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The country of ZaeZae is controlled by a president called Presido. Whatever Presido does is the final in the country of Zaezae. The country of Zaezae has about 55 towns, these towns are supervised by Kings appointed by the Presido. However, the chiefs of each town could send delegate to Presido that they don’t want the king in their town again. After Presido and his inner cabinet have looked into the issue brought by the chiefs and they discovered that the issues raised by the chiefs worths it, the king would be removed by the Presido, and transferred to another town, while a king from another town would be transferred to the town where the king has been replaced.

King and Queen on Seats

If the issue raised by the chiefs are grievous, and the king in question being petitioned was found guilty, he may not be returned as a king, in other words he will be debased. Sometimes the Presido may not consult the cabinet members before taken his decision, that is called Presidential executive and privilege as present in the constitution of the country of ZaeZae. One of the towns within the country of Zaezae is called Zingzun. Zingzun is the 30th most populated town out of all the towns that made up Zaezae and there are 15 chiefs controlling the town of Zingzun, 5 females and 10 males. The name of the king ruling the town of Zingzun is called King Mercy and he was married to a woman called Mercio from another town within the country of Zaezae.

Chiefs sited before the King

They have been ruling the town of Zingzun for 4 years before the chiefs of the town of Zingzun raised an issue of excessive spending. The chiefs said they have had in mind some projects mapped out for the town of Zingzun before king Mercy assumed throne and since the time he had assumed the throne they have not been able to execute those projects that they thought they would by now have finished and move to another thing so that they, the town would not be relegated to the back among the comity of towns in Zaezae.

Relocation, After Transfered

This issue was discussed with king Mercy on the need to reduced or cost some of his spending so that the town would be able to carry out some of the projects they intended doing. King Mercy promised to change and asked them to give him time since he was new on the seat of leadership of the town, the chiefs relaxed their pressures hoping to see the man changed but this never happened, because King Mercy did not change.

The chiefs called him again to tell him that he has not changed and that time is going, time waits for no one, they need to expedite action on this lest their town becomes an ancient town within their country seeing that others are making rapid changes and accelerated growths in their towns that is not only amazing for all to behold but also wonderful.

He was told by the chiefs that they were expecting him that he would understand with them and key into what they have in mind and by now would have changed.

Cup of Wine

The King again pleaded with them to give him more time because “his bird is sweating but it is only the feather that does not allow the sweat to be seen”, saying he would change with time that it was not easy to cut down costs like that.

After six months when the king did not change, the chiefs resolved to go to the capital of Zaezae to officially ask that king Mercy be transferred. This is not one of the reasons for moving a king from a town to another Presido told the sent delegates, but nonetheless Presido said, “the king has lived with you for about 5 years now, and he is already due for transfer”, sipping out of the cup of wine before him, cleared his throat, “so that there won’t be unnecessary uproar in the town of Zingzun, he will soon be transfered” Presido said on a note of finality.

At the cabinet meeting the case of King Mercy was among the issue that would be discussed, the issue was discussed and the resolution was that he should be moved to another town.

After being moved to another town, another king was transferred to the town, the new king was Kingo and his wife was Kingu.

Biting Finger In Regret

When Kingo arrived the town with his wife, people of the town started having terrible dreams and some forms of attacks that they could not explain. These terrible attacks when it affected them, it will not be removed until the affected persons get to king Kingo. Anyone who does not want to go to Kingo may eventually lose his/her life. When these began, people could not think about any project again other than finding solution to what was troubling them. It is someone who has sound health and mind that can think about development for a town or even country.

All attempts by people to locate and isolate the source of the problem that has ravaged the country proved abortive.

One day, one of the sons of the town who lived in another town arrived Zingzun on arrival he heard what it was that the problem of his people was and he told them that he knew the source of the problem that has been beclouding the town since the new King, Kingo’s arrival.

The chiefs of the land were invited to a secret meeting with this illustrious son of the land to discuss with them what the source of the problem that has left the people of the town with no other thought for a while.

He let out of the bag what the source of the problem with his people was. They were all amazed to discover what the source of the problem was. However despite knowing the source of the problem, they did not know how to overcome the problem…. All hands was on deck to see that the problem be resolved, however pending the time that such would happen everyone was admonished to play defensive game….


People started playing defensive game in their own country, and this was paying well for them, at the meeting of the chiefs one day, one of them said, “I think we can now agree that King Mercy and Mercio were better leaders”.




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