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My Matchless Star #1

1. Though thousandth of millionth

If not hundredths of billionth

Of miles away from one of the planets

2. could shinning things be seen

In the firmament, illuminating and

Radiating across the firmament

3. The planet from whence these

Shinning lights are seen

Is said to be the only one

4. According to research that supports

Living things. Though studies and

Research are yet on going

5. To know about other planets

Status, and seeking for the probabilities

Of new discoveries

6. Yet no other planet has

Been found supportive to

“Livelihood” yea living things

7. The only supportive planet is earth

As far as this planet is from

Other planets, yet the rays of

8. Its lights could be seen by people

Living on the planet earth

These are called starts

9. These stars have been said to be

Very big but because of their positions

They are seen as tiny objects hung

10. In the firmament by only God knows what

Some of those stars could pass for what the

Scientists call micro-objects by their size.

11. Despite being “micro” in sizes

Some look bigger than the rest

And could be called “macro” by their sizes

12. Though “macro” and “micro” in appearance

Those people who travel to space

The astronauts say a lot about stars

13. Are very big, some even bigger

Than the planet we live in,

Out of those “macro” stars

14. There are some that exceed others

Among them is this star,

My shining and only star

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