(Sometimes we used to think we have mastered some things, but we may err when we do not expect and it is usually painful.)
1. She has been living
In the world for
A while she is
Going to fifty years now
2. What happened to her
Should not have happened
But it did happen
Showing that while
3. One is still in
The world, one cannot
Say never, one can’t
Be right always
4. She has been married
To the village and
There she has happily
Been living with her spouse
5. During the dry period
The nearby stream where
The people of the
Village used to
6. Fetch water has dried-up
Forcing the people to
Trek for about fifteen
Kilometers into wilderness
7. To get drinking water
That they shall fetch
Home. She alongside others
Used to go to
8. The place together every
Three days, because of
The dangers inherent in
The trip, for it
9. Is wilderness that is
Full of some dangerous
Reptiles and other dangerous
Animals and being woman
10. They desire to walk
In companies like that
To protect themselves
From such dangerous animals
11. Sometimes they ask for
The company of some
Youths within the village
To the wilderness stream
12. The heat is much
During this year’s dry
Period and it has
Been forcing people to
13. Sleep outside in the
Open air in the
Village while the nightguards
Mount surveillance across the
14. The entrance of the
Village, to prevent enemies
From intruding into the
Village when people were asleep
15. No thanks to what
The herdsmen are doing
Entering the villages at
Night to kill and maim
16. People these days and
These have also forced
People to ensure that
They have guards at the
17. Entrances of their villages
And this is particularly
True for this village.
During this period of the year.
18. The people of the
Village have expecting that
The heavens be opened
And it rained on the people
19. On the villagers so
That the people would
Be comforted and relieved
From the scorching heat
20. This is the third
Month by now it
Ought to have been
Raining regularly if the
21. Former statistics of how
Rain used to fall
Is anything to go by
But they have not
22. Been experiencing something like
That. Though it had
Rained thrice, but those
Types of rain are nothing
23. To write home about
For their agitations they
Contacted the oracles of
The land to seek solution to the drought
24. After due consultation with
The priests of their
Oracles in the land
They were assured that it would rain
25. Even before the week
Runs out. Many people
Believed because whatever the
Priests say usually come to pass
26. Then on the fourth
Day of the week
Cloud was formed, thunders
Were heard and people
27. Even the blinds for
Whom people believe thunders
Usually sounded know that
Rain is about to fall
28. They were all happy
For this development, at
Last the Lord has
Remembered them for good
29. They were saying as
Everyone was hurrying to
Leave where he or she
Is for their abode
30. She was among those
Who rushed home from
Where she was to
Get set for the rain
31. It seems as if
There are droplets of
Rain immediately afterwards as
The sound of it on the roofing sheets revealed that
32. Oh! The rain has
Indeed, started she reasoned
Entered where she used
To store her water
33. Started pouring off the
Contents in those jars
And pots to put them
Out in the open
34. Where the mouth of
The roofing sheets meet
So that the accumulation
Of the rain would be
35. Pouring directly into the
Jars and pots that
She has put directly
Beneath the edges of the roofing sheets
36. Soon the jars and
Pots would get filled
Up she reasoned and
At least for the next
37. Couple of days she
Would have no cause
To go to the wilderness
To fetch water again
38. In fact it is a
Possibility that the nearby
Stream’s source would pick
Up after this rain for
39. It seems as if
This would be a very
Heavy rain. And people
Say, an antidote for
40. Drought is heavy rain
After putting all these
Where they should be
To collect the rainwater
41. Into those jars and
Containers, then, a strong east
Wind blew after this
Wind, the firmament got cleared
42. And there was no
Rain again. She couldn’t
Go and remove the
Containers immediately for it
43. Is yet looking like
A dream to her
As she left them there
For sometimes seeking and hoping
44. For reversal of the trend
But alas! There was no
Reversal it would not
Rain again contrary to their expectations.
45. She was shocked. There
Is barely a droplet
Of drinking water at home
“How could I be so stupid” she asked herself
46. Now she remembers the
Sage’s saying that seeing
The cloud formation and
Hearing sound of thunders
47. Do not mean that
It would rain. She
Has become a victim
Today and she regrets this.
48. If the family would be
Kept together, then following
Day, she must seek
For people to go to the wilderness to go and fetch drinking water.