The Woman of Excellence in Our Generation

The bible says when God created man, us, he created man male and female, however for clarity purposes God told his Prophet (Moses) to write another column, section, which shows clearly how the creation of the male and female came about at the inception.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Gen. 1:27)
How the creation of the female came about, what led to the creation and the steps followed in the creation were clearly revealed unto Prophet Moses so that there won’t be ambiguity for the upcoming generations as to how everything comes about.
“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
“And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” (Gen. 2:18, 21-22)
After the creation of man in the garden, the role of woman was found to be missing, there was a vacuum created which no animal neither things could fill and that was when God decide to create woman to help the man, a person of the same similitude as him. After this creation God was relieved, he was not burdened like before when he used to go to Adam to make sure he has companion.
The companion God brought to the man was called woman by the man, that was the first time and the first place where opposite sex, female sex would be called woman in the scriptures.
“And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” (Gen. 2:23)

Some Definitions
Online Free dictionary defines woman as an adult female person as distinguished from a girl or man. Online Wikipedia on her own says, woman is a female human being. The word woman is usually reserved for an adult with girl being the term used for female child or adolescent. In English in the past the word girl was used for “young person of either sex” but around the 16th century the word becomes limited to female child alone. Informally the term girl is used to mean young or unmarried woman. However, the use of this word girl was challenged by some feminists in the early 1970s that it may grieve some grown up woman. In some regions of the world where virginity is still held high, the use of the word girl is still use for grown up women which is analogous to maid or maiden.
Various words are used for the quality of being a woman. Womanhood is a term used to show that a girl has passed menarche. Menarche means the initial onset of menstruation which varies from girl to girl and could start between 10 and 15 years. Different countries and cultures have different ages for which a girl attains womanhood but generally and broadly stating when a lady gets to age 18, she is considered to be adult.
Many cultures all over the world have different rules guiding or showing that a girl has come of age. Some religions also have some set of standards used to show that a girl has come of age, which include special celebration of birthdays at age 12 and 21.
Women with typical genetic development are usually capable of giving birth from puberty until menopause.
Trans women’s sex assignments at birth are males. That is when they were given birth to the midwives pronounced the child as male. The process of changing to females involves hormone replacement therapy and sometimes sex reassignment surgery etc.
On the other hand, the intersex people are those who are born but whose sex assignments cannot be categorized to either male or female.
As earlier on stated the woman was called woman by the man, Adam, when God brought her to him. Albeit on the mind of God before creating the woman what he said was that I will make for the man a help meet for him.
“And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Gen. 2:18)
From this word I can say the name that the Lord calls the woman he created, being the name on his mind for creating the being, was “help-meet”. However, what God calls the woman was not what the man calls the woman, and this would essentially result in another thing in the future. For who knows may be because of the change of the original name, that was what led to the woman thinking that she has autonomy to behave as she wishes resulting in the fall of humans.
Think about this for a moment, if man calls you what God has not called you, there would be problem in the future for you and those who are calling you what God has not called you. If you know what God has called you to, it is better you stay there and do not allow someone to push you into the region where God has not called you to. If you know the name God has called you, please bear the name and do not for any reason bear the name that some people enforced on you to bear.
Having said the afore, it behooves on us to therefore examine what help-meet means.

"Helpmeet" is a helper that resembles him, a helper that be like the one to help. Google defines it as “a helpful companion or partner, especially one’s husband or wife”.
“And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (KJV, Genesis 2:18)
Jeff A. Benner says that, while the KJV translates the Hebrew word “help-meet” is עזר כנגדו (ezer kenegedo) which means "help meet for him," other translations provide additional translations which include among others the followings; "a helper fit for him" (RSV), "a helper as his partner" (NRS), "a helper comparable to him" (NKJ) and "an helper as his counterpart" (YLT). Having seen other translations we can again ask ourselves further that what exactly does this Hebrew word mean?
The first word in the complex word, עזר (ezer), is simple and it means "helper." The second word, כנגדו (kenegedo) is a little more complex. The base word is the word נגד (neged), which will be discussed shortly, with the prefix כ (k) meaning "like," and the suffix ו (o) meaning "of him" of "his."
The word נגד (neged) comes from the verbal root נגד which implies “to be one-on-one, or face to face with”. This word, neged, could be used as a verb or as a noun. Its noun usage is found in the book of Genesis 21:16, where it is said that Hagar “sat her down over against him a good way off”. The word against here is “neged”.
If we add these together, we shall discover that the complex word עזר כנגדו (ezer kenegedo) could imply “a helper that is like his or her opposite”. “In my opinion this means that Eve was to be his "other half," like him, but with the opposite attributes.”
Benson in his commentary says of this word, (כנגדו) kenegedo that it means a person appropriate for how he was created, his requirements, his image, one whose attention and occupation it should be to assist him. While Ellicott says the Syriac translates this word to mean an assistant like him, a person whom her husband sees as his counterpart an image.
Shari Abbott says the word “help” and “meet” are two words, but which have been joined together to mean “helpmeet”. Some bibles like New American Standard Bible translates the two words as “helper suitable” for him.
It will interest us to know that King James translators in 1611 used “meet” because it was mostly applicable then. Webster Dictionary 1828 while shedding light on some ancient words says many words during the days when King James was translating this have different meanings as compared to our present-day usage.
Heather while talking on this says the words used for “helpmeet” has weighty, deeper and powerful meaning than what it is when we compared it to the role of Eve and women in the world.
Diana Webb in her book says the word “ezer” in many places in the bible means “savior or strength” (1 Sam. 7:12) It should be noted that Eve was designed to be opposite Adam in potentials, tasks, and features even as their sex organs differ (one being internal and the other external) yet fitting perfectly into each other. Their roles are unique in all spheres. Credence was added to this by Beverly Campbell while ending her words on "help meet", as she says that, because of inaccurate translation, our knowledge of the words used to describe Eve’s part at the inception has been decreased.
Women are saviors according to the meaning of the Hebrew word עזר (ezer) because they give birth to children, although they neither give birth to Adam nor Eve, but through the woman salvation entered the world.
Some women because they are lacking in understanding their roles as “helpmeet” have been envious of the stewardship positions of men, but assuming they understand their roles as it has been in the mind of God from the creation, they would know that they have not been underrated by God. They will equally discover that while working together with the men, special grace shall be released which would become a blessing to all and sundry.
William Sulik says of this that normal translation of the word “ezer kenegdo” as “helper fit” is undoubtedly incorrect, because R. D. Freedman pointed out that the word “ezer” is an amalgamation of two root words “z-r”, connote “to rescue, to save”, while “g-z-r” imply “to be strong”. It should be noticed that the difference between the two is the first letter in Hebrew, which observably is silent while pronouncing today but in the ancient times do form gruffy sound at the back of the throat. Letter “g” is a “ghayyin” which coincidentally uses the same Hebrew sign as the other sound “ayin”. These words are however phonetically spelled differently as revealed by “g” sound while pronouncing Gaza or Gomorrah. Some Semitic dialects differentiate between these two signs, but others do not. Ugaritic dialects do differentiate between “ayin” and “ghayyin”, but Hebrew did not. Around 1500 BC these two symbols started to be given one sign by the Phoenician. As time goes on, the two signs were being merged into one. It could be viewed with the word “weak” in English which could have different meanings depending on its usage. The word “ezer” is used in the following bible chapters Deut. 33:26, 29 which shows “strength” or “power”. The use of this word, “ezer”, with words translated as majesty, “oz” or “uzzo” lends credence to the fact that it means strength.
From the above, we may say that the word in Genesis 2:18 could be rendered as “I will make a strength (power) conforming to man.
The word does not mean an assistant neither “help-mate” of the man as it is being used in the English word in some places today. The word “mate” is being substituted for “meet” because people thought it means “fit to” or “matching to” which would likely connote “equal to”, but this is not what this word means.
However, this is not in the mind of God what was in the mind of God was to create a person of equal power and strength as him that would be his mirror.
Pulpit commentary says man was not created like animals which were created in pairs or swarms, but he created them individually. Some people say of the word it is not good that man should be alone to mean that God was implying that man may see himself as the lord of the world in time to come, neither was the statement uttered as if to mean that the man cannot live without the woman, but Willet says the statement was uttered with respect to the underlisted:
1. Reciprocated comfort and Society
2. The proliferation of humans
3. The increment in the church of God,
4. The sworn seed of the woman
From the scriptures we know that Jehovah Elohim desires to always make his creatures happy, thus he decided that man needs helper, a corresponding assistant “βοηθὸν κατ αὐτόν; ver. 20, ὅμοιος αὐτῷ, LXX”. Jehovah by this implies that he would make helper who would supplement his incompleteness by companionship and co-partnering. This would essentially form the foundation for marriage which should be followed by all.
Woman was called woman by man, as it is from the word helpmeet to mean that she is the person who will be before him, his complement that he would always place before himself.

Online Wikipedia defines excellence as a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It, excellence, could also be defined as extra-ordinary distinctions which could be positive or negative. One could exceed in evil doing as well as exceed in good doing as could be attested to by the bible of some people, e.g. King David, King Jeroboam.
It is also said that excellence is the state, quality or condition of excelling; superiority. We know that prophet Daniel and the three Hebrews excelled when they were in the land of captivity (Daniel 1:20)

Online Free dictionary defines generation as the people born and living about the same time, considered as a group.
Online Wikipedia defines generation as all people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. On another note it could be defined as the average period, generally considered to be about thirty years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults and begin to have children of their own. In social sciences, it defined as people within a demarcated population who experience the same significant events within a specified period. In social sciences, thoughtful examination of generations began in the nineteenth century, evolving from an increasing awareness of the possibility of permanent social change and the idea of youthful insurgence against the social order of their day. Some analysts believe that generation is important and that there are some factors that influences changes in each generation, which include sex, race, class, education etc.

Since believers are not living in another planet apart from the world, we are also integrated into those definitions and brief look into the word generation by the socialists as seen above.
Having seen the definitions of the key words above, it will augur well if we can know how to become a woman of excellence in this dispensation of ours, which indubitably would also be true of other generations. In this discuss, I will want us to see woman as a helpmeet as being clarified above. The word has been shed light unto to avoid all forms of ambiguity on the path of anyone who is reading this.
This topic does not mean the woman that would excel in our generation neither does it mean the woman that excelled in our generation or a generation. Either one is good but does not represent what I have in mind talking on here.
The woman as seen in the above definitions and introductory word is originally called helpmeet by God. She is someone who should be placed before the man, someone who is the mirror of the man, someone who is opposite to him in strength and power but who yet perfectly fits into the man.
God brought before his mind, what was on his mind while creating man and which was creating us, man, in his image as he said, “let us make man in our image, after our likeness….” (Gen. 1:26a) This word he brought to his mind while searching for a suitable companion for the man.
Since he cannot readily find one for him, he decided to form his exact replica like he did when forming man, he formed man’s image for him, because man cannot readily do that by himself without his help. We can see all the efforts of scientists, technologists in forming a semblance of man, but all these have not yielded any positive result because man cannot give what he doesn’t have. Because man does not have life, he cannot give life, and therefore all the efforts of man in creating a being has been failing.
God decided to form the first man, his exact mirror, his semblance, his image, the person who will act like him in strength and power.
It was after creating the replica that the man called the created being brought to him by God woman. Because man has been given the right to name everything, when the man named the being brought to him as woman that was why the Lord did not go against it.
As I would be talking about woman in the sense of someone who is already married, I will also want us to know that there are some ladies who have passed menarche but who are yet to be married, would they be exempted from womanhood? No, they can and should not be exempted from womanhood, as being shown in the definition of womanhood above that woman includes those who are yet single but who have passed menarche and could become pregnant. However, for ladies like this, one thing or another may have led to them being single even at their age.
Jesus talks about three types of eunuchs in Matthew chapter 19 the twelfth verse. And those types of eunuchs are; those who are born eunuchs, those who are made eunuchs and those who made themselves eunuchs.
“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” (Mat. 19:12)
The Greek word for eunuch here is “εὐνοῦχος” which if Romanized is eunouchos (phonetically spell as yoo-noo'-khos) which implies a castrated person, impotent, chamberlain, unmarried man (or woman).
We have seen in this generation some who have remained as they are, single, unmarried because of the gospel. Some like this could also be found in the Old Testament, ladies who remained chaste, who followed the rules of their parents and the laws of the land and refused to defile themselves though others were doing that. An example of such was the only daughter of Jephthah. (Judg 11:36-40) Now, by all standards one would think it is lady like this who suppose not to keep herself pure because her father has been chased away from among his people, her father was suffering for what he ought not to suffer from, but despite that this lady kept herself pure for respect to the law of God and her parent, she did not put her parent to shame, and this would be a memorial for her all though ages.
Again, in the New Testament Jesus shared a story of ten virgins with his ardent followers and by extension all of us who believed in the gospel. If we take the word of Jesus in Matthew chapter 25 literarily we shall see that those ten virgins have come of age and they ought to have been married, they ought to be doing what they love, but this does not happen, they yet maintained themselves because of the Gospel because they were expectant, because they were waiting for their love to appear.
Such people, chaste ladies, who have come of age are also women and they should be included in this word, because many like them abound in this generation of ours, those who are standing for the gospel and for God, those who for a reason or another remain as they are. Those women are also included in this, they are also helpmeet to people nigh them and or far from them.
For this, I have also incorporated them into this write up, they are among the women of excellence in this generation, adorable women, women who the upcoming ladies are always looking forward to.

Attributes of A Woman of Excellence in Our Generation
I will like us to see some of the qualities that when seen in a woman will show (or tell) us that a woman is a woman of excellence in this generation and by extension all generations as long as the world shall be.

1. Salvation
I will want us to look at this from the words with which the Holy Bible has been written, before its translation which is the Hebrew and Greek words.
In Greek word “sozo” is used for the word salvation and it has been found to have three usages which are to save from certain death, to be healed and getting born again.
In Latin it is called “salvatio”; while the ancient Greek word uses “σωτηρία”, sōzō phonetical spelling sode'-zo) the Romanized word is sōtēría; which means to deliver, protect, preserve, do well, be (make) whole; while in Hebrew it is “יָשַׁע,” the Romanized form ofthis Hebrew word is yāšaʕ; and it’s written in Arabic word as “الخلاص,” the romanized word is al-kalas. The meaning of this is being saved or protected from harm or being delivered from a dire situation. If this word is brought into religion, it means saving the soul from sin and its consequences.
This word soteria in Greek should not be misplaced with the Soteria (Σωτηρία) of the Greek mythology which was the goddess or spirit (daimon) of safety and salvation, liberation, protection from harm. The male counterpart of this spirit is called daimon Soter.
Online Wikipedia has this to say on the definition of salvation (deliverance, redemption) in Christianity that it means saving (of) human beings from death and separation from God by Christ’s death and resurrection.
This salvation does not end at the atonement itself, but also involves how one partakes of this salvation, by one’s faith, baptism and obedience in the word of God which indubitably will show what the afterlife of the person shall be, maybe it would end in hell or paradise, heaven or lake of fire. This salvation is individualistic in nature, rarely does it involve collectiveness.
The woman of excellence in this generation of ours shall be someone who has been saved, who has been reborn in her spirit and mind by the word of God.
This person is a person who has been saved, liberated from the spiritual death. We know all humans are indebted to physical death, but a way has been shown unto man to be freed from the spiritual death and that way is Jesus Christ. Thus, the person who shall be called a woman of excellence in this generation of ours is someone who has been delivered from the pangs of hell that looms on all and sundry by given her life to Jesus Christ.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6)
This is person who has been saved by the grace of God through faith she has in Jesus Christ, not of herself, not of her desires, but the express release of the gift of God on the person.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
“Not of works, lest any man should boast.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2:8-10)
This is a person who is on the same template with her partner.
It would be good if we can recall that the first woman, Eve, was on the same template with her husband, Adam, assuming they were not on the same template we can possibly not be talking about helpmeet, God himself would not call her helpmeet.
You therefore need to think about this and ask yourself before continuing to read this that “am I saved?”

2. Submit
Many (if not all) of the authors of the New Testament when talking about wives use the word “submit” to show what is expected of them to do which would make their families heavens on earth.
“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” (Eph. 5:22 KJV))
This word, submit, in Greek is “ὑποτάσσω”, Romanized it is hupotassō (pronounced as hoop-ot-as'-so) which means to obey (be under obedience), subdue unto, subject unto. The Yoruba Bible translates this to mean ìtẹríba, which means to bow to, to humble oneself before. Orthodox Jewish Bible calls it “make yourself accountable”; New century Bible says, “yield to”; New International Reader’s Version says “follow the lead of” and God’s Word Translation says, “place yourselves under authority”.
From all, we shall see that they are talking about placing oneself under, when something is placed under something, the thing would be hidden to some degrees and it is that thing that is above or over that would be seen.
When someone hides under a rock, the person wouldn’t be seen except the person places himself in the arms way and gets out of where he is hiding. When one is defending himself by a shield, the person wouldn’t be hit by arrows except the person removes the shield with which he is protecting himself.
This is akin to submission as being shown in the Greek translation of the word here.
“Nashim (wives), make yourselves accountable to your ba’alim (husbands) as to Adoneinu,” (Eph. 5:22 (Orthodox Jewish Bible))
“Wives, follow the lead of your husbands as you follow the Lord.” (Eph. 5:22 New International Reader’s Version))
“Wives, yield to your husbands, as you do to the Lord,” (Eph. 5:22 New Century Version))
“Wives, place yourselves under your husbands' authority as you have placed yourselves under the Lord's authority.” (Eph. 5:22 God’s Word Translation))
A woman of excellence in this generation shall be one who is submissive to her husband or those who are her head (her father).
Chuck Smith in Blue Letter Bible while talking about submissiveness on the part of woman as written by this apostle says that a woman is said to be a weaker vessel in the holy writ, she is physiologically and emotionally different in creation from man, that is why they are apt to respond emotionally to some things which the man wouldn’t for this reason the Lord gives authority to the father and or husband of the woman to break a vow that the lady (woman) has made when after critical observation of it could decipher that it should be broken because it is made without due thought which the man would have done. These differences are taken into considerations while creating woman as could be attested to from the definitions about helpmeet above.
The word, “submit”, as stated by apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians 5:22 does generate controversies in this age because of the clamor for woman’s liberation. Some while arguing about this word have said that the bible in some cases need to be interpreted according to the culture of the days when they were being written.
It should be noted that Apostle Paul deviated from the culture of his days when talking about marriage because the Jewish man while praying in the morning would thank God that he was not a slave, a gentile or a woman. This is because woman had no rights then, they were considered as properties to be used and dumped by her hubby because she was bought from him, thus, he could divorce her for almost any cause, but she couldn’t file for divorce except her hubby became an apostate, a leper or involved in filthy trade.
The Greek world has added another dimension to this because prostitution was considered a requirement of life. It was expected that man for his pleasure should have a courtesan, a concubine and a wife to bear his legitimate children. This wife would run the house, but he would find his pleasure elsewhere, outside. There were no laws in place prohibiting divorce.
In Rome however, divorce is common thing such that Seneca said, “women were married to be divorced and divorced to be married”. The names of their lives show their length of years.
The teaching introduced by the apostle that women should submit to their husbands is dated back to the events that happened in the garden of Eden because it was not the man that was deceived but the woman.
“For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
“And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (1 Tim. 2:13-14)
Though Christians are not allowed to use women, their wives, as did the ancient Jews, the Romans and or the Greeks but the word of God strongly encourages that the woman be in subjection to her hubby, submissive to him, allows him to lead her on, but should not lead the husband. This does not mean that the woman cannot offer suggestions or counsels to the man, but it means that after making all of those, he should allow for the man to decide.
Take the instance of what happened in the wilderness between Prophet Moses and Yahweh as an example, God wanted to destroy in a jiffy all the people of Israel in the wilderness and make Prophet Moses a people and a nation, but he, prophet Moses advised Yahweh not to do that, after his discussion with him, he left the decision in his hands. Assuming God decides to go ahead with the destruction Prophet Moses wouldn’t have been able to do other things, for he has played his part. That is how it is to be submissively giving counsels to one’s love, father and or leader.
“Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.” (Exo. 32:10)
The woman of excellence would be ready to be under authority (of her husband or father or leader) of the person she considers her head. This could be viewed as a clay in the hand of potter, the clay in the hand of potter cannot complain that what is the potter doing against it.
One of the traits which cannot be mistaken when seen to decipher and isolate a woman of excellence in this generation is submissiveness.

3. Respect Other People’s Opinions
When some people get to the position of authority, they would ignore other people’s opinion, but this should not be said of a woman of excellence. A woman of excellence is someone who respects opinions of others. Take the case of Esther the wife of King Ahasuerus as example, the woman was in the oblivion as per what Hamah has done, but when her uncle sent message to her, she danced to the tune of her uncle. If in the world of today, some would find a way of navigating through the problem, saving themselves alone, and this Esther could do, for all she has to do was pass message across to her husband that she should be saved with her uncle, but she did not do that, but rather presented the case of the entire race to the king, all because she respected the opinion of her uncle. (Est. 4)
Anyone who respects the opinions of others would learn from those people. No one knows it all, and a person who learns from someone else would be a great leader and such a one would have a lot to offer to her generation and the upcoming ones because she has shown herself human who could learn from others.

4. Stand For Something
It is disturbing today that people hardly stand for something. We fear too much, all we care for is our family, “myself, my children, my siblings”, but caring for others we do not want to do that. Women of excellence are those who stand for something, they are those who stand for something positive, they stand for the truth and anything that is not of the truth, they ignore and flee from them.
In the book of Genesis chapter 38 we read of a lady called Tamar whom Judah married for his first son, Er but Er did what the Lord did not like, and he killed him. According to tradition, the junior one Onan took her to wife again, but what he also did pissed the Lord of and he was killed by God again.
When Judah saw what happened, he did not want to give his last son, Shelah unto the lady, Tamar, he applied wisdom and lied unto her.
However, Tamar relied on what his father in law has said and she did not misbehave when she went back to her father’s house, which was what Judah was hoping would happen unto her, the woman, Tamar stood for something, she stood for the truth.
A woman of excellence in this generation is someone who will always stand for something, she is someone who will always stand for the truth irrespective of what would happen.

5. Supports Ministers of God
Woman of excellence is someone who identifies ministers of God. After identifying the ministers of God, she would take an additional step of supporting and catering for the minister of God. This woman does not do this with the mind of receiving something from the minister of God in return but she does it for the minister of God as if she is seeing God physically, what she would have done for Yahweh if she could see him physically is what she will do for the minister of God because she knows that she represents God on earth.
In the book of second Kings 4:8-10 we read the story of a rich Shunamite woman who on seeing Prophet Elisha as he and his servant used to pass through their place talked to her hubby that they need to do something for them. Her initiative was supported by her husband and the ministry of the man of God received a boost in the town through them.
“And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread.
“And she said unto her husband, behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually.
“Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither.” (2 Ki 4:8-10)

6. Industrious
This is defined as “hard-working, diligent, or assiduous”. The book of Proverbs chapter 31 shows us the lifestyle of a woman of excellence in this generation that the woman works with her hands and works relentlessly for the progress of her family.
“She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
“She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
“She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
“She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
“She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
“She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.” (Prov. 31:13-18)
A woman of excellence all over the ages are never idle, they are those who are hardworking, they delight pleasure in working.
The first woman, Eve, too was hardworking. We did not read that it was while she was sleeping that the serpent approached her, she must be at her duty post when the serpent approached her, though the serpent makes use of the slight opening she allowed to cause troubles unto mankind, but it could be said that she was also a woman who was industrious.

7. Accommodating
This is defined as “easy to deal with; eager to help or please; obliging.” Some women are not accommodating, they are not willing to be of help to another person, this attribute couldn’t be found in the books of the excellence women because they know that life is like a swinging pendulum, it moves to and fro, someone who is not in need of assistance today may be the one begging people for assistance tomorrow that is how the Lord created the world. Jehovah Elohim created the world so that we shall have course to resort to one another and anyone who wishes to stay alone would eventually leave the midst of the people to be leaving in the wilderness where he won’t be have to anyone except animals.
The author of the book of Hebrew says that some people because they are accommodating have by this means entertained but unknowingly the angels and after doing that their lives were better off for it because their lives become transformed.
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Heb. 13:2)

8. Doesn’t Bite The Finger That Fed Her
There was an incident that was recorded by Prophet Moses in his first book of the Bible as per what transpired between Abraham and his wife, Sarah.
Abraham and Sarah have been looking unto God for years for the fruit of the womb and the Yahweh has been promising them through several means that they would give birth to a child who shall be theirs, a child who shall have the genetic compositions of Abraham and Sarah in him. However, they could get this promise when they thought they would get the promise and because the systems of their bodies have been telling on them, Sarah advised her husband following the norms, cultures of the land that he should enter into their maid that that may perhaps be the means via which they would be blessed with a child, whereas God has in unmistaken terms told them that they shall have son of theirs, that would have their genome in him.
Abraham couldn’t agree less because age is not on their side, they use human knowledge and he had intercourse with their maid and this maid took in. sadly however, after taken in, this maid started misbehaving she started biting the finger that had once been feeding her.
“And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes.” (Gen. 16:4)
What she did led to troubles for her as her mistress, Sarah showed her the opposite of her nature, she showed her that though she may be friendly as she could be friendly so could she be harsh and terrible.
Is this not how the issue of love is too? Pastor Henry Ford, a Baptist minister in one of his books says, greatest love could turn to greatest hatred if not properly handled, harnessed and appreciated. Is this not how God is too? This is how God is to all. God was very love and caring and that was why he created man in the garden and also brought unto the man his helpmeet someone he knows is his mirror, exact image, but when they misbehaved the love he has for them was changed and he chased them out of the wondrous garden. At this time too, he is showing all humans on earth love by sending Jesus to die for us all and what he is looking forward from all and sundry is that we appreciate and accept the love shown unto us all, but when we failed to do that the greatest love which he has for us would be turned to greatest hatred when our lives are snuffed out of us and we die, for we shall enter into eternal darkness and doom which would show us that as loving and caring as he is so is he terrible in judgment.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Joh 3:16)
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (Joh. 3:36)
At the end of the age, at the end of the world the greatest love with which the God is imploring us all to come through Lord Jesus Christ to him would be turned to greatest hatred for all of those who rejected and refused and disdained this gospel message. I sincerely wish to implore thee if you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ to reconsider thine stance and come to God through Jesus Christ today by given him your life.
This woman, Hagar, misbehaved and his mistress, Sarah, showed her that she could be dangerous too and when the woman threatened her, when the woman did not allow her to have peace of mind, the peace which she abinitio had been having even when she has not had sexual contacts with her hubby she couldn’t have again and she fled the house when she discovered that her life is at risk.
She bites the fingers that fed her, and she has herself to blame for it, for no where in the scriptures could it be found that she was right. God is not a partial God, assuming what she did was right, the bible would have stated it that she was right, and her mistress was wrong, but there is no occasion like that in the scriptures, which shows that she overstepped her boundaries, she misbehaved and God would never condone misbehaviors neither vindicate the guilty.
“For there is no respect of persons with God.” (Rom. 2:11)
After she was sent out of the house, God sent his angel to him for the sake of Abraham and the covenant he has with him to tell her that she has overstepped her bounds and she needs to return to where she has left if she really wants to survive.
“And the angel of the LORD said unto her, return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.” (Gen. 16:9)
If you also wish to survive in the world, you must return to God through Jesus Christ.
Having seen an example of a person who bite the fingers that fed her in the bible, I wish to tell you that a woman of excellence would never bite the fingers that fed her. If you have been bitten the fingers that fed you, you are not a woman of excellence and you must change and return to God and ask God to give you a clean and a pure heart.

9. They Are Women of Prayer
Throughout the ages have people find prayer difficult, strenuous and that is why people find it easy to send people to God instead of going to God directly. They would send people to God because they are not ready to give it, prayer, all it takes. But this is not true of women of excellence because they are women who values prayer and they give it all it takes to commune with their God and their father.
In Genesis we read of a wonderful woman whom after marrying Isaac she was introduced to the God of Abraham and when she has problems with the pregnancies she was carrying instead of her to be disturbed, instead of her to be disturbing her husband, Isaac, she went to God in prayers and God answered her because he has said “call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jer. 33:3), she called unto God and she was shown great and terrible things which was hidden from the foundations of the world concerning the children in her womb.
“And the children struggled together within her; and she said, if it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.
“And the LORD said unto her, two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.” (Gen. 25:22-23)
Jesus also shared a story with his followers in the Gospel according to saint Luke chapter 18 about a woman of prayer, a woman who would not let a great king be because she has been cheated, and for her persistency, the great king answered her petition.
“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
“Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
“And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
“And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
“Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
“And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.
“And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily….” (Luk 18:1-8a)
Women of excellence are those who value prayers, they are those who give it all it takes to seek the face of the Lord, they seek the Lord day and night, they derive pleasures in going to the presence of the Lord rather than going to men, rather than seeking the face of men, they know their God, ant they are following that God, they are those who would not allow anything to come in between them and their God.

10. Train Their Children in The Way of The Lord
One of the chief responsibilities of a woman of excellence after attending to her husband is that she must always be ready to teach and bring up her children in the ways of the Lord.
The bible says, “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6), the women of excellence know this scripture and follow it to letters, they do not allow anything to come in between them and training their children.
There are so many perverse things in the world today because women are shying away from this responsibility, they are competing with their husbands, they are competing with men, wanting liberty as if they were in bondages before. Because of this, they have neglected this role and the world is suffering, the world is in anguish and pains because there are limited numbers of women the world over who wanted to really train their children.
A typical example of women of excellence who trained their children in the world was Lois and Eunice. Lois gave birth to Eunice, and when Eunice would be married, she had a cross-cultural marriage for she was not married to a Jew, but despite being married to a non-Jew she yet placed this matter at the apex of her heart, training and bringing up her children in the ways of the Lord.
“When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” (1 Tim. 1:5)
Some because of cross cultural marriage they would neglect taking care of their children. This is not so with the women of excellence for they value this, they know what their responsibilities are, and they would not allow their works to stop them from taking care and training their children.

11. Commune With Leaders
Leaders are not God, they also need the support of followers and a leader who says he or she does not need the support of followers that leader would soon fall and the fall would be terrible. Those who have held the world by their jugulars couldn’t have done that alone without the support of their followers.
Women of excellence are those who are sensitive and receptive to their environments and when they see anything that is not going as expected they will come forth with what they think the solutions are to the nagging problems. When these people come forth it is not that they would be hell bent on leaders following their suggestions, but they would talk with the leader and expect the leader to do what is right about the situation.
An example of a woman like this was found during the days of the judges in the land of Israel. The children of Israel have done what the Lord does not expect of them to do, and as a punishment, he sold them into the hands of Jabin king of Canaan (Judg. 4:2).
Because the people of Israel have been handed over to their enemies, their enemies also rule them with strong hand. The suffering they were passing through was much and God remembered his covenant with their fore parents and sent message to Deborah to contact the general to go to the battle.
Deborah could be contacted because she was in communication with Barak, she was sensitive of what was going on in her surroundings.
Some people would not be concerned about what is happening in their surroundings much so if they have been blessed, if they have some links with people in authority and for this, they would assume all is well with the people in the community because all is well with them. This is not the case with Deborah.
A woman of excellence is a one who familiarizes herself with what is happening in the environment, she feels what her people are feeling, because she does not hide herself from them.

12. Fear The Word of God
It is because many people do not fear the word of God again that is why calamities upon calamities befall the nations of the world. Things would continue like this until we find those who will fear the word of God. Unsavory things would continue because those who do not fear the word of the Lord, are not seen neither known in the world, they are not God’s people. When the Lord is not seeing those people, it means the devil is seeing them and paying attention to them because there couldn’t be vacuum in the world.
“For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.” (Isa. 66:2)
The Hebrew word translated as trembles here is (חרד) chârêd (phonetical spelling is khaw-rade') which means fearful, reverential. Reverential is defined as “expressing reverence; reverent.” While reverence is defined as “a feeling of profound awe and respect and often love or an act showing respect, especially a bow or curtsy.”
The woman of excellence is the one who has profound awe, respect and love for the word of God. She respects the word of God because she knows that the word of God “for ever… is settled in heaven.” (Psa. 119:89) and that word has become a lamp unto her feet, and a light unto her path. (Psa. 119:105) Without this word she knows he cannot do a thing, she values the word and places the word at the apex of her heart.

13. Holy
In the Hebrew word holy is (קדשׁ קדושׁ), if Romanized it is qâdôsh qâdôsh (phonetical spelling is kaw-doshe', kaw-doshe') which means sacred, saint. In Greek word however it is (ἅγιος), which if Romanized it is hagios pronounced as hag'-ee-os which means blameless, sacred, religious, consecrated.
The excellence women of our generation are those who have consecrated themselves to the Lord because they know God says, “be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Pet. 1:16b), they follow the pattern of living of the ancient women, for they know that those women of the ancient times are holy, thus they also strive in all they do to be holy, consecrating their lives for the services of the Lord always.
“For after this manner in the old time the holy women also…” (1 Pet. 5:5a)
If you see women who are living their lives anyhow now, you sure must know that such kind of women are not women of excellence that this generation requires for absolute exploit and transformation.

14. Always Expecting Positive Answers From Yahweh
One of the hallmarks of a person who believes in God is that the person would always be on the lookout for him like a spouse who is expectantly waiting for his partner who have travelled and who promises to come back for her come what may.
This unarguably was the position of the story of the ten virgins that was shared by Jesus to the disciples in Matthew 25. In rain, in sunshine, in winter, in drought, in hardship, in comfort, those ten virgins were awaiting the return of their husband, the groom.
This is the position that the women of excellence put themselves, they are always looking unto God for answers. When they commit their lives into the hands of God they never backed out, they never relent in looking forward to him for positive response to what they have asked from him, even when they are being slain, as Job said, yet they would keep waiting.
“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” (Job 13:15)
They may be slain by words of people, they may be teared apart by people’s words, when they ask them to show them where their God now resides for allowing them to pass through certain things, but even at the hearing of such damaging words, destroying words, they won’t leave trusting and waiting for the Lord.
“My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?
“As with a sword in my bones, mine enemies reproach me; while they say daily unto me, Where is thy God?” (Psa. 42:3 & 10)
Others may have lose hope of God’s appearance, but they won’t lose hope because they know that their redeemer lives and that he shall appear to deliver them when people least expect.
“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.” (Job. 19:25)
An example of a woman like this is Samson’s mother as detailed in the book of Judges chapter 13. The woman was not named in the bible what was said of her was that she was the wife of Manoah. The wife was barren, and they have been looking unto God for the fruit of the womb, for long, but it seems as if God was not mindful of them, it seems as if God does not see them, it seems as if God was not coming, but at that, the woman never lose hope, she kept expecting God because he knows that God has promised that no women among his daughter would be barren why would hers differ?
“There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil.” (Exo. 23:26)
It was because she relied on God and was expecting a positive response from God that was why she did not miss it when the Lord appeared unto her.
Some after praying would leave expecting much so when the enemies have pierced their hearts with their tongues, with the swords in their mouths, they left hoping for the promise of God, they would leave following the word of God.
It should be noticed that enemies would always pierce our lives when we are waiting for God to arise and deliver us. Some are not enemies, but they would advise us to stop waiting for God is not as terrible as that, it is us who would know what we are after, we are the one who would not relent in following the word of the Lord and above all trusting in him.
Some though would say they are waiting but when the promise arrives, when the answer arrives, they would miss it. Why do they miss it? One may be tempted to ask. The answer is they missed it because they have veered off, they have along the line become overwhelmed by what they are hearing, by their condition, by their physical nature. When we look at our physical nature, what the physiology of our body is saying we shall indubitably miss God’s answers.
Women of excellence do not miss the appearance of God, the response and reply to their quests and prayers from God because they are always on the lookout, because they know that with men some things would be impossible but never with God.

15. Never Lose Hope
Hope in Hebrew is (תּוחלת) if this word is Romanized it becomes tôcheleth which is pronounced as to-kheh'-leth while in the Greek word it is (ἐλπίς) which if Romanized becomes elpis pronounced as el-pece'. These words mean expectation, to anticipate (usually with pleasure, confidence.
The women of excellence are those who confidently looking forward for something to happen, though people may say that is not possible, people may say such has never happened in the history of mankind, but they wouldn’t tend to theirs, they may hear what they say but they would put it to heart, they would wave off those discouraging words and keep their hopes alive, keep waiting for the Lord.
They are those who remember what the Lord has done for their fathers, they remember the word of the Lord, what they read in the bible and they begin to apply the word to their situations and their lives.
“Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.
“They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.” (Psa. 22:4-5)
In the face of difficulties and trials, they will always remember that though hope may be deferred but it will not be denied, because they know they are serving a God who fulfills promises come what may.
“Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.” (Prov. 13:12)
It is because they know that there is a wide gulf of separation between the word deferred and denial that makes them brighten up, they know their hope in the Lord would not put them to shame.
“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” (Rom. 5:5)

16. Put Herself in Other People Shoes
It is easy to apportion blames, it is easy to discover faults in some people’s ways of doing things, but when one gets to that position or situation, one may also fall victim or even perform below those who have been blamed.
Assuming Ruth did not put herself in the shoes of Naomi she would not have desired to follow her all the way to her country and land. It was because Orpah did not put herself in the shoes of her step mother that was why she turned back from following her, from being of help to her.
The women of excellence are those who put themselves in the shoes of others, they put themselves in other people condition before judging the people.

17. Sow in Righteousness
The media for sowing things are important, if the media for sowing what you want to sow is bad, it would affect what you want to sow negatively, but if the media are good, the effect would be positive on what you want to sow.
“Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.” (Hos. 10:12)
The people of Israel have been sowing to themselves in unrighteousness for long, and this was why things are not going on as expected for them, but for the love that the Lord has for them, he asked them to sow for themselves in righteousness.
Sow in Hebrew word is “זרע” which if Romanized is zâra‛ (phonetical spelling is zaw-rah') which means disseminate, plant, fructify. And righteousness in Hebrew word is (צדקה) if Romanized it is tsedâqâh (pronounced as tsed-aw-kaw') which means virtue, justice.
God through his prophet is admonishing the people that they need to disseminate in virtue all that they are disseminating, all that they are doing, because he is a God who loves justice and virtue.
The women of excellence are those who spread justice and equity around. In whatever they are doing, they ensure that the thing is salted with equity and justice, they would not because someone is wealthy not disseminate justice, they would not favor one above the other.
Though humans are not perfect, but they ensure that they try their best to balance the things up.
18. Desire Above All Things Saving Their Generation
The Israelites having been sold into the hands of Jabin whose general was Sisera continued to deal with the children of Israel. However, when the Lord arose to deliver his people, he sent Deborah to the general of Israel to gather people together to go to war against the country, Canaan that has been disturbing the people of God.
When got to Barak to tell him the message from the Lord, because of the power and strength that the warriors of Canaan wield at that the time he was afraid to call his warriors together saying he would only do so if Deborah the prophetess would follow him.
Deborah because of the love she has for the people of God decided to follow him to the battle but told him ahead that the Lord would sell the general of the Canaan army into the hand of the woman.
He agreed, called his warriors together and they wage war against Canaan land. what Sisera the general of the army of Canaan envisaged was not what they met at the battle front because God was the one fighting the battle for the Israelis. When general Sisera saw that things have gone from bad to worse on the battle front, he fled and the Israelis armies pursued him, he ran and entered one woman’s house, the woman was called Jael who was the wife of Heber who was a friend to the King of Canaan.
This woman however extrapolate what would be the outcome of the warrior seeking refuge in her abode to her people, and she resolved that sheltering him would do much harm than good to her people, she considered it that the life of one man is not worth the lives of thousands of her kinsmen and she killed the man, putting the war to an end.
“Howbeit Sisera fled away on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite: for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite.
“And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not. And when he had turned in unto her into the tent, she covered him with a mantle.
“And he said unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink; for I am thirsty. And she opened a bottle of milk, and gave him drink, and covered him.
“Again he said unto her, Stand in the door of the tent, and it shall be, when any man doth come and enquire of thee, and say, Is there any man here? that thou shalt say, No.
“Then Jael Heber's wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.
“And, behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest. And when he came into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and the nail was in his temples.
“So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of Canaan before the children of Israel.
“And the hand of the children of Israel prospered, and prevailed against Jabin the king of Canaan, until they had destroyed Jabin king of Canaan.” (Judg. 4: 17-24)
Jael Heber’s wife knows that the life of Sisera, one man is less to the lives of hundreds of thousands of her people. This is what the women of excellence used to do, they used to value the lives of their people, they used to place the lives of their people over the life of others, because they know what they would benefit thereby.
A woman who does not value the lives of her people above the lives of outsiders is not a woman of excellence. Woman of excellence desires above all things saving her posterity, preserving her generation.
19. Give Good Counsel
After Joseph’s death in Egypt land, the bible says another king assumes the throne that does not know Joseph neither does he want to remember all that Joseph had done for the country, thus, he after deliberating with his chiefs decided to be killing the people of God.
The people have seen the handwriting on the wall and have been calling unto Yahweh for deliverance, but the deliverance was not forth coming unto them.
It was during this period of anguish and trouble that Moses was given birth to. As the child continues to grow, it becomes obvious unto his parents that they cannot keep him indoor again and they decided to go and drop him by the river so that he would be swept off.
But because God knows all things and that he knows what he wants to use the child for, he did not allow the river to take him off, he was swept by the river to a side of the river.
Fortunately, Pharaoh’s princess came to the river to take her birth and that was how she discovered the child. On discovering the child, she knows that no Egyptian could do this, God puts the child’s compassion on the princess’ eyes.
The princess was deliberating with her maidens on what to do with the child when a young lady emerged and told her that she can get for her someone who will take care of the child very well.
Because God has favored the child, Pharaoh’s princess did not turn down the offer of the young lady. The young lady gave the princess a wonderful counsel.
“Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?
“And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the maid went and called the child's mother.” (Exo. 2:7-8)
Another example is the hubby of Abigail, called Nabal. This man acted subcortically when David sent his people to him. What he did got to the knowledge of Abigail his wife, and this woman ran to meet David on the way and talked with David. Her discussion with David prevented him from taken vengeance on the family himself.
“And David said to Abigail, blessed be the LORD God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me:
“And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself with mine own hand.” (1 Sam. 25:32-33)
Women of excellence of our generation are those who offer right counsels, they give counsels that would protect, preserve and promote their families. They are those who give right counsels to people, counsels that would help their people to make progress in their endeavors.
20. Proffer Solution
Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a dilemma that we wouldn’t know what to do, which way to go, what step to take, and at that juncture we need someone who will be there for us, we need someone who will give us some advices which would help us sail through the problems we are in.
There was a man in Syria millennia back as recorded by the bible. This man was a warrior and rose through file and rank to become the captain of the land. I don’t think this man was sick before he joined the army, but along the line he became sick, but for how he has been helpful unto the nation, the king does not want to let him go, the king valued his experience and words of instructions for the warriors, thus he was retained despite his sickness.
Although he was retained but he also knew that no one is indispensable, he knows that with time, the king would replace him even before his tenure lapse. Due to this he started seeking for means of getting healed. But all the places he gone to, there was no remedy there.
As fate would have it, the country wage war against Israel, and they overcame them. One of the captives of war, a maiden was dispatched to his house to be assisting his wife in her house chores.
The word maid in Hebrew is “נערה” if Romanized it is na‛ărâh (phonetical spelling is nah-ar-aw') which means a damsel, a girl from infancy to adolescence, a young woman.
This young woman on getting to this captain’s house started noticing the captain’s health and she discovered that all was not well with the captain. One day, she walked to her mistress and told her that the problem that her hubby has would be a thing of the past if he could contact a prophet in her country.
Captain Naaman’s wife told him what the maiden has said, and the man went through his King to contact the King of Israel. Through the king of Israel, they get to Prophet Elisha and the man was healed.
“And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy.” (2 King 5:3)
Women of excellence are those who proffer solutions to nagging problems in the society or in their family.
21: Reveals Jesus to People
The Jewish people do not do things in common with the Samaritan people. This condition persisted until when Jesus was given birth to. During Jesus ministry on earth, he met with a Samaritan woman by the well of Jacob and via their discussions, the woman discovered that he was the expected messiah, he was the prophet.
On this discovery, she left what she was doing and told the people who were yet waiting for the messiah that the messiah is with them, that Jesus is the messiah.
“The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.
“Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
“And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her?
“The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men,
“Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?
“Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.” (Joh 4:25-30)
Those women showing Jesus to the world are women of excellence. The best person anyone can show someone else in the world is showing the person Jesus, showing the person the way of the cross.
22: Worship God with All They Have
It is not everyone who claims to love God and can do everything for him who are truly doing that. Very limited people are committed to doing everything for the cause of the gospel, it is limited people are do worship God with all that they have.
One woman in the bible demonstrated this rare feat, she poured a very costly ointment to anoint Jesus feet, as if that was not enough, she was using her hair to wipe the feet of Jesus.
“Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.” (Joh. 12:3)
Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians let us know what hair is to women.
“But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.” (1 Cor. 11:15)
He told us that long hair to women is glory to them, it is given to them as covering by God.
Now imagine what this woman, Mary was doing here, wiping the feet of Jesus with her hair, what people can call belittling her glory. She did not count her glory to be something worthwhile before the Lord of lords and the King of kings. She lowered herself, she showed that she was nothing before the Prince of Peace.
What do you have that you cannot worship God? What do you have that is so special to you that you cannot leave for the Lord?
This woman worships the Lord with her entirety, with everything she is gotten. This is what the women of excellence used to do, they used to worship the Lord with all they have, they wouldn’t mind what people would say when worshiping the Lord, they prefer satisfying the Lord than satisfying man.
23. Good Behavior
Apostle Peter in his epistle to the saints let us know that women of excellence are those whose lives have been filled with good behavior.
“While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.” (1 Pet. 3:2)
The word chaste in Greek is “ἁγνός” which is hagnos (pronounced as hag-nos') which means clean, innocent, modest, pure. While the word used for conversation in Greek is “ἀναστροφή” if Romanized is anastrophē (phonetical spelling is an-as-trof-ay') which means behavior.
The apostle is saying that people and most especially women husbands look unto their behaviors. The behavior that would attract people to their side is pure behavior, clean behavior, behavior that would show Christ to the world.
This kind of behavior is demonstrated by the women of excellence because they desire above all things to bring people to Christ in all they are doing.
24. Obey Parental Instructions
Ever from the time immemorial have we been having children who will disobey their parents’ injunctions and instructions. Therefore, the author of the book of proverbs admonish in strongest possible terms that it is good that children obey their parent’s injunctions.
“Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.” (Prov. 4:1)
An example of a maiden, who obeyed her parents instructions is the daughter of Jephthah. This lady despite knowing all that her father’s siblings have done to him, she did not for that became a wayward girl, she understands that her father came to the world through difficult circumstances being begotten out of wedlock, but at that she keeps herself intact and makes her father proud. Little wonder that the maidens in Israel still reference her till date.
“And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.
“And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.
“And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,
“That the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a year.” (Judges 11:37-40)
Women of excellence who are yet living with their parent’s, those who are still with their guardians and or under one leader or another are those who listen to instructions and obey instructions because they know by so doing, they would make God happy and they would by that speak to others in the world.
25. Give to the Poor
It is not easy to give out, out of your hard-earned money, but the woman of excellence do not have difficulty giving out to people, giving out to the poor because they know that all that they have is given unto them by the Lord.
“She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.” (Prov. 31:20)
“He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” (Prov. 22:9)
An example of a woman of excellence who gives to the poor without reservation in the bible was Dorcas and when she was dead the people would not allow her to go, they called unto God that she be brought back to the world, and when their prayers weren’t as effective as they had hoped for, they call on Apostle Peter and the woman was brought back to life.
“Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them.
“But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.
“And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive.” (Act. 9:39)
26. Her Husband is Known from A Far Place
The husband of a woman of excellence is not hidden anywhere he goes he would be noticed, because he would demonstrate array of excellence, he would show confidence and peace because he knows his wife is supportive and helpful, his wife is always there for him.
“Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” (Pro 31:23)
The husbands of women of excellence are known from a distance place because the woman gives her hubby rest of mind, she supports her hubby in all he is doing, her words encourages the man, when the man meets with brick wall outside, when he gets home he would get to the open arms of succor from his wife.
These women of excellence because she raises up her children in the way of the Lord, when their husbands get home and see the children God has given them through their wives, they would be glad and happy, they would leap up for joy.
Therefore, when those man with happy and lovely wives get outside, the people beholding them would see joy well written all over their faces, when others are bemoaning their fate, they would always be happy, they will be full of joy always because they know they have a wondrous home, caring and loving women.
“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” (Pro. 12:4)

27. Give All They Have to God’s Service
Women of excellence are those who spend and are being spent for the gospel of Jesus Christ. They do this because they know that what they have is given them by the Lord, and if the Lord has given them something they would gladly give those things back unto the Lord.
“And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” (2 Cor. 12:15)
They cannot imagine them having something and the gospel continue to suffer. They will gladly give all that they have for the gospel of Jesus Christ like the woman who gave all she had in the temple during Jesus days.
“And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
“And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
“And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
“For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” (Mark 12:42-44)
Wrapping This Up
The women of excellence in this generation are those who stand by their husbands, those whom their husbands would behold and see strength in them. When their husbands are failing, they would see smile on their faces and lips that they can make it, and this would ginger them to brace up that failure is not the end of it all. They are those who when their husbands are falling, they would give their shoulders to their husbands to hang and hold on to. They are those whom their husbands, children, siblings, parents looked on to and see rays of hope and see light behind their darkest tunnels. They are those who become another source of strength and new vigor for their people. They are those who tells their people that the seemingly closed door could be opened if they could give it another push, another trial.