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The Prince Escaped From Hell


The Prince Escaped From Hell

Meyso is an ancient village whose establishment was dated back to the fourth century. It covered 150 kilometers square land space. At the inception where the people settled down at was cave like in nature because it was surrounded by mountains, in fact the road that entered the village was one and there was no exit. How the ancient warriors who founded Meyso village located the place still baffle many who have been opportune to visit the ancient village on tourism. The remains of this ancient village have been preserved by her leadership when they moved to new Meyso in the 18th century.


The ancient Meyso could be called a cul-de-sac because it has an entrance into the village, therefore after the last family completed its building in the new Meyso and moved to the place, strong gate was constructed and erected at the entrance of the old Meyso and guards from among the hunters of the town were employed to be monitoring the entrance of the old Meyso village.

Subsequently afterwards in the wake of advancements, inter-community relationships and international relations, the leaderships of Meyso decided to turn Meyso to a tourist center for the world. Twelve guards from the hunters were at first employed by the town to be guarding the entrance, they work on shift basis: three guards for six hours for twenty-four hours that makes a day work at the gate that leads to the old Meyso from the new Meyso town.

In the wake of advancements however, and the head of the town then, King Gbayi, traveled to European country there he spent two weeks on tourism. When he returned to Meyso, he changed the myopic and obsolete way of managing Meyso’s tourism center by ensuring that ancient costumes were put on those ancient buildings in ancient Meyso village from where they moved to the new Meyso.

The old people who still had some links with ancient things were invited over by king Gbayi, to deliberate on how to get those costumes to use it to show what happened in the time past in the village.

The invited people asked the king to call the Youths of the town and the youths of the town were summoned to the meeting the following day. On getting to the meeting, those people told the Youths of the town how and where they can get those old costumes that will be used on those ancient buildings to bring it back to live for those who will be visiting the ancient Meyso village on tourism.

The Youths after hearing this went out at once to go and get those things for the town. They spent days collecting and amassing those things together and all were brought to the king who called the experts in different fields to handle the project of ensuring that the ancient building be put in order, they will make them look ancient in the real sense so that those or anyone who shall be coming on tourism will have the feelings of the past in its real sense while moving round the ancient Meyso village.

The doyen and doyenne invited to handle the work of putting the ancient touches to the buildings and every necessary thing in the ancient village did a very wonderful work and after four months they completed the work.

Youths/Experts Working on ancient places

King Gbayi and his chiefs while examining the work were very elated for what those specialists have done within a short time, they really appreciated them and thanked them for their services to their fatherland.


After doing these, the people of Meyso one afternoon saw some people whom they did not know how to describe them except calling them “albinos” in their language. Those people on arrival at the new Meyso started showing the people they came across the King Gbayi’s photo because they were yet to understand the language of Meysos.

Those who saw the photo of the king were amazed for they have not seen something like that before through this they concluded that those people must be king Gbayi’s visitors.

The photo of king Gbayi had been taken when he was with them in Europe on tourism.

This became the talk among themselves that they saw their king on a paper. They do not know such thing before all they knew about was making a sculptor of their leaders and the rich people among them. It takes a fortune to get something like that done, thus ordinary people and low-income earners cannot do it except if the person himself knows how to make sculpture that is when the person would make it as a memorial for himself or herself and family.

Having known through the photo that those “albinos” were king Gbayi’s visitors they do not hesitate in taken them to the king.


The king was elated to see them around, to see them in his land, he gave them a rousing welcome.

The king sent for the leaders of each clan in the town that the people he was telling them about have arrived and they should come and greet them.

One after the other the leaders of the clans that made up Meyso started arriving at the palace to greet and welcome the “angels” in human flesh into their midst.

The king having been told by those people when he was with them that they will come visiting has gotten an interpreter from an island beside the ocean, Akei town, it was through this interpreter that their messages were being passed to the foreigners.

They Were Entertained

Through the speaker of the town, chief Kupaiey, the people of the town asked the interpreter to tell the foreigners that they will be taken to the ancient town of Mesyo the following day.

He told the interpreter to help them tell their visitors that they really, really value their visit to their town, that they considered their visit a rare one, it was as if the gods who dwelt among the spirits have visited them.

In the meanwhile, they called for the entertainers to come and entertain the king’s guests and their guests.

Cultural Entertainers entertaining the Foreigners

There is cultural and entertainment department within the town, their main work is to ensure that people get ready for something like this. That is what they are being paid for, and those entertainers have gone to different places within the region to win laurels for the town.

The leader in charge has arranged a superb play and several other songs that would amuse and speak of the culture of the town to the people.

The members of the group started trouping in, they started with dancing, ordinary dance with some local drum beats. After those set finished theirs’, singers also came on board and started singing to the amusement of the visitors. Actors and actresses were not left out in the show. The interpreter was on hand to give the summary of what those displays meant to the visitors as best as he could.

The local foods of the town have been arranged and set before the guests, but they could not eat those foods they just tasted out of it, talked among themselves of how the food looks like in their mouth. They take more of the fruits that were set before them because they also have such fruits in their lands.

Translator/Interpreter used

Some of the guests were contented with the fruits they have taken while those who were not contented resort to the foods they have come along with from their land, the preserved foods.

They really enjoyed the welcome display and did not hide it from their host, king Gbayi.

The Trip to The Ancient Town

The entertainers soon finished their part, it was getting dark and the visitors were ushered to where the king has prepared for them to put up for the night.

The following day they left for the ancient place in company of the clan leaders. When they got to the place, they walked around the place and there started mapping out areas where things would be situated to uplift the status of the tourism center to an international one. Special areas where things of interest would be located were noted. This work took them a week before they can conclude on what to introduce in the center and what not to introduce those things that would make the place a must come back for anyone who visits the place.


The Report, The Discovery

They submitted their reports to the council of the town as headed by King Gbayi who promised them that they will get everything they will need for the work ready before they arrived. The financial involvement would be settled through trade by barter, the king said.

In their report they told the people that they discovered a natural substance in some part of the ancient town which will need specialist to help them mined and they want the town to enter into partnership with them.

The people deliberated on this and agreed with them that they will enter into partnership with them to start mining some of those naturally occurring substances which they have noticed before, but they did not know the importance of until the foreigners now tell them how valuable those things are and could turn the fortune of the town around.

The Work

The foreigners left for their land, consulted with the people and experts in their land of what they discovered at Meyso land. Best hands were gotten and brought to the town of Meyso to start the work.

The place on where naturally occurring substance has been discovered were carved out of the ancient village where they will turn to international tourism site. When some people are working in effecting the changes needed to make the center a world tourism center other people were working on the naturally occurring substance and how to mine them, transport them and turn them to money.

After the completion of the work, people from all over the world do come to ancient Meyso on tourism and this has boosted the financial status of the town. Apart from this education entered into the town.

Trade by Barter

How The Ancient People Settled Down There

The original founders of Meyso were three friends and they were very brave warriors of the town of Shoah. There are 20 towns under Shoah then. Those towns do pay tribute to the king yearly. But in the second century, king of Shinshy did not bring his tribute to the king of Shoah, king Gboriah. King Gboriah send the palace maids to the king of Shinshy, King Rubar that he was expecting his town’s tribute. King Rubar had the maids beaten and sent back empty handed.

King Gboriah sent another set of maids to King Rubar with the same message, those maids were detained, beaten and sent back empty handed. The third set of servants were sent to Shinshy, two of them were killed while the third person escaped.

King Gboriah was furiously annoyed and asked his chiefs what should be done to the town. They answered that three warriors be sent to go and destroy the town and bring alive to the king, King Rubar.

The three warriors did leave for the town and destroyed the town and brought unto King Gboriah king Rubar. King Rubar was later killed by the king’s manslaughter.

After everything has calmed down, the three warriors went to the king to ask for their spoil of war. The king told them that all has been shared by the chiefs.

“Very well”, the warriors answered the king, “give us Shinshy town as our spoil of war and we shall be paying you tributes every year”.

The king on hearing this asked them to go and return the third day. The king discussed with the chiefs on what the trio demand was, the chiefs told the king if such is allowed to happen other warriors that go to battle would be demanding something like that from the king and if they are not curbed now with time, they will dethrone the king.

King Gboriah agreed with them and they resolved that the trio be arrested and imprisoned until when the king would decide what would become of them.

But before the king’s maids got to the houses of the warriors the decision of the king to get them arrested has been leaked to the warriors who on hearing this have left the town.

What they told the people they were living with was that they were going on hunting.

After the fourth day that they did not return with the servants laying siege on their houses the king sent warriors to go and look for them.

They were sought for, for two weeks but they were not found.

After this the king started sending people to different towns and villages under his jurisdiction and making them swear that they were not there and when they see them they will turn them over to him.

While they were laying siege at their homes and searching for them in the wilderness, the warriors had journeyed far, gone beyond the towns that were under king Gboriah.

The trio kept walking and at the end of the fourth month they got to one of the mountains surrounding Meyso. They have been on this mountain for three days when they noticed certain movements around where they were. They hid themselves to know what it was that was moving in the area, they would have been there for about 3 minutes when they noticed three beautiful ladies. They appeared unto them. The ladies were afraid, and they asked them not to be afraid they wanted to know what they were doing there.

Those ladies told them that they were children of the same parent, but their father died in a war while their mother died recently in a cave beside the mountain. Since this incident they have since been living in this area for they do not have a place to run to, there is nowhere to call theirs’ because their town have been ravaged and destroyed by warriors.

The warriors were sorry for their loss and told them about themselves how they have fled from their king who wanted to kill them.

This is how they started living together inside the cave because the cave is like a house having compartments in there. Soon they became fond of one another and they got married to themselves.

Having been sought for, for a year but with nothing to show, king Gboriah left the thought of them assuming that they must have been killed by some dangerous animals in the wilderness or have lost there way and have joined some spirits in the wilderness of the spirits.

The trio continued to live in this cave and they soon started to have children, they started multiplying and were training their children the act and art of war.

Heir to the throne

Emergence of New World Leader

Akerah town has conquered all the towns near and far. Then he heard of the Meyso a village in the cave that has not been captured by any town before. The king of Akerah, king Fujah gathered together his warriors to go and attack Meyso. They got to Meyso and captured her, killing people, destroying properties and taking the able-bodied young men as captives of war. Among the young men taken was Fehinto.

Some sick folks were left behind and old women, and king Fujah appointed overseer over them who will be reporting to him quarterly.

Fehinto was next in line of becoming the king if king on the throne died. He has been undergoing serial trainings to become the king before the invasion and the conquering of Meyso village.

Some of the hostages died on the way, but Fehinto did not die on the way. He got to Akerah town with few others where he was imprisoned in a small room of about 4 inches by 4 inches. He will be beaten three times a day and would only be given fruit in the evening.

A month after he has been in this position he attempted to escape, fought with the guards, overpowered them and was about to leave when someone got him and he was re-captured and now he was put in a prison under the ground.

They dug the ground and carved out the room there, there is a staircase to the underground prison. The prison has a door as well as there is another door that lead to the level ground. People can hardly know that there is anything there because the place is covered up. In this place there is total darkness, Fehinto cannot see light at all. The place is like hell, full of heat. To change his position becomes difficult in this place because his hands and feet were also tied so as to prevent him from moving. This room is 3 inches by 3 inches, Fehinto usually sits at a position. He will be beaten day and night and would be given mango to eat twice a week.

He has been in this position for weeks one day something crossed his mind having noticed that it was only one person who usually come to beat him, he pretended to have died. As the person opened the door and started to beat Fehinto, he did not moan neither groan. When he heard no sound, this person decided to enter to see what was wrong with him, may be he is dead. He took the clay on which the fire was near to see what’s happening with him, as he drew close to him, to see him in the bent position which he was, folding up like an embryo inside the uterus, while on this trying to examine him, he turned suddenly, grasped him at the neck pressed his Adam’s apple with all he has got. This guard started struggling with Fehinto but he could not succeed as he did not leave his neck, there he died.

Where the clay with light fell at, Fehinto took it and used it to weaken the rope used to tie his hands. When it broke, he untied the rope on his legs, took a deep shallow breath.

Fehinto is now free but he did not know what time of the day it was since the place is always dark. Irrespective of what the day is, he needs to get out of the place before someone comes looking for he dead guard. He started using the light to climb the stairs on getting to the surface he discovered that it was in the night. After pushing the gate open, there was no guard nigh by. He did not know which way to take, he took the left way as he walked for a while, he heard people talking, two guards, he faced the wall, they did not look at his side as they took another way. What they were discussing on is how they will get their food, this must mean that they have all gone to take their supper. This is the right time for him to leave the king’s prison.

After those people have walked off, he started walking and he noticed a tree by the wall of the prison, he climbed the tree and jumped outside. This is how he escaped the hell in which he was placed.


Place of Refuge

He walked until he got to a town called town of Refuge. The people in this town were preparing to wage war against Akerah. He was allowed into their midst and they went to the battle, they killed the king of Akerah.

He returned to his land and became the king and they started to build Meyso village from the scratch again with the assistance of the people of the town of Refuge.




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