Their conversation has been frequent since then, and a day cannot pass by without talking to each other on phone. He has taken her out about three times and she really enjoyed being in his companionship. Now their friendship has grown, another feather has been added to the
cap of their relationship as the young man has declared his unwavering love for her. The young lady told him that he though loves him but she is not certain of what her parents would do, because for no clear reasons they have turned down the two guys she has introduced to
them, and she cannot say maybe they will support her being romantically involved with him or not. When she told him this, he replies that she is the kind of damsel he has been looking forward to be romantically involved with, because he can see that she fears and

respects her parents unlike many ladies these days who do not respect their parents, after they have acquired their certificates, they would not value the input of their parents in what they are doing again, but he has however found out that hers’ is different. We would continue
to hope for the best he says, believing that your parents would not treat him the same way as they have attended to those two guys he reiterated. At least I have told you what would be the albatross now, as for me, I love everything about you, and have discovered that you are
different from those two guys I had been romantically involved with before. The thought that they may not want to approve him was too much for her to bear and she does not know how to go about it, then a thought crossed her mind, if she becomes pregnant for him, then
her parents would not be able to stop their coming together from happening. Two different guys have been chased away from her for no specific reason, all because she wants to be good daughter, assuming she was pregnant for one of them they would not be able to
stop her from getting married to the person. She therefore purported in her heart that she will not allow that to happen to this relationship, I love him and I know he loves me, the best thing for me to do is to become pregnant for him when this is done, nothing again could stop
them, she stated. She has concluded on how to go about this, she will pay him a visit one of the weekends when she is off duty and he also is at home so that they take their romantic affairs to another level. Having concluded on what to do, she was working towards the date.
However one night after a hectic day’s work, while watching the television at the living room she slept off there. Her parents walked to her side and in an attempt to wake her up they noticed that she was mentioning the name of a man in her dream, obviously playing with him
in the dream, she mentions the name of the man thrice and it was loud enough to be heard by her parents. Other words stated afterwards could not be heard. They woke her to go to her room and sleep. The following day they mentioned the name she mentioned in her dream and
asks of who the person is. She was surprised to hear them mention his name she was silent and did not reply them with a word. But they told her that she was mentioning the name during her sleep and was laughing and they believed, the person is close to her sort of. She
could not lie to them about the young man again having said to her that they hear her
mentioning his name in her dreams. She told them all about the young man and her, telling them that, he is the person he has been seeing but since they have pushed away the earlier
two guys she has been romantically involved with, without them telling her a reason for doing that, she has told herself that she will not bring another man home so that they would not separate them. Her parents look at each other, felt sorry for what happened and told her
that they are sorry for what they have done before, but they have heard stories about those two guys she brought home to them before, and the stories heard about them were not good, that was why they did not approve any of the young guys. We do not want you to see us as
your enemies, see us as the one who wants it well with you now, please bring home this young man for us to see too, they have implored her. She promised to do that. She told him about the development and wants him to come and see them, whatever will happen will
happen she said to him. The young man was elated and was looking forward to the day he will meet with her parents. When he met with her parents they were glad and gave the relationship their blessings.