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What You Possess Now May Not Be Totally New

1. There was once a man

Who dresses gorgeously in

The town. His fashion

2. Cannot be matched by

Anyone in the town

Not even by women

3. Whom many believed follow

Trend in the society

Could match this man

4. On his body the

Latest in clothing materials

Would be found

5. He was soon christened

The man of fashion

By the inhabitants of the town

6. The trend in town

Was taken to the

Man which he gladly buy

7. This was his custom.

However, he has been

Invited by his friend to a function

8. This function would happen

Outside their town and

Since the trader says

9. The cloth is the

Latest fashion in town

He gladly bought it

10. So that he would

Not go with old

Fashioned material to where they are going

11. That would ridicule his

Friend and most especially

His humble self

12. Seeing new trend there

On someone else’s neck.

It would belittle them

13. As his manner

He started to boast

Of the latest cloth

14. To his friends, saying

That everyone in the

Island they are going

Would “trip” for the fashion when they see it

15. By which they would know

That they are sociable

People, they are in town

16. They took off to

The island and they

Successfully got there.

17. When they get there

However, before the program

Starts they took their

18. Vehicle to a mechanic

Workshop to adjust the

Brake pad of the vehicle for them

19. When they got to

The mechanic that was

Described for them

20. The man saw strange

Thing, which was the

Cloth he was thinking

21. Was the latest in

Town and the fashion

Was the one the mechanic

22. Put on while doing

His work on other

Vehicles, theirs inclusive

23. He was gazing at

The man, in bewilderment

It was obvious that his mind was not with others again

24. Later they got to

Know that the town

Is called fashion’s town

25. What people consider new

Fashion in other towns

They would have used it there

26. It was again said

That the people of the

Town were not as fashionable as another town

27. That is not far

From theirs’ it is

A competition between them, people say

28. As from this time

This man stopped his

Pride knowing that

29. The world is a vast

Place, what you think

Is new with you, is obsolete somewhere else.

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