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We Shall Have Access to Our Ladies Now

1. The world has changed it is not like in the ancient times when ladies Value integrity, dignity and are also morally standing, now, what they Placed at the pinnacle of their hearts is money. Money first, middle, and last

2. Is their slogan, and any young guy who does not have money stands no chance Getting near them let alone propose to them. Those people the ladies of the island Listen to are those who are rich, those who have money, they do not care how they 3. Make their money all they look forward to in a young man is to have money and They are ready to dance to his tunes. The beautiful and the good ladies in the island Have all been cornered by those young rich men, and if anyone wants to follow old 4. Ideology among those ladies, it is their parents who would talk to them against Toeing that path. It was not therefore surprising, many people within the island Have been looking for secret means of making it, which prompted many to join 5. The Internet Fraudsters. This has been ongoing for long, as the young guys gropes In the darkness of loneliness because they could not find a lady that their hearts Desire to be romantically involved with. However, tide of things changed as the new 6. Leadership clamps down on those internet fraudsters, arresting their kingpin and Their subjects within the island and without have been finding things difficult living And displaying their ill-gotten wealth. As this continued some of the naïve parents 7. Who have been counseling their children against marrying morally standing person Have started to have another thought about their earlier decision and have been talking to Their children about this. They have felt sorry for advising them wrongly and those 8. Who have been misled, they have asked them to pardon them. But those who have been Been married to them find this a hard pill to swallow because they have been alone in Their houses after their spouses have been sentenced to various jail terms. Though they

9. Find it hard pill to swallow, but people also told them that those they have counseled To do evil and who has agreed must have had evil in them to do before, thence, those People have been absolving themselves of hundred percent blame of what happened to 10. Them because though they advised, they could have insisted on not toeing neither Listening to such counsels. The Young men at a social gathering, one of them while Talking to the crowd would say, we are now grateful for the ongoing clamp down on 11. The internet fraudsters because those ladies have been having a reconsideration about Them now, he cites an instance of a lady he has talked to who looked at him as if he were A beast that the lady has come back to him now and would soon get married. He thence 12. Encourages others who may have suffered a similar fate on the hands of the beautiful One their hearts desire that they should heave a sigh of relive because such a one he Desires would soon return to him with loving flowers. Those Young men while hearing 13. Him speak leap up for joy, shouting, while the ladies among them laughs, “now we Shall have access to lovely, caring, and beautiful ladies who are usually being maneuvered Before by the internet fraudsters…”

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