1. A Bird flies over me,
The bird is singing
The song it sings
Is verily special,
2. As special as this
Song was, it was
Hidden, hidden from
Nighby people.
3. None can hear this
Beautiful song of this
Bird hovering over me
Though they are nigh me
4. I perceived that some
Perceived the bird singing
Despite their perception they,
Couldn’t understand its songs
5. Oh! Yea! No one
Can understand this bird’s
Wonderful songs neither
The lyrics of the songs
6. As the songs are
Designed for special one
So is the lyric
Not meant for all
7. When people are in
Oblivion as per what
The songs imply
The chosen one is not
8. The one the songs
Are meant for understands,
Oh! He deciphers the
Wordings of the songs.
9. As he deciphers the
Wordings of the song,
The wordings soothe
The person as Gilead balm
10. The wordings brought comfort
To the person's heart,
The wordings have healings
When harmonized by ears
11. The healings present in
The words of the songs
Is surprising unto people
Who saw its effects
12. A dying heart that
Comes out of death,
A comatose brain
That becomes revived,
13. These incidents came as
Surprise to nigh-by ones
Yea, they were amazed,
And wert speechless
14. How? Why? Were asked,
"Wonderful" were the words
That fill everyone's mouth,
Those who witness it
15. Surprises pervade everywhere,
The mouths of all were
Widely opened they couldn’t
Fathom the development
16. The one who decodes
The words and lyrics
Says, yea the one to whom
The lyrics were directed spake
17. The many who heard
The chosen one could
Not but marvel the more,
Of tonic in loving words,
18. The enigma in the
Glued heart, the binding
Force in the loving hearts
The wonders of love.
19. The sayings are...
Oh! Oh my bird...
How special thou art,
Distinctly unique amongst all
20. With what can I compare
The eyes of my bird?
It is like that of
Shinning stars in firmament
21. The eyelashes of my
Bird is radiant like sun,
My bird sees from afar,
Having wide range of view
22. As my bird advances
In its love so the
More he sees more
Love in its lover
23. As my bird grows
Deeper, its understanding of
Love can not be compared
No, not with anything
24. This bird is Ageless
In its love for me,
As the age advances
The unflinching love advances
25. Wherever my bird
Goes I go,
Whatever my bird
Eats, I eat
26. Whatever my bird says
Comes from "Purity and
Genuine heart because of
Its singleness of heart
27. What a suigeneris bird,
What a loving bird,
What a caring bird
What an affectionate bird!
28. A bird who forgoes
Its food to feed me,
A bird who perches on the
Tree of love planted by me,
29. A bird who knows no
Other love apart from me...
What could I have done
Without my loving bird?
30. In love I found my bird...
In love I dine with my love...
Feather in feather we
Were glued in love...
31. My bird, my love...
My life...my star...
My dream…my joy
My soul…my breath