The Bride Price
Sharley has crossed to the legal age of adulthood, but she is yet living with her parents. Sharley was born to Engineer and Mrs. Shualen about 22 years ago. While Engineer Shualen is an independent contractor, his wife is a government staffer, working at the immigration’s office of the country of Uziahu.
Engineer and Mrs. Shualen dated for 6 months before they got married. They did not have problems whatsoever going out with each other, it was not that they knew themselves before they started dating neither was it because they had love experiences before but because they give it all it takes to make their love a worthwhile adventure.

When they started dating the wind of technological changes gas just been blowing across all continents of the world, they allowed this wind of change to blow on them by making the most use of the available social medium then which was email. They send messages to each other frequently on this medium, and different love attachments.
After this they used to meet every weekend when engineer Shualen would not be on duty with the company he was working with and Mrs. Shualen too will be off duty. Their love grew and by the end of the 5th month they have known that there no one they would love to be with other than being with each other, being in each other’s arms, being by the side of each other, the first person they will set their eyes upon when they wake up every morning yea being together for-ever.
They did not have problems getting parents’ consent for the relationship. As it was in their land, the man paid the bride price of her wife and he took his wife away after the local celebration was completed.
Three months after, Mrs. Shualen took in and they were both happy for the development. At the fifth month of Mrs. Shualen’s pregnancy she noticed that whenever she and her hubby were talking about internet the baby in her womb would change position. She at first thought it was a mere co-incidence, but when the incident kept repeating itself, she had no option other than telling her love of what she usually notices happening when talking about internet with him. Such movement does not happen when she was talking about internet with other people, it was specific for her love alone.
“The baby is coming at the internet time you know”, Engineer Shualen replied his wife, embracing her, and putting his ears on his wife’s protruded abdomen housing the fetus.
Smiling and patting her hubby at the back as he places his head on her tommy she says, “I know the baby is coming when the internet is advancing in the world, but what I am yet to understand is why is that it is only when you and I are discussing about the internet that the fetus will change position” Mrs. Shualen replied her husband trying to find a sofa to sit on.
Engineer Shualen has no answer for this what he could only say was “with time we shall know more about this”.
Mrs. Shualen puts to bed and the baby is a baby girl. She was named Sharley.

Our Mirror
Engineer and Mrs. Shualen see Sharley as their mirror because she is their first child, in fact on many occasions instead of calling her name, they will call her “our mirror”. She enjoyed the uncompromised love of her parents for her parents’ too love themselves.
From her childhood days, has her parents noticed that she shows special interest in internet, she will ask them many questions about the internet which would be answered to the best of their knowledge. From this both of them knew Sharley will have something to do with the internet when she comes of age, maybe she will become an internet engineer, her mother reasoned with her father one day.
When Sharley was 7 years old she had another sibling, a male; and when she was 12 years old, her mother puts to bed again, this time the baby was a female; at the age of 17 she has another male child as her sibling.
The four of them are being brought up in tender love by their parents engineer and Mrs. Shualen. But no one apart from Sharley showed much interest and affinity for the internet. Sharley could sit by the system for twenty-four hours, and if there could be additional hours in a day, she will spend that extra hour with her system. When she is with her system, she won’t be hungry.
She got registered to a site and started blogging. Later she received support from her parents to upgrade from a free blogger. Her parents offered her assistance because they remembered what happened when she was in the womb.
After some months she started earning some money through her blogging sites. Her parents were happy with her for this development, but something keeps bothering their mind, they have not seen her with anyone, with any friend either male or female.

Changed Thought
Through other people’s articles that she has been reading from different sites, Sharley’s thoughts have changed and she is now looking for a guy to be called hers’. She got registered to an online dating site in her country, but she is yet to get someone who perfectly fits into whom she can love and trust. She keeps digging and searching for a person to love.
She was thinking that the dating sites would bail her out, but they did not. One day she noticed that she has a new follower on one of her blogging sites. She checked up the profile of the person but nothing much was stated on the person’s profile. She started following the person’s blog site too. Soon enough this person started publishing articles on his site. Through this she could get to his other social media sites and started following the guy. This guy’s name is Gulda.
She got the email of Gulda and sent direct message to him that she wants him and her to be close friends and if this friendship grows, she hopes it will lead to a desired haven, she concluded in her message to him attaching her photos.
Friendship Begins
Gulda was elated to read Sharley’s message and he replied her email immediately hoping and praying in his reply to her that they would not have a moment of regrets in their friendship. Gulda also attaches his photos to his reply.
This friendship started growing, they were getting to know each other through questions and answers they sent to each other on their emails.
Sharley’s heart goes with Gulda but she wouldn’t know what his heart was for her. After four months of regular interaction on the social media, one day, Sharley decided to ask Gulda if they can be dating.
Gulda replied her that he had been in love with her since the first day he received her message, but he was waiting for the friendship’s maturation before coming out to her. Sharley was elated to read this message from Gulda, and that night she slept well.
Three days later, she told her parents about her new found love on the internet.
The Price to Pay
Her parents were happy with the news she gave them, but when they asked for the name of the guy, they discovered that the name did not sound like the name of the people in their region. They asked her where Gulda is and she told them where he lives. Her response shows that Gulda is from another continent altogether. This did not make them happy, because they do not want their mirror out of their sight. But, they managed to hide their feelings from her.
After they left their daughter, engineer and Mrs. Shualen resolved that the only condition that would make them sign off on that relationship is if the guy could publish 40 well accepted articles.
When Sharley heard of this, her heart races fast, 40 well accepted articles? That may take months. Her parents however insisted that, that is what they want from him, that is how he can win them over.
Sharley told Gulda what her parents desire of him and Gulda replied her that he would do that.
Within three months Gulda published 44 articles and no fewer than 10 of those articles drew traffic.
Sharley told her parents that Gulda has published those articles as they asked of him.
Her parents replied her that they know he has because they have been following his articles publications too. Having said that to Sharley they told her that Gulda still have grounds to cover because they are yet to be satisfied with what he has done. “Tell him that if he wants us to sign off on your relationship, he needs to publish hundred articles within four months”, his father said.

Sharley was not happy with this new posture of her parents, how could they be saying one thing and be saying another thing another seconds? Hesitatingly she told Gulda. Gulda replied that he will satisfy them.
Because of this writing and blogging became Gulda’s thought every seconds, he removed every thing that could serve as hinderance to him meeting the set time. In three months, he published 99 articles and at the end of the fourth month he has published 120 articles. His articles cover different topics.
Engineer and Mrs. Shualen had no option other than signing off on their daughter’s interest. As from that time, engineer and Mrs. Shualen started sending messages to Gulda because they now know that he would be of help to their daughter as a blogger and they can mutually work through their blog sites to make positive impact in their generation.