As they continued to interact with one another, she also joined in their discussion and they were talking about when the issue of the network would completely be resolved in the island, because now that all the world has embraced the internet there should be means for
the bankers to liaise with the network providers and perhaps the government of the island so that they would be assigned special trunk that would not be interfered with which would make the work easy, smooth and faster. The young man agrees with her stating that, as they
are stagnant and not moving forward nor backward now, God forbids bad things, if the robbers invade this place now, we all would be massively injured because there shall be chaos and the fear of them alone which would be created in the hearts of us all would cause
problem, not to now talk about them performing their enterprise on us all. This is the fear that usually overwhelms my heart when I want to go to any bank at all, therefore, I usually do not love going to bank because of the fear of the armed robbers which is the “beginning of
longevity and healthy living”. Sadly of late it seems they have been focusing on banks within the island which was unlike in the time pasts. I remember years back when the robbers attacked a bank very close to the institution that I was working with, those robbers killed a lot
of people even those people who have nothing to do in the banking premises paid with their lives because stray bullets of those robbers hit them and killed them another lady said. She sighed before she starts to make her own comments, saying that, whenever she hears that
she will be going to the bank, she will be silently for minutes, during which time she will be silently praying like Jesus did, that if possible the message be taken off her and assigned to someone else, but in case it cannot be assigned to someone else, then she will say “may the
will of God be done” and would pray that God protects her during the period her transaction would last in the bank. As they continued to talk, the lady feels tired, and was seeking for one of the pillars of the banking hall to rest her torso on because the seats in the
banking hall have been occupied by people, and the pillar too have been rested upon by some people. The young man notices her, and asks her what she wants to do, then she told her she needs to rest her torso on the pillar as she is feeling tired and exhausted. The young
man was beside the pillar and has called her to come and rest on the pillar, she was grateful for this kind deed shown unto her by the young man. Like this they continued their
discussion in the banking hall to while away the time. About forty-five minutes after this, the
network was restored and the people were attended to. The young man having been attended to before the lady, waited till she was through with her transactions after which they walked out of the banking hall together. He asks if she comes with her own vehicle but she
told him she did not. The man told him he believes he will not turn down his favor. “What favor is that?” she asks him. He told him that since he comes with his vehicle he would like to drop her at a place of her chosen. “Well, I would have turned down your offer, but the sun
is scorching, and where I am going is far, to get the commercial vehicle headed for the place is usually not easy from this bank, she says.