1. Butterflies belong to insect class
Hexapod invertebrates are they,
Insects are the largest group
Within arthropoda phylum
2. Some insects are beautiful
Out of those beautiful ones
Art thou oh butterflies
You excel many in beauty
3. There is this butterfly
Its movement was zigzag
In nature, just like
Other known butterflies
4. I was attracted to its movement
Kept my gaze on it,
On this was I
My mind was struck
5. My mind races tro and fro
Until it settles on something
We used to study about a
A movement like this
6. Oh yeah, yeah I r’membered
‘Tis true of the Science class
Very correct of Chemistry class
There is a movement like this
7. Molecules do not move
Except moving in zigzag manner
Creating a pattern that
Is unique an’ different
8. This butterfly kept flying
Rested on somethin’
Couldn’t stay long there
But microseconds stayed there
9. Looks unsatisfied on the thing
Flapped its wings
Ready to take off,
Off into the air again
10. Flying off that thing,
My eyes would not
Let it off me,
Kept following this butterfly
11. What I sense of sight
Gathered was collated ‘gether
Nervous signals sent
Transmitted to my brain
12. Wow! I found myself
In Biology class,
Though still monitoring
Butterfly movement where I was
13. Thinking procedure initiated
Inside of my brain
Thought of the butterfly's
Many robes on display.
14. Its wings were full
Of many colours,
Perfect combination,
Said I to myself,
15. God is a beautiful Being,
As exemplified in this insect.
This I said to myself
As the insect keeps moving
16. The haphazard movement,
Continued Transciently resting
On somethings on many
Instances before leaving,
17. This connects my mind
To the elementary studies
My elementary Mathematics,
What? What? What?
18. I cannot come off it
What is it ‘am driving at?
Cannot immediately
Figured it out
19. Is it possible to calculate
The time spent on each
Of the things the insects
Rests on before taking off?
20. This was what jumped
Into my heart
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
This thought seems elusive
21. The thought is out of
My immediate purview,
Elementary Mathematics
Cannot solve this puzzle,
22. Just then, My Darling's
Thought swelled up in
My heart, like
Like a rising sea
23. Oh, My Jewel...
Oh, My Platinum...
Oh My Scientist.
Oh! My Calculation
24. My Darling, My Star,
My linen, My love,
My Diamond, My One
And only in the world
25. My Lover can do this,
Yeah oh Yeah, I said
To none but myself,
My Lover can
26. My lens yet focus
On the insect movement
The signals were sent
To the retina
27. From the retina
They converged and
Were taken by the
Optic nerves-----
28. From the optic nerve
Bundles they were taken
To the cerebrum
The zone for seeing
29. These moves of the
Insect kept on stimulating
Me, as the zone sent back
The processed images
30. On these were i
And lo…the insects
In its characteristic movement
Rests on my shoulder
31. As this butterfly did this,
I viewed how my Darling's
Head used to rest
On my shoulder
32. My darling finds my
Shoulder a comfort
Zone, My Love always
Does rest on me
33. Not long after this,
The butterfly lifts
Self up, taken solace
On one of my fingers
34. It rested on the posterior
Side of my hand,
It got itself rested on
My wedding ring finger,
35. Then, muttered I to me,
This is nothing but a
Positive signal of how my
Finger will bear Love’s ring
36. The symbolism of its rest
On my finger,
Could nay brushed aside
For it tarried there
37. The butterfly did not hurriedly
Flew away as it had been doing
On other things rested on afore,
Then I had better view of it
38. The insect exercises no fear.
While in this position
Then said I to myself,
My Joy...My Star...
39. My Darling...My Heartbeat,
Exercises no iotum of fear,
Allows no doubt in you for me,
You are at the right place
40. You are at the right
Atmosphere, the center of love,
You will be ever loved...
As long as longetivity can be
41. Many may lie to you,
Some will want to lure you
Away, away from me,
Away from the atmosp’re of love
42. You have to ward them
Off you, your heart
Your position of love
This is quintessential
43. But as you chase them away,
Know ye that you are in
A very sure place...
Comfort place for your heart
44. My Beauty, My Love,
You have been adorned
With special beauty,
Beauty that is natural
45. Natural beauty are rare
Verily rare to come by
In this dispensation
You are rarely rare, Love
46. You are beautiful than
Any animal or insect.
You are beautiful and charmin’
Than the world’s most beautifuls
47. My Crown, My Star,
You have found a head,
My Love, My Valves
You have found a heart
48. My partner, my peer,
You have find a brother,
My spouse, my companion
You have find a friend,
49. You have find me-
Your Gem! Your Love!
As we jointly move in love,
We cannot stumble
50. Grow in love, Love
Grow in joy, my Joy,
Grow in peace, my Peace,
Grow in God's grace,
51. As we grow as One,
Blessings of God abound,
My rare Darling...
‘Am subsumed in thine love
52. Forever we shall
Keep growin' in this
Mutual love, nothin'
Will separate us