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Sporadic Lover

Sporadic Lover

A-two-storey building is shown from afar off, on zooming the lens in it is discovered that the building is patterned along the building of a bank. The name on the building is Lova Bank with the logo by the side of the name and the motto of the bank, “partnership in love” inscribed beneath it. Security personnel are seen within and without the fenced compound of the bank’s building. Those directing customers to where to park their vehicles and those stopping the vehicles n the main road for their customers to drive out of the parking spaces are seen. Others open the gates for customers, welcoming them to the bank premises.

Customers could be seen entering and leaving the banking hall. Those who know themselves are seen greeting themselves, shaking hands laughing and some are seen talking to themselves.

Zooming through lens

In The Banking Hall

Customers are queuing up to make deposits into accounts, theirs or somebody else’s, and or to withdraw money.

At a section, about five people are seen facing a wall, writing on a horizontal surface joined to the wall. One of those writing on that surface is a 21 years old lady, Pepecu. Pepecu is 173 centimeters in height and svelte in appearance to all. She is working with High Crown Help Services. She has been sent to make some payments into some customers’ accounts because the money has been paid by cash unto them. Pepecu is in the middle of those filling their tellers on that horizontal surface.

A young man is standing beside her to the left, he is also filling a teller. One of the tellers on Pepecu falls to the ground. Stario, the young man standing to her left went after the teller that fell off, as Pepecu struggled with others not to fall off.

Stario, picked the teller from the floor and hands it over to her, smiling as he hands it to her. Pepecu also smiled back, received the teller and said thank you sir, genuflecting as she receives the teller from him.

”You are welcome”, Stario said, turning to the projected horizontal surface to take his teller, as he was taking it, he asked her, “are you through with filling the tellers?” “Almost”, she replied. “Okay”, he said, “let me go and join one of the queues, after you are done you should come and queue up directly behind me, I will tell anyone who comes to queue behind me that you are at my back”, he added.

“Alright. But I hope you will queue up before a fast cashier, because I don’t want to stay longer than necessary in the banking hall this morning” Pepecu said.

“Just wish me good luck, because no one can predict the line that would be fast. Sometimes a cashier that one thinks would be faster ends up being the slower” he said

“I concur. Good luck then”, she replied as she continues to fill the remaining tellers on her.

Stario left her there to join the queue. It was not long that Pepecu finished filling the remaining tellers and walked to where Stario is and he stepped back creating a space for her in his front.

“Thanks a bunch” she said as she joined the queue.


Pepecu good luck wishes must have worked for Stario because out of the four queues in the banking hall that day, the queue joined Stario is the fastest moving of all the queues. As customers see that the line is moving fast some left their earlier lines to join the line on which Pepecu and Stario are.

As they take steps forward they kept talking, initially about different kinds of cashiers, how they attend to people, the sluggishness of some that would lead to a “jam-packed” banking hall premises which have led to some becoming victims of armed robbers who invade banks in the past.

“I usually don’t like coming to bank for the fear of those people, some say the fear of armed robbers when going to bank is the beginning of long life” Pepecu said.

“Sometimes such is inevitable”, Stario replied her

“Yes, sometimes such is inevitable as it is at the moment, but what is disheartening is that some banks such things as it is we are experiencing today are regular phenomenoh with them, their cashiers are always sluggish which usually piss people off their banks”, Pepecu said as she takes a step forward while others on queue also start adjusting themselves, moving forward.

They continued to talk, they soon changed their discussion from the banking sector to information technology how it has brought a lot of innovations into the world, making the world a global village, where virtually everything could be deciphered, governments of different countries could barely tell lie to the people in another countries now because of information technology because it will have been revealed or posted by some people who seen the thing.

Outside this, information technology has make some people who would have become irrelevant in the world relevant, some whose talents would have been hidden and would have died with what God has blessed them with, because of information technology such people are now known and they are making waves in the global scene, making waves that cannot be repressed by the people of their countries many thanks to this new development.

When it was a person between her and the cashier, Stario said to her, “could you please wait for me after you are through?” She replied by nodding her head.

Getting to Know Each Other

After Pepecu made her deposits, she walks to a side within the banking hall, seeing and reading some of the new adverts being placed at strategic locations in the banking hall premises, waiting for Stario. Stario did not stay long before the cashier because he was making a self-deposit into his account. When he is through with the cashier, he looked round and saw Pepecu where she is standing reading some of the leaflets on the banking shelf, walked up to where she is and silently said unto her that I am through let’s get going. They started walking towards the electronic doors that lead into and out of the bank. While Pepecu exits the bank through the left door, Stario leaves the bank through the right door.

Outside the banking premises they stood for some minutes telling each other what their names were and exchanging their phone numbers. After this they started leaving the banking premises. When they got outside the banking hall to the main road, they discovered that they were both heading for the same place and they waved down a taxi who took them. They continued to talk in the vehicle as the driver drives on.

Five minutes later, the driver reached where Pepecu’s office was and she got off the taxi, waving him bye that she will be expecting his call.

Nursing A Psychological Wound: Pepecu has recently been hit by the vehicle of a drunken run-away lover, she never imagined that what happened to her could ever happen because of her expressed love to the guy.

Kamposa and Pepecu grow up in the same neighborhood, and they used to attend the same coaching class in the neighborhood after school hours.

Animal showing love

Their parents are educated and have discovered that the education in the island is not like it was during their days, if anyone wants his or her children to make it brilliantly in their studies such parent would get their children enrolled into some extra-coaching centers this was what prompted Kamposa’s and Pepecu’s parents to get their children into that coaching center. Apart from this, they also know that an idle hand is the devil’s workshop, if their children are not allowed to be attending coaching classes they will be roaming about the streets they therefore reasoned that instead of their wards to be roaming about the streets after their school hours they needed to be engaged with extra studies from coaching center. They therefore looked for one which is outstanding in teaching in their environment, where no extra transportation costs would be needed.

There are several coaching centers around the neighborhood, but one stands out and it was the one that stands out among the coaching centers that they get their children enrolled in to be learning after their normal school hours till they return from their workplaces.

Kamposa and Pepecu were fond of each other at their coaching center and having known that their houses were not far from each other their closeness grew. Ever before they started dating each other, their mates have been calling them lovers because of their expressed love to each other, but during those times they were yet to be dating.

When it was some weeks to writing their final tests at the coaching center after which they will be left to be studying alone, Kamposa proposed to Pepecu.

Pepecu knows that they have been in love indirectly and she couldn’t hide her feelings from him, that is how they started seeing each other.

It wasn’t long before this becomes know to all within the center, they were not surprised to know it for some thought before then they had been seeing each other. After they finished from their they secured admission into different schools because of the courses they wanted to study. Kamposa’s school was outside the island, while Pepecu’s school was within the island.

Despite getting admission into different institutions and not within the same islands they did not allow this to become a barrier to their love as they keep talking on phone and social media and when they were on mid-semester breaks, they used to spend ample of time together.

During their second year in their institutions, Kamposa’s father bought a building on one of the government’s new estates in the outskirts of the town and they moved there. This relocation affected their relationship as they couldn’t see as they were seeing before.

Everything seems going on normal until when Kamposa started demanding that he wants to see Pepecu in his institution so that people will know that he has been engaged. But Pepecu told him that it is the position of his mind that matters that her colleagues in the institution which she was, was also not sure of his sincerity to her that as he has been under pressure from other ladies where he lives, so has she been under pressure from guys where she is but she has been keeping her heads up.

This continued for a while until Kamposa notified her that he is no longer interested in her, that he will not be able to control her even if they married.

Pepecu made frantic efforts in seeing that they resolved the issue but Kamposa did not repent from what he has said.

After he graduated from the institution, he was the best graduating student of the institution and according to the rule of the institution, their graduating student must be retained and given job immediately. That was how he secured employment in another island.

Pepecu who has been dreaming of her future with Kamposa, dreaming of how they would tour the world together, how she got pregnant for him and delivering twins for him could not withstand what has happened. This affected her final examination’s grade in her institution such that she couldn’t finish among the top ten in her institution again.

He Left Her

After her graduation from the institution she secures employment with the company she was working with, but she was yet to be totally out of the psychological wound when she met with Stario.

Pepecu from the inception of their first meeting in the banking premises could read from his eyes that he loves her, but she decided to make it hard for him for according to her, may be it was because I made it easier for Kamposa, may be that was why he could do what he did unto her.

If Stario calls her, she will not answer the call neither would she return the call. And whenever she answers the call after tons of calls, she will put up different excuses why she could not receive the call. Stario thought calling her after the day’s work would do the magic. He shifted to calling her at night after the day’s work, but this did not work, infact that seems to be the worst moment.

Pepecu answers his calls whenever she feels like, she will for a second act as if she loves him without reservations and at another instance she will act otherwise as if she does not have feelings for him at all.

After six months of her inconsistency, Stario decides that he has had enough and leaves her, saying, “this is not how to play love, this lady is deliberately out to frustrate my love advances to her”.

He deleted all her contacts, remove her from his friend lists on the social media and block her from talking with him on whatsapp. Pepecu tries to get back to him, but this could not be done as Stario has left for good.

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