A) History
One of the greatest
Kings who ever lived
On earth according to
Histories wrote several poems
In one of his poems,
He talked about one
Breastless lady he came
Across in his kingdom
“We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?” (Song of Solomon 8:8)
This kind of development
Breastlessness, the science that
Has to do with Embryology
Calls it congenital anomaly
Breasts do not protrude
At childhood neither infancy
In females but at
Puberty it becomes revealed.
B) Breast Formation
As individuals continue to grow
Changes started taking place
In humans body, promoted
By hormonal level surges
The silent sex organs
Of the bodies become
Stimulated and started growing
Showing the distinctive features
One of the striking,
changes that could be,
quickly noticed on the,
females’ bodies are breasts.
Before it was “bud-like”,
stony hard in nature,
while in some it would,
nay be noticed at-all
The inert cells called,
receptors on the breasts,
multiplied and sensitized to,
their roles on breasts
As more hormones get,
there they started receiving,
and discharging resulting in,
enlargement of the breasts.
This cannot be said,
of the breastless lady,
who though have come,
of age for that
C) Causes of Breastlessness
Their problem may be,
non-hormonal production, insufficiency; production,
blockage after production;
or with the receptor
The lady is being,
found to be breastless,
though of age to,
show features of full breast
It is the desired,
state for ladies nay,
for only them but,
even for those who know them
"In the case of
the breastless lady even
if pseudo-breasts are attached,
joy would be denied"
The stage has been,
truncated the effects could,
be seen in being,
looked down upon
The joy of spinsterhood,
yea that of motherhood,
would be very far,
out of their reach
D) Pseudo Breasts
Fake breasts may have,
been provided for some,
to lure men to them,
to enjoy spinsterhood days
This joy would not,
last long because it,
cannot be translated to,
joy of love birds
Joy of love birds,
some at the inception,
are centered around the,
sights of breasts
In the case of the
breastless lady even if
pseudo-breasts are attached,
joy would be denied
Body to body contacts,
would be ran away from,
not to talk about
breast to body touch
In body to body
is the warmth felt,
in the breasts to body is the
sensation of love grow
-Mourning With breastless One
Cry, cry and cry,
is the breastless lady, for
lack of associated happiness,
though pseudo-breasts present
Who can comfort her,
the breastless lady?
Who can stop
her soul’s bleeding?
The psychological trauma,
How can it be healed?
Won’t you cry with
the breastless one?
Oh! The breastless one,
you are desired and
love so greatly but
I weep for your weeping
Oh! Breastless one,
I desire you since
the day I heard that a
female has been begotten
I let you go in
my mind and spirit,
I freed you may be
you can see someone
But I can possibly
not have anything to
do with you because
I will lack joy of love
Happiness associated with the
sensations of the feelings
would not be there,
‘won’t enjoy you
I cry with you,
I mourn with you every time
I remember you are breastless
but had to let go
I let you go in
my mind and spirit,
I free you may be
you can see someone
Who will be
affectionate towards you
but immediately he discovers
your breastlessness I fear
Unthinkable may also happen,
you may be back
to status quo ante,
oh breastless lady