1. Dear Lord now many
Of us know the importance
Of freedom, walking around
The streets of the world
2. Without fear, for before
Now many do not know
Its importance, what we feel
Is it is our right to live
3. It is our right to
Walk in the streets, thus
For this we hardly
Appreciate you for such
4. And now we have
Seen ourselves and have seen
That even walking around
The streets is not our right
5. But in thine mercy
Have granted us this
For this we thank
You and
6. Thank thee for the
Gift of life, thank you
For the angels you
Daily send to fumigate
7. The atmosphere and streets
Every second in a day
Thank you for where you
Have started during this coronavirus period
8. Thank you for where we are
And thank you for where
You are taken us
To during this period
9. Thank you for what
Would become an end
Of this pandemic, thank
You for what you have for us.
10. Our errors due to our
Nonchalant attitudes to
You we ask that
You pardon us
11. We ask that you
Would not impute our
Iniquities on us but
Would overcome those
12. We ask that you
Temper justice with mercy
On us, look at out
Plight and visit us again
13. We want you to
Send you angels to
Come and fumigate our
Lands so that they
14. Become pure and free
Of coronavirus again. We
Want us to remove all
Those viruses from among
15. Us. Look down on us
From east to west,
South to north of the
Globe and send your
16. Deliverance across all regions
States, countries, and borders
Of the world so that
We be at peace again.
17. Deliver us from this
Fear during the day
And fear during the
Night, let your blood
18. Wash the entire world
For the sake of the
Saints, your elected in
The world.
19. All this we ask for
In faith in your
Only son Jesus Christ
Our Lord. Amen.