The journey of humans on earth from the time of conception till death varies. Irrespective of how the journey of people on earth looks similar like identical twins yet one shall find discrepancies, differences in journeys of two people on earth.
Journey: Journey is defined as a trip, usually a long one.
Man: Is defined as a person, human being. Man is a creature created in the image of God. After being created in God’s image, their gender differs, as he created them males and females. Though created with different genders, yet he gives all equal opportunities on earth allows for us all to journey through the world.
Viewing This Journey: Humans journey can be viewed from the common perspective of somebody travelling from a point A to another point B on earth. the means of movement from point A to B varies, as it could be by leg or employ the use of machines like cars, ships, trains, airplane etc.
If any of the machines are employed in movement from point A to another, the followings would be true; namely: there would be road or path such machines would take, there would be driver driving the machine etc. I want to apply these factors to humans lives in this article.
1. Vehicle: The vehicle that is being used for humans journeys on earth is human’s body, our flesh. Our flesh is the tool and the vehicle used for this journey on earth. Anyone who does not have a flesh cannot make the trip.
2. Starting Point: The humans journey on earth starts immediately the sperm of man and the egg of woman come together to form zygote. However, at this point the journey may be hidden but would become obvious when the fetus is being delivered by the woman.
3. End Point of the Journey: The end point of humans journey on earth happens when the spirit of man exits his or her flesh.
Ecc 12:7 “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
4. Time it Ends Varies: It worth stating that the time one will end his or her life on earth varies. For some, they will end their journeys while yet in the womb of their mothers as aborted pregnancies (untimely birth).
Ecc 6:3 “If a man beget an hundred children, and live many years, so that the days of his years be many, and his soul be not filled with good, and also that he have no burial; I say, that an untimely birth is better than he.”
Some will be given birth to and will die immediately, while some will love for days, months, years, decades before their spirits leave their bodies to God who gave it.
5. The Road: The road we all take is the world, earth, in which divers of thins are present. On this road are different bus-stops that I can call careers. These careers are chosen by individuals who have come of age.
6. Where the Road Leads to: Everyone who decides to choose a career primarily aims at living a successful life on earth, and others follow which include adding value to the earth, making the world a better place for all etc.
7. Driver: All vehicles have drivers, the drivers driving humans are one or more of the followings:
(a) Instinct: Some are being led by the instinct God has put inside of them
(b) Environment: Things happening around are those things controlling and deciding the movements of some on earth
(c) Circumstances: What some people pass through on earth is what drives them to do some things and or make their choices
(d) God: Some claim to have special connection and access to God by this they move
8. Engine of the Vehicle: The engine of the vehicle is human soul and spirit. Thus, when the spirit leaves the body, the man dies, and just like a vehicle that its engine has knocked so is the man lying lifeless on the earth.
9. Outcome of the Trip: It has been stated that we all aimed at successful ending but it should be noted that not all of humans have successful ending on earth.
- How Some End: Some would end well, while some would not, some would end their lives in between these earlier mentioned two, that is they will end theirs in-between successes and failures, averagely living on earth.
10. Great Controller: God who is the creator of humans is the great controller of all things on earth.
Mat 5:45 “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”
Act 14:17 “Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”
I will continue in the next article.