It is a surprise to many what happened this year, although many of us have been expecting this to happen, if indeed we want this country, Nigeria, to be freed from the hands of those who have been holding Nigeria by the jugulars (economic, political, social, education among others) for centuries.
What happened has opened another clean chapter in the history of the country which essentially would not go away from Nigeria until when those people who have been holding the country by the jugulars reasoned among themselves to get the issue addressed and resolved.
We need to note that Until Nigeria is Made One (Unified) there will always be all of the followings:
1. Protests: #End SARS which albeit would have metamorphosed into another form perhaps deadlier than this.
2. Bad Leaderships: Because all the leaderships would be based on ethnic jingoists,
3. Extradition: Leave our land within 24 hours mantra by people, would be commoner now than in the past some of which would result in physical clashes and destruction of properties
4. Ethnic Clashes: there would be more ethnic clashes in the nation and which would be deadlier as years roll by
5. Question: How many Yorubas made it in the south East or in the North as they have made it in Yoruba lands?
6. Productivity: Wide Scale low productivity would sweep the land as have not been experienced since the beginning of the nation,
7. Fear: There would always be fear to live in any other parts of the country apart from their own towns by the so-called citizens of Nigeria,
8. Diminishing Returns: Laws of Diminishing Returns would always set in as there would be reductions in the gross domestic products of the country
9. Borrowing: There would be continued borrowing from the leaderships of the country to maintain and run the affairs of the nation which will always make us be at the mercies of those who have borrowed us the money,
10. Investors: Investors and investments will decrease as the time rolls by with many who have been in the country leaving the country because there would be opportunities and new openings at other forgotten countries which would reduce the economy of the nation that people brag about to nothing.
To wrap this up, if those people who claim to love this nation really loves this nation then they have to awake from their deep sleep else….