shall leave for the lecture room together.

While on the way to the lecture room, Bulimah told her that he was extremely happy that she is back for he and others have been worried when they do not see her around, “we wouldn’t know what the problem with you was, or maybe it was your family that….”

“It was nothing. It is just that I have missed home so much, my aunt, and I decide to add extra days to my hols to play with my aunt for the week before returning to campus”, she replied.

“Em, I do not want what I want to ask you to cause another separation between us, I want you to let me know your mind, whether or not you are interested in what I discussed with you. I want you to know that I won’t take offence” he said as they keep walking while Perine uses her arms to wrap the books to her chest. She was silent for some seconds after he said this, and he was patiently waiting with his heart rate increased, not knowing what her reaction would be for he was thinking maybe he has stirred the hornet’s nests again. While he was thinking about what he has said, maybe she would react negatively to it again as she has done before the break, Perine replied him that, she was interested in him, but she needs to do what she did to take care of some things, however, she counseled that they should keep praying on their relationship so that he works according to plan, because everything requires prayer.

“I will want us to be, but then we cannot ignore God’s factor. It is what God commands to be that shall be in life, thus, let us keep praying if God says yes, no one can say no and if God says no, no one can say yes. Let us keep praying”.

“I am grateful for this, I know that everything needs prayer and we shall not relent in praying so that things work perfectly well for us. Thanks for your positive response”, he replied her.

“There is nothing to thank me for…”

“I have to thank you”, he insisted interrupting her.

“No, you do not have to thank me for anything because it is not as if you are the only one who shall benefit from the relationship, it is not a parasitic type of relationship, or will it be a parasitic type?”

Shaking his head before talking “No, it won’t be parasitic in nature”,

Perine continues, “Now if it won’t be parasitic in nature then it means both of us would benefit from the relationship”


“If we shall both benefit from the relationship, I do not see any need for your thanking me”


“If we can both be sincere with each other, then I believe it would be a worthwhile one at the end of it all”

“Well, I think I understand your point of view, nonetheless I still desire to thank you and that is what I am doing”

“Okay oh, if you insist”

“I have to insist because your actions after my chatting you up was suggestive of negative thing, that you are not ready for what I opened up with you, not interested in having love affairs with me”

“Oh, I see”

“I have been worried by your disposition after the proposal, and I have been blaming myself repeatedly for making such an error. I have been uneasy with myself for many days back. You wouldn’t know the psychological stress I have passed through” Perine continues to listen while he continues to talk, “you wouldn’t know how relieved I was when I saw you today, and I told myself that, even if you won’t be mine, at least the former anguish of mind you have towards me have been removed and we can continue our academic relationship as it was before I proposed”

“Uhm. I understand. I need to put some things straight within me before deciding and doing that requires doing what I did to be sure before moving ahead with you. And now, that I have gotten that resolved, we are good to start” she said

“That is okay. You need to do that. I however want to let you know that you will not regret taken this action, not even for a second throughout the time that we shall be together in the world”

“That is what I prayed for. That is what I also prayed to God for you too, that you will not have an occasion to regret ever proposing to me in life, either now or in the future”

Reading in lecture room

In The Lecture Room

They continued to talk as they entered the lecture room where they used to read, the lecture room is almost filled to the capacity tonight, it seems as if many students have just returned to campus like Perine and every one of them has come to the lecture room to meet with their friends and collect notes they have missed from them to copy those notes.

After they have been seeking for two vacant seats where they could sit side by side but couldn’t get one, they got two vacant seats one in front while the one is directly behind, and they feel that arrangement is better, they thus occupied those seats. Perine sits in front while Bulimah sits directly behind her.

About 30 minutes that they have occupied these seats, the lady sitting by Perine’s side packed her books and left the hall, and Bulimah moves to the seat from where the lady has gotten up from.

While Perine was writing her note, she will ask from Bulimah what she couldn’t understand in the notebook she was copying. After a while, as a token of love, Bulimah also got Perine’s notebook and he was assisting her to copy course 151 into her note. He helped her copy all the notes so that she would be on the same page as he was so that the next time when they come to class together it won’t be for note copying but for explanation of what they have read.

Their relationship continued to grow as they continue to do things together; walk to fellowship and other groups to which they belong together. Even the group they do not belong together, one would see the other to the entrance of where the meeting would be held before turning back and sometimes when one turned back, the person would be nigh by waiting for the partner till the meeting ends.

Campus Couple’s Award

This relationship continues till they finished their studentship on campus. When they get to 300 level, and 400 level they won the faculty and departmental couple of the session award and were second runners up in Students’ Union Government Couple’s award in 300 Level and first runners up in 400 level.

They lost the award of the Students’ Union Government Couple’s Award by two votes in their 400 level, this is because some of those who voted from the medical sciences do not know them because their faculty is far from the faculty of arts and they do not read in the same lecture theater neither do things in common. Their judgement was based on what they saw during the Vice Chancellor’s inter-faculty football competition, because they used to see those couple together for they were in the same football group pairing as the medical science students but faculty of arts was in another group and the medical science team couldn’t advance to the nest stage of the football competition. Thus, when they sat at the seat to vote for who to be the winner, they voted for those who they have seen during their group pairing matches. It was by those two votes that the lost the award that session. After the election they now got to know them, they know that those Perine and Bulimah worth to win the award, but that has passed.

Married Life

Friends and relatives were not surprised when two years after graduation, they got married and are blessed with five children. Deborah commonly called Debbie is their first issue, while Davkot, Gliveh, Linda and Rinzah were given birth to in that order. Davkot and Gliveh are males while the rest are females.

Joined Politics

The family of Bulimah was living in Tripartite island before. That is where all their children started their education from.

However, when Politics wants to start in the republic of Shebotimoh, Debbie’s father being a Political Scientists decided to join politics. Mr. Bulimah says that he likes to put what he has learnt in the university into practice. After due deliberation with his wife, Mrs. Perine, he joined politics and he in association with other like-minded people formed a political party called Advanced Minds Political Party (AMPP) of Shebotimoh republic.

In compliance with one of the rules of politics in the republic, Mr. Bulimah decided to relocate to Polyglot island with his family.

However, before this relocation, Debbie has started her University degree in Tripartite University.

Mr. Bulimah relocated to Polyglot island because he has interest in contesting for a post. When he got to Polyglot island, he decided to be the pioneer of the political party of AMPP in Polyglot island, because that is one of the consensus reached when the officers of AMPP met last and they told them that when they got to where the party has not been established they should establish it there, either or not they have interest in contesting for an elective position.

Mr. Bulimah rented an apartment at the hub of the town, which he converted to a secretariat of the AMP Party in the island. And from this he started awareness talk to the people of the grassroot level, he started explaining to them what politics mean, that it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. He explained to them that they stand to gain many things if they can join politics and he in strongest possible terms advise them to join his party because by so doing they would be able to have a say in what their leaders are doing.

He reiterated the fact that if people of the island could belong to his political party, their voices would be heard at the top because he is one of the founding members of the party, apart from this, if the party also wins the election what they cannot get from other parties they would get from his party.

Politics is different from oligarchy or monarchy system of government where less than 1 percent of the populace decide the fate of 99.9 percent of people without due consultations to them.

In politics everyone has a say, though it is not everyone who would be leaders or elected into offices, but everyone has a say in politics through their votes, “your vote is your power” he would say to them when talking to them and of the need to be ever ready to use that power to voice out.

If the person you voted for does not perform well, or fails to fully represent your ideologies and wishes, at the upper or lower house, or wherever position you have elected him or her to fill, all you need to do is wait for the next election period and vote the person out of office and vote in the person who will duly represent your wishes at the appropriate places.

With these words and more he used to mobilize people and soon enough he started having people joining his political party in the Polyglot island. From the main hub of the Polyglot island, the political party moved to the suburbs and get many people to join the party there too. By the time other political parties would come to Polyglot island, AMP Party already has about 80 percent of the people living in Polyglot island to be the party carrying members. Even among the remaining 20 percent, there are people who said they are not interested in becoming a political party bearer, but they have their minds with AMPP.

Due to this, good political analysts have already known that AMPP has won the elections that would be conducted in Polyglot island anytime the election would be held.

Windows of Election Were Opened

When the windows of election were opened by the electoral commission of the republic, Mr. Bulimah signaled his interest to contest for the position of Honorable in the lower chamber, while other members of the party go for other positions.

Mr. Bulimah won the election to represent the people of the south sphere of the Polyglot island at the lower house, while other members of his party also won the election into their respective posts. The people voted into power were to represent and hold those positions for four calendar years after which they could either be returned or voted out of the positions.

After the first four years, and the window for another election became opened, other political parties in the republic have entered into Polyglot island, and people of the island have started to join those political parties because those who were at the helms of leadership at AMPP do not want to leave the positions and there are younger minds with younger and new innovations who have become members who are anxious and desperate to also represent the people of Polyglot island.

Since those naïve minds, fresher minds could not find a space in AMPP, they shift to other parties who have entered the island and the members of those parties also start going to the grassroots to win people to their side, “even if they cannot be our members let us try and make them see the reason why they need to vote for us in the next election”, so says one of the leaders of the Fresh Minds Political Party (FMPP) of the republic to their ardent members during briefing before going out to the grassroots to launch their campaigns.

They played their cards well and the people though still bear the membership cards of AMPP but their minds have been changed, they now wish to try new and fresh minds to rule them, after all, Mr. Bulimah himself has said, it is government of the people by the people and that we should use well our powers.

During the time of the second election within the republic, the people of Polyglot voted for the fresher minds and Mr. Bulimah was voted out, he was not return to represent the south sphere of the polyglot island in the lower chamber.

Sick man

Honorable Bulimah’s Death

On the eighth month after honorable Bulimah lost his re-election bid to one of his opponents in the election, he took ill and later died.

However, before his death he and his family has joined Global Bible Church (GBC), the church which brother Samson is attending and serving as an associate pastor under the founder of the church.

Brother Samson used to go to Honourable Bulimah’s place to pray for the honorable for his quick recovery and his family. After praying with them, he would exhort the honorable and his family from the bible before his death.

Because he used to go to the family to pray with them, that was when sister Debbie and brother Samson became familiar with each other. Indeed, the entire members of the family of the Honorable was acquainted with brother Samson. It was during this period that they get to know that evangelist Samson also has a prayer team because at times he and his prayer team members would come and pray for the family.

When sister Debbie got to know this, she decides to join the prayer team. After she joined the prayer team, her siblings also joined, and they used to meet for prayer once a week.

When evangelist Samson as Mrs. Perine used to call him has been consistently coming to the family to pray with them and direct them on the things of God, Mrs. Perine, stops seeing him as a stranger in the family, she in her mind integrated him into her family.

This development makes the heart of Mr. bulimah glad, because he sees and considers evangelist Samson as a good man, and as his body was telling him, he knows he has limited time to live on earth, though, his wife and children do not want him to say this whenever he says it, but he was convinced that his days are limited.

The honorable as he is being called by political members recovered from his illness such that he did the thanksgiving in the church, but he wouldn’t last long after sharing the testimony among the brethren in the church.

The relationship of evangelist Samson and the family of the honorable continues to grow.

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