1. There was a man in the ancient
Days who had been having repeated
Dream that revolves around the same thing
In the dream, he used to see himself
2. Leading people, the people he used
To find himself lead were strange people
They were not the people of his island.
And he also discovered that the
3. Topography of the land where
He finds himself leading people
Was verily different from the topography
Of the land where he resides in.
4. This dream being a recurrent one
Makes him to consult some people who
He thought have some knowledge about
Dream to tell them what he used to see
5. That which he has been seeing has
Been recurrent like a cyclic dream,
Those people he contacted all have
The same answer for his dream
6. And it was that he is a leader,
And would become a great leader
In another land. he thanked them and
Leave them. When he got to his
7. Abode he started thinking about
Leaving the place if he is to become
A leader in another island why wasting
His time in the land where he is.
8. As he has concluded his plan
To leave the island then someone
Came to the land who is said to be
The chief of dream interpreters
9. He was pressed in his mind to
Contact the person before leaving
Their island. after many attempts
To see the man, but failing
10. One day, the man was being
Sent for by the King of the island
The King wields much power than
Any other person, he asks permission
11. Permission from the people
To go and see the King. The people
Of the island respected their King
Very much because he used to do
12. What they like. They told the
Man that they would be waiting
For him. As the man was going
Out he saw this young man, paused
13. A bit, stopped and faced him
I have been seeing you around this
Place for couple of days now, and
I thought I have seen you, what again
14. Do you want? He asked the man.
The man told him that he truly
Has been coming around to see him
But he has not gotten an opportunity
15. To see him, then he asks his assistants
And the palace messenger to excuse him for
A second to see the young man. The young
Man told him about the dreams and what
16. Others have said about the meaning of
The dream. He replied that some parts of
The interpretation was right but the
Last part was miscoded by the people
17. He has contacted. That the new topography
May not necessarily mean he would leave
The island where he lives now, but it means
That some new things may emerge in the future
18. Which he would become aware of
And when those new things be established
He would have deeper understanding into
The usage of the thing such that his contemporaries
19. Around and others from other islands
Shall become subjects unto him, he will be
Controlling chains of people through that..
Having answered the Youngman, the man
20. Left for the palace of the King. The Youngman
After leaving the man did not believe the
Man’s interpretation and had to leave the island
Three days after. He tried to settle at different
21. Places but he couldn’t as things was not
Working for him in all the places he got to.
When he finds it hard to even feed himself
Where he has gotten to, he decided to return
22. To his island, because in his island, though
Things may be hard, but he would be able
To feed himself. On getting back to his land,
Thirty years after he has left the place with
23. No substantive achievement, he started
From the scratch and then knowledge has
Increased and technology advancement has
Taken place. Some of the new advancements
24. In technology he learnt while traveling
Through different islands, and some of it he
Claims he receives knowledge of it in his dreams
Thus he joined the foray of those who were
25. Engaging themselves in the use of
The new technology, as expected he could
Feed himself and things started changing for
Him, in no distant time all those he met
26. Plying the trade he overtake and he
Becomes the chief among them. Like the
Person has interpreted his dreams to him
He became a major consultant in that field
27. In the island. He has his own establishment
And was controlling people. He regrets not
Yielding to the counsel of the man, but again says
Maybe if he has not left the town, he may not have
28. Become whom he has become in the field.
It is good to get the meaning of those things
Confusing one especially that which has
To do with the things of the spiritual world.