1. Histories are there for
Those of us who
Are young to learn
From, but appallingly, some don’t

2. Want to learn from
History and that would
Be bad because they
Will put the lives of many at risk
3. If it is only
Their lives that would
Be at risk it would
Have been better.
4. There is a proverb that,
When a youth is
Doing something that is
Bad, such a youth
5. Should be curbed by
Elders around, not because
Of him alone, but
Because when he succeed
6. In carrying out his
Dastardly act, he won’t
Be the only one
Who will bear the consequences later.
7. What this means is
That assuming such youth
Is apprehended by the
Law enforcement agencies,
8. The people who know
The youth would be
Contacted by those people
Even if they say they would
9. Not bail him out
Of prison, yet they
Would still be disturbed by
The calls of those law enforcement agencies
10. Because during the time
When such people are
Being called they may
Interrupt an important call that
11. Could fetch them money
And if they say they
Would ignore the calls
They would again miss important calls
12. Thence, either ways, when
Someone is doing what
Is untoward, the best
Thing is that the person
13. Be talked to, to jettison
The idea not because
Of the brunt that he
Would bear alone,
14. But because of numerous
People associated with him
Who would partake in the
15. It is on this light
That I am thinking about
The recent coronavirus and
What some leaders all
16. The world are saying
That they cannot withstand
The lockdown again and
Want to free themselves
17. Want to set the people
Free so that normal
Activities could begin in
18. Their ideas may not
Be totally bad, but
How they want to
Go about it is all wrong
19. Because what we are
Facing is still out
There not as if
The inhabitants of their towns
20. And or countries have
Been totally immune and
Free of the virus
There are people among them still infected
21. But they were thinking
About the economy, they
Were thinking about the
Social life that is down
22. They have forgotten that
There could be nothing
Called social life when
There is no life.
23. There could be nothing
Called economy when people
Are dead. Yes, we
May not view this as war

24. According to what a
German leader says, but
The truth is when
We are still uncertain about
25. How to go about
Our daily activities without
Contracting the infection, then
We should tread softly
26. We should think twice
Before we get out
Of our closets lest
The person who gets out hale and hearty
27. Today by tomorrow would
End up on the sick
Bed, isolated and quarantined
Not certain of what would become of him
28. Not certain of the
Next second, maybe he
Would still be alive
Or would have gone to the land beyond
29. In as much as we
Are all tired of the
Lockdown in our respective
Areas, we should think twice
30. Before we act, our
Leaders should think twice
Before they take decisions
That would put lives of the world at risk
31. For this infection has
Really make us know
That the world indeed
Is a global village
32. For people in the
Remotest of the remote
Parts of the world have
Contacted the disease
33. They were able to
Contact the disease because
They have had interactions
With people from other countries
34. For assuming it was
Before now, people in
My village would not
Have been affected by something like this
35. Thence, if some people
Because power is their
Custody now, because they
Have been voted to rule
36. And they jumped the
Gun to take a rash
Decision it would all
Bounce back on us,
37. Then it may be disastrous
Than this, very difficult
To be curtailed and
Stop its spread.
What to Think About
38. What our leaders should
Think about is the
Welfare of the people
How shall we maintain

39. The lives of people
Who are yet alive
How shall we subdue
This “hydra-headed” monster
40. That is called coronavirus
What do we have
To do that we have
Not done that would help out?
41. Our leaders should think
Of lives of people
They lead more than
Economy. They should think of safety first.
42. They should bear in
Mind that it is
Because there are people
In their town or country
43. That they rule over
That is why they
Call them leaders, for
If the people are all dead
44. They would become ordinary
Man in someone else’s
Country that they shall
Go to.
45. Outside that, they certainly
Would not be completely
Freed from the widespread
Because it is not all of
46. Their servants who are
Living in a well protected
Place. Some living there
May even travel and contract it outside.
47. Let us seat together
Let us put on our
Thinking caps together
And reason together: Think of Lives of people first, Think of Safety first.