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There Shan't Be Any Break


A lover writes this to his love, the love of his life to let her know what she has asked for won't materialize, it won't be possible because she has asked him to give her a break when little friction erupted between the Love birds

Asking for a break is like thrusting a dagger through my thoracic cage into my thoracic cavity,

Obviously aiming at my heart, the pumping organ, expectedly my death,

But the dagger missed my heart yea the pumping organ of my love for you,

Therefore, alive am I, heart still pounds and pumps love and living out for none else but you,

Though the dagger has been soaked in poisonous substance for long, poison that kills any form of love in man, poison that inhibits the secretions of the sexual hormones inside of a person,

But I have been given an antidote to poisons since childhood days because of what happened to my parents,

My parents love for each other is rare one, and my mother has died of anti-love poison when she discovered that her love left her,

She couldn't withstand the shock and depression

Her love which was only jocularly saying he will leave her has been capitalized upon by my mother and before my father returns her lifeless body could only be found,

On seeing her dead he felt the world crumbling down on her,

Felt the world is a worthless place to live in without her

Therefore he died minutes after this.

This my cousin saw and felt I may also die like they had died which won't augur well for him nor the extended family,

For he knows we demonstrate rare love in our immediate family

Thence, he stylishly take me to a place where he have me a potpourri food and drink

After drinking it he says I can't die of shock nor depression from disappointment of love again

For my system has been immune against such by the things taken,

He saved me to protect and preserve posterity a living as it is now,

For what I took according to him will always immune me against something like that in the future

Life is a mystery he says, your lover may equally play with you as your father had done with your mother and would be wrongly capitalized on

Your asking for a break from our romantic relationship is nothing but a costly joke which won't fly,

I have escaped it and I want you to know that

It's you or no one else in my life,

Where you die, I will die,

Having shared moments of love, affection, deep seated feelings together before irrespective of whatever, wherever and whenever,

My love for you is strong, yea stronger than before,

By your asking for a break has revealed some things to me

Now I know that I really love you and no one else can take your place in my heart,

I love no one else and can't love any other person as I love you

Together in love,

Together we die as lovers

(The End)

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