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Mourning For The Breastless Lady 2


1. There was once a

Great king in history

Biblical documentation says

Was one of the greatest

2. One of the greatest

Kings who had ever

Lived in Israel since

Her freedom from Egypt

3. Greatness comes to people

Through divers of ways

This does not exempt

Kings and queens too

4. Kings and queens yea

All leaderships have flowing

Through their arteries

And veins extracellular fluids

5. Blood containing foods and

Nutrients flow through animals

Vessels yea the mammalian

Group to which man belongs inclusive

6. We have been given

On the average “equal”

Volume range of fluids

Flowing through our vessels

7. Medicals give it a

Range because the volume

Differ slightly, could be

On the up or low side

8. But this range would

Be there via which

The normal functions of

Each person could be assessed


9. All humans therefore have

What it takes to

Make it big on

The planet called earth

10. We all could become

Great yea one of the

Greatest in any of our

Chosen field on the planet

11. Though not all humans

Attain unto this attainable

Height, the height of

Greatness in the world

12. The nature has given

Unto us all equal

Chance to prove ourselves

But few hit the mark

13. Out of the few

Who hit the set mark

For greatness in the

World was king Solomon

14. King Solomon of Israel

Was the 3rd king

Who governed the people

But not the 4th king

15. This king if not

Mistaken is up till

Date one of the

Greatest of all kings

16. Living or dead who

Has reigned and ruled

In the country called

Israel since being founded

17. Calling this king one

Of the greatest leaders

Of all times would

Not be an exaggeration

18. He was handed over

To by his father

King David who was

The second king of Israel.

19. Unlike others before and

After who attained greatness

Through wars, conquering and

Subduing nations nigh by

20. He attained greatness through

His wealth of wisdom,

Knowledge and understanding that

Surpassed all in his kingdom

21. The wealth he possessed

Is yet to be

Paralleled by anyone born

Of woman in the world

22. He slept on gold

Walked on gold, ate

From the bowls of gold

Put on gold apparels

23. Everything he had and

Used were made up

Of extremely costly materials

That could not be described

24. Despite all of these

Nothing stopped this great

Man from putting into

Use his God given talents

25. One of the God

Given talents which he

Puts into use was

The talent of writing

26. Saying he took after

His father who was

Also a successful poet

Will not be wrong

27. But above all, it

Would be fair to

Say he had strong

Flair for putting things down

28. He may have been

Far from succeeding as

A poet like his father

If this was not employed

29. Many learnt how to write

Went to schools of “pen”

Saw people to take

After but yet unsuccessful

30. One of the strong legacies

Cum lessons left behind

By one of the

Greatest kings of all

31. Ages could be found

From any of his

“Penned” works within

And without the Bible

32. All human beings those

Who were alive during

His days on earth and

Those alive now could gain

33. From his works if

Such people could have

Access to one or

More of his works

34. Several poems and proverbs

Were put down by

This man, some of

Which were not in the bible

35. In one out of

His many poetic words

He talked about a

Sister close to him

Why He Talk About Her

36. This person she called

Little sister though younger

In age to the king

But had grown up

37. The growth and development

Of all living things

Get them off lower

Position to higher position

38. When a new level

Has been attained certain

Features are distinctive of

Such newly attained level

39. People from natural instincts

Would be on the

Watch out for the

Manifestation of these features

40. When someone on whom

All eyes are is

Expected to show any of

These features but couldn’t

41. People become agitated and

Worried about the state

Of the person especially

Those who are close

42. Different things would run

Through their hearts of hearts

Exploring other likely avenues

To upgrade the person’s status

43. Having gotten to this

Stage but with no

Signs of breasts on

Her chests they were agitated

44. This may have pushed them

Into exploring other means

Trying what could make

Breasts grow and enlarge

45. They perhaps shifted to

Pseudo-breasts because of their

Status in the society

Money answers all things

46. This perhaps changes for

A season this little

Sister’s profile and way

She was being addressed

47. But this would not

Last for ever because

Time would reveal secrets

If the expected failed


Scientific Outlook

48. This kind of development

Breastlessness, the science that

Has to do with

Study of fusion of gametes

49. In living things, yea

In animals and mammals

That is called embryology

Calls this congenital anomaly

50. From their undertaken studies, it

Is on record that

As individuals continue to

Grow changes started occurring

51. These changes are often

Brought into effect by

Hormonal level changes due

To the glandular productions

52. The silent sex organs

Of animals’ bodies become

Stimulated, gingered up and

They start growing ‘n’ enlarge

53. The distinctive features of

Those salient regions of

The animals’ bodies soon

Become obvious to all

54. As the glandular productions

Continue to increase due

To on going growth and

Development in animals’ bodies

55. Commensurate receptors are being

Produced on their special

Regions matching the productions

In size and quality

56. This enhances normal growth

Of the areas while

The animals flesh respond

Through obvious curvatures

57. This kind of curvature

Is more noticeable in

Females’ bodies than it

Is on the males bodies

58. One of the stricking

Changes that could be

Quickly and easily noticed

Is present on the chest region

59. The fats on human

Females’ chests region mitotically

Divide multiplying at a

Rapid rate this time

60. This outgrowth becomes “bud-like”

In nature at the

Initial like a fertilized

Flower just producing fruit

61. At this stage, if

Touched it ‘ll be found not

To be succulent neither

Soft but stony hard

62. It resembles a form

Of contractile vacuole of

A cell that has just

Complete endo-cytosis of foreign substance

63. The mitotic division of

The cells at this

Region allows for more

Receptors formation for the site


64. These cannot be said

Of the breastless lady

Who though has come

Of age for that

65. The problem may be

Glandular dysfunctioning, ranging from

Insufficient production to blockage

On the pathway to the site

66. The problem may be at

The site of action in

Which the receptors are

Not responding or abnormal

67. The chemical neurotransmitters may

Also be affected or

Their pathways blocked or

Totally absent though rare

68. This rare case is

Being noticed in the

Breastless lady and it

Arose the mind of brother

69. Brought together knowledgeable people

Intelligent people, powerful people

Those who are given

A power or another

70. To help him look into

The plight of his sister

What could be done

To remedy the situation



71. We have been brainstorming

On what we shall do

For the breastless lady

72. This has taken us to

Different places as well as

Other countries in other continents

73. We have explored different

Kinds of things, spent and

Being spent in this quest

74. The ones tried have

Failed but the recently

Gotten ones seem to be real

75. Gleefully do we make our

Ways back, having fun

With colourful pageantry

76. At the border between our

Town and the neighbouring

Town did we hear the news

77. The news of our loving Sister’s

Demise got to us this news

Hit me below the belt on chariot

78. Our breastless sister has

Eventually left the world

Being unable to try the new thing

79. Which we thought would

Transform her status and

Save her from embarrassments

80. Yea, it would save us

From many questions that

Have been repeatedly asked

81. The horses and the chariots

Momentarily stopped for we

Do not know what to do

82. Thoughts left me as

Well as some of my

Companions on what to do

83. The steps to take I

Did not know, I shouted,

Wailed and cried at the news

84. The voice of my cry was

So loud that it could be

Heard miles away

85. People who heard my cry

Could not but want to

Know what the “hell” happened

86. People of the neighbouring town

On hearing the cry and the

Momentary stop of chariots

87. Say one to another that

Something terrible had befallen

A powerful man in our town

88. See as they are crying and wailing

At the border of their town

For they do not know what happened

89. When my companions heard

My voice they alighted from

The chariots and come to me

90. The break of the news

Was like spike of fire

In the wild desert

91. The cry and wailing rose

At once, growing and

Growing, could be heard from afar

92. I got off my chariot

Paced up and down

With my hands on my head

93. Jumped up and came

Down with my buttocks

On the un-tarred floor

94. Beside the chariots in

The presence of my companions

With my costly apparel on

95. I took dust from

The ground and poured

It on my head

96. My clothes were full of

Dusts as I started

Wailing for what happened

97. When my companions saw

This being short of

Words, joined me on the floor

98. We were in this position

For hours, wailing for

The breastless sister

99. Some of those entering and

Leaving the town met

Us at this position

100. They all felt sorry

For us and advised us

To take it lightly

101. The sun was now in the

Extreme west, soon

It wont be visible again

102. I arose from my position

Did not dust off the

Dust from my head neither my regalia

103. Companions patiently looking

At me, entered into my

Chariot, started riding to town

104. Quickly companions get up

From their positions moved to

Theirs’ and the entourage continued

105. The glee neither the fun

Nor the pageantry could be

Added to the concluding part of the trip

106. I started a dirge for

The gone wonderfully made,

Caring but breastless little sister

107. The Dirge “Oh My sister

Why leave me

So so soon?

108. Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon

Our sister’s gone

Oh death why?

109. Seeing all the

Efforts put into

This journey for you

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

110. Seeing all I

‘Ve been doing

To rectify your situation

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

111. Mere mortal am

I license to query

Immortal not given

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

112. Only dust am I

Lack the mouth

To question spirit

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

113. Death is a spirit

Given authority to

Silence all flesh

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

114. Dust art we

All certainly we

Shall return there

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

115. But I never

Expect it so

Very soon for you

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

116. It hast though

Happened, painfully painful

Beyond pains of cancer

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

117. When would I see

You again my

Caring but breastless sister

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

118. I cannot see

You no, not

Anymore in this world

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

119. If I can be

Allowed to pay

You a visit

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

120. How glad would

I have been

To visit you

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

121. But visitation is

Not allowed where

You have gone

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

122. No one hast

Ever leave here

For where you are

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

123. Having the gut

To come back

To this place

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

124. In this matter

Of translation you

Are my senior

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

125. Its me that

Can come to

You not you

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

126. How I wished

You would have

Stayed longer sis’

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

127. But wishes are

Not horses, this

Wish is not grant’d

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

128. Oh! My breastless sis’

Loving an’ caring

Gentle to touch

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

129. Looking forward to

See you, I want

To touch you again

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…

130. Better put, I want

To feel your

Warm hand again

Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…”

131. This slow and sad

Piece of music continued

Till they entered the town

Ancient city

The Burial

132. Arrangement for the burial of

The breastless little sister

Was concluded, she was buried

133. In one of the tombs

At the special burying

Site for the family

134. After she was long

Gone I was still

Unable to pull myself ‘gether

135. On many occasions had

Friends and colleagues asked me

What the matter was with me?

136. This question was prompted

By the droplets of

Tears found on my eyes

137. I discovered that the

Threshold for my becoming

Irritated gets low and lower

138. I easily get irritated

At the slightest provocation

Ranting for a long while

139. Inability to complete what

I was doing, it ‘ll be

Abandoned along the line

140. The shock of the

Incident cannot be taken

Off me for years

141. Losing touch with the

World and her systems

I become mostly out-dated

142. Cannot be left alone

For a second not

Even at the most hidden place

143. Where ought to be my

Secret place is usually

Under surveillance for fear

144. Fear of the possibility

Of injuring myself if

Left alone fill their hearts

145. Receptors on my tastebuds

Have ceased functioning because

Foods are tasteless to me

146. I can hardly stand alone

Neither walk upright without

Walking aids (things or men)

147. I became frail and

Fragile for my irregularly

Irregular feeding patterns

148. I have been left

With little or no

Energies for my daily chores

149. Everything looks bleak to

Me, life is worthless to

Me, I consider dying to living

150. Hardly could I think

Straight on many occasions

Very weak with shaking knees

151. My head becomes light

As if some parts of

The brain have been excised

152. It would seem as if

I would fall down and

Pass out while standing

153. Me, who dress to taste

With costly apparels on

And always in vogue socially

154. Now discovered that all

Of that do not

Matter to me again

155. I pay little attention

To fashion, do not

Dress to taste again

156. When I assume to

Have dressed to match

It ‘ll be full of errors

157. Those who see me

Would be silently asking

Themselves, “is he alright?”

Crying Lass

158. My sleeping pattern becomes

Irregularly irregular in nature

With sleeping drugs recommended

159. I may lie on bed

For hours just staring

Into the empty space

160. Yet death did not

Come to take me to where

My breastless sister is

161. If only she could

See the kind of

Robes I put on now

162. She would remember that

It is the exact robe I

Put on while leaving her

163. If she recollect this

May be she would come

Out of death to see me

164. Oh my little sister,

Death did not do well

In taking you away

165. Away from me to where

My hands can neither

Touch nor feel you

166. You have been taken away

To where I would not be

Able to embrace you

167. Breastless little sister

If I know your kind

Of diet there

168. I would have ordered

For them if not available

In our town

169. I would have joined

You in eating your

New types of foods

170. May be that would

Have stir you up to

Have a look back

171. But the kinds of

Meals you are eating

There I have no knowledge of

172. Or are you fasting there

I want you to know that

I am ready to fast with you here

173. What can I do

To bring back my

Little darling sister?

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